Well, we tried to blow it but... We won!!!! 6th in a row and 1st in the division!
Avs Point
damn what a nice pass by Ribeiro
Well, we tried to blow it but... We won!!!! 6th in a row and 1st in the division!
Is Babcock more or less likely to join the Leafs if Detroit wins the cup this year? :V
Is Babcock more or less likely to join the Leafs if Detroit wins the cup this year? :V
David Pagnotta @TheFourthPeriod · 27m 27 minutes ago
From multiple sources: Rogers' NHL ratings are dropping considerably. Approx 1M less people watched Friday's Fantasy Draft than in 2012.
Told ratings across all platforms are dropped "significantly" from previous years, and there is serious disappointment from multiple areas.
Lots of work has been put forward to improve ratings, etc., but the current numbers have caught many off guard. Folks expected a rough climb
On All-Star Weekend numbers: told Fantasy Draft was down approx 700k, Skills Competition was down approx 800k & All-Star Game down approx 1M
Avs tie it up int he last second and lose in OT. Dang...
These guys spend half the year shitting on any and everything.
Is Babcock more or less likely to join the Leafs if Detroit wins the cup this year? :V
Didn't realize I get such great access to CHL games through hockeystreams.
Watching prospects stuff is going to be fantastic.
How is their draft coverage stuff? Do they just stream whatever TSN/NBCSN does?
Didn't realize I get such great access to CHL games through hockeystreams.
Watching prospects stuff is going to be fantastic.
How is their draft coverage stuff? Do they just stream whatever TSN/NBCSN does?
they stream so much stuff on HS, ive watched wrestling on it before
whatever sports center covers for drafts is usually on there.
They stream anything hockey. The beautiful thing is you have the choice of which broadcast you'd like.
Uh oh
I can't tell if he's talking just about the ASG, or about Rogers' coverage in general.
Either or, I can't say I'm that surprised. The broadcasting team Rogers' tried to pass off as their 'all star line-up' is full of odious Sportsnet personalities that no one was asking to see more of. And no wonder people weren't that interested in watching! These guys spend half the year shitting on any and everything related to the ASG.
Does this mean the Superbowl might be on there this weekend? That would be nice.
Does this mean the Superbowl might be on there this weekend? That would be nice.
anyone know if HS works on the Wii U browser?
anyone know if HS works on the Wii U browser?
I wanna say I tried it and it didn't work.
Sportsnet sucks, and I know a bunch of people who don't even get it and are missing out on some hockey this season.
The entry draft is going to be fucking awful this year, yeah we won't have to listen to Craig Button, but we'll have everything else.
did you try using the iStream function?
The mobile page? I don't remember.
works on ps4 ezez
Does the PS4 browser support flash? If it's not flash video then it should probably work on Wii U too...
Does the PS4 browser support flash? If it's not flash video then it should probably work on Wii U too...
Does the PS4 browser support flash? If it's not flash video then it should probably work on Wii U too...
this full year GCL trial really spoiled me, might have to get HS next year, I dunno
Rogers does have a lot of nationally broadcast games though
anyone know if HS works on the Wii U browser?
ok thanks guys!
Just asking because I'd be more likely to sub to HS if I can easily watch the games on the TV
doesn't have to be perfect, I mean I manage with the godawful PS3 GCL app :lol
The 2001 version of planet of the apes is fucking bad. Ohh it's bad... Everything about this move is really bland.I'm so glad the new movies came out.