The Tanner Glass Era has returned! Tanner Glass is in the lineup tonight!
The return of the beast. Etem has an "illness". I think it's called Glassinfatuitis contracted from AV by a sneeze.
2 goals for Glass.
Edit: I lease, my gf buys. We share our money either way but I like to change cars more frequently and she just wants to hang onto what she's comfortable with. Leasing is also a lot more attractive in the US than Canada generally. At least when comparing, say, NY/NJ to Quebec. My current car still has NY plates and was picked up there since I have an address I can use and US assets. My next one, next Summer will be local due to exchange rate, if it stays as is.
Usually I want something decently sporty and my gf gets the tame and practical. Might get her my stepmothers Evoque after lease since it'll have like 5k miles on it tops. No idea why she bothers having a car she never drives in the city while paying a ton of parking but whatever, we benefit in the end. They basically use it occasionally on weekends. Had her X1 for a while and sold it for more than we paid. Win/win. I try to influence her purchases knowing I'll probably buy it after lol.