Anyone here have any experience with having to train a replacement for your current position that has a heavy background? I have about a month to train someone to take over my current position, but don't really know where to begin with the amount of information I need to give this guy.
I was the trainee in this scenario when I took over for someone one time.
The position required a lot of information to be given to me, and I only had three days to train. I bombed hard at the job due to what I believe was poor training. I was out of there after a month.
The person training me gave was a scattershot with information. One second, we'd be dealing with one task, the next second, she decided to teach me something that she just thought of, then we'd go back to the first task and I'd be confused as hell.
I guess the first thing I'd suggest is compartmentalize the stuff he needs to know. Go about your daily workload while he shadows, then get him to start doing some of the work, until you're simply watching him do everything you do.
Second thing is, write up the important shit for him. I was told to take notes, which in theory is the way to go, but that's fine for stuff like daily tasks and arbitrary stuff. Important information should be written by you for him to read over, since you know it best and you want to write it exactly how you want, rather than him writing up his own notes and possibly mix things up. It also helps you jog your memory, as well, so you don't forget everything. I took notes when I was training and the shit I wrote started conflicting because my trainer forgot to tell me some things.
I recently had to train someone for my job, since I went on vacation. Best thing I did was just write down everything I thought was important. Once I poured everything I know into Word, I started organizing it into something more compartmentalized. Gave my information to my replacement for the week and it was smooth sailing.