They've actually played quite well without him, the biggest issue is that two of our most important players (Pleks & BGally) couldn't score on an open net right now.Torrey is a good Quebec kid.
God this team sucks without Galchenyuk
I'm not just talking about the size of the leg. You can actually see where girl #1s leg ends (ie, the top of the knee before girl #2 leg takes over), though the contrast or blacks on your monitor may not be sufficient. At a minimum, though, you can see the marked distinction where the leg becomes shoe. At the bottom of girl 2s pant leg (this is the one with the hole) you can see crumpled pant. No such crumpling for girl 1. You can see white sock that does not transition over to girl 1. You can see a little shoe design that is exclusive to the girl 2 half of the leg. This isn't even to mention that the beer is clearly resting ON HER LEG, not awkwardly cupped against the side (required if that were one gigantic leg).
I'm not just talking about the size of the leg. You can actually see where girl #1s leg ends (ie, the top of the knee before girl #2 leg takes over), though the contrast or blacks on your monitor may not be sufficient. At a minimum, though, you can see the marked distinction where the leg becomes shoe. At the bottom of girl 2s pant leg (this is the one with the hole) you can see crumpled pant. No such crumpling for girl 1. You can see white sock that does not transition over to girl 1. You can see a little shoe design that is exclusive to the girl 2 half of the leg. This isn't even to mention that the beer is clearly resting ON HER LEG, not awkwardly cupped against the side (required if that were one gigantic leg).
If this girl were to stand up!
Then truly you cannot be helped. Will join the rest and return to laughingI'm using a photo editing monitor. what you see as 2 legs is still just one.
what you think is a sock is not a sock.
Then truly you cannot be helped. Will join the rest and return to laughing
Can't stop laughing
I love Marner but I dunno what his plan was on that break.
LolTeam announces Filppula held out tonight for missing a team meeting this morning
You've already lost the room, Dopey, but I don't fault you for tryingit was basically the breakaway version of Soc's arguments
You've already lost the room, Dopey, but I don't fault you for trying
You've already lost the room, Dopey, but I don't fault you for trying
i'm not trying to win an argument. I've already done that. I'm just making you and everyone else look dumb for a length of time of my choosing.
I had always respected Dopey's contributions on all things Leaf and Microsoft, but now I'm forced to question if they're actually premised on facts or cogency. 🤔Really makes you question his opinion on Leafs prospects now doesn't it. I mean, if he weren't already wrong so often about them.
He is positively glowing right nowIn Dopey culture, uniform mockery is a sign of respect and admiration
This is really lowtier trolling Dopey.
Really lowtier...actually not even sure I can call it trolling, that's being too generous.
I've noticed it both ways. Same with the bit I saw of the Cats/Leafs. It's pretty obvious that the refs have no fucking idea how to manage it. They're probably getting messaging from head office to allow it as well since it limits dangerous hits and collisionsThe amount of blatant interference the Lightning have already gotten away with in this game is ridiculous
ok i give up
Need DopeyNotes to understandHelp please, I don't know what the female form looks like, what am I looking at here?
ok i give up
Need DopeyNotes to understand
whoWhere is Alligatorjandro to say "lol hab"?
Heh.Weber is going to score to make up for that awful turnover, right?