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NHL January 2015 |OT| A team wearing the Maple Leaf won something at the ACC


Unconfirmed Member
the more I listen to professional "analysts", the more it rings true. few actually analyze anything.

say what you want about analytics bloggers but at least they do their homework and actually base their opinions on hard evidence.

Hopefully soon we'll have analysts on TV who don't rely on old school train of thought, and see more than just compete level in videos.

Anybody who spends any time watching the Habs can see their shitty systems, and awful player management, yet all the analysts still say he's a great coach.


'Analysts' have a business obligation to sell themselves as a means of driving viewership outside of the game broadcasts.

Until every Leafs or Habs or Wings or etc. game is on one network, and one network alone, this is going to be the case (and that would only partially alleviate it). It's just magnified in Toronto because we have double the amount of media coverage than anywhere else.
You guys need Anderson.

Send us Coyle back pls.

Would probably do at this point.

Cleary for Sutter.

He's a great locker-room guy I heard and just what you need to right that ship and get everyone back in line, a one of a kind leader.

Would also probably do.

Wtf is happening in Minnesota?!? :lol
Wow. What In the heck is going on in Minnesota?

This was posted in the blog of the guy who was tweeting out the play by play earlier today:
It was the Wild’s 13th loss in 20 games and the latest bad goal surrendered by Darcy Kuemper. Coach Mike Yeo liked just about everything about the Wild’s game … except the goaltending.

So...a whole bunch of losing and one goaltender who can't stay healthy, another goaltender who is injured and old, and another goaltender who apparently has the mental strength and confidence of a bullied tween.
Yeo probably sees the writing on the wall. His job can't be safe. Wasn't there that one year where they were first in the league in December and then had a Leafs-level collapse to miss the playoffs? If they had lost to Colorado in the first round last season I bet he would've been canned.

On paper the team seems pretty solid. Outside of goaltending their biggest hole is the 1C position. Does Backstrom have an NTC/NMC? They should put him on waivers and call up Harding. Kuemper is probably burning out.

The Central is pretty ridiculous though. Wild are 1 point out of last in the division and 6 points out of the last playoff spot.
Yeo probably sees the writing on the wall. His job can't be safe. Wasn't there that one year where they were first in the league in December and then had a Leafs-level collapse to miss the playoffs? If they had lost to Colorado in the first round last season I bet he would've been canned.

On paper the team seems pretty solid. Outside of goaltending their biggest hole is the 1C position. Does Backstrom have an NTC/NMC? They should put him on waivers and call up Harding. Kuemper is probably burning out.

The Central is pretty ridiculous though. Wild are 1 point out of last in the division and 6 points out of the last playoff spot.

Harding is probably done. He had a few games in the AHL this year for conditioning and had a huge relapse and had to be hospitalized for like two days, then sent back to Minnesota to be with his family. That was a few months ago now and there hasn't been any news.

Yeah Minnesota was #1 in the league through the end of December then missed the playoffs entirely to draft #7 overall. Biggest collapse in league history. No other team has been in 1st place that late into the season and then missed the playoffs, let alone draft top 10.


In no way should Yeo be fired and I think Fletcher knows that. Too many injuries and sickness going around for this team to have great success. Plus we are without Parise and Suter has been playing with a lot on his mind.

Also if we fire Yeo who would we hire? Parise and Suter hate Balsma so that's a no go. Also the players would be pissed cause they love Yeo. Also I believe Fletcher said Yeo was completely safe. I'm rambling I know.
Nathan Walker snow globe being handed out at the next game.



Russo - "Lastly, as of this morning, I was entirely confident that Yeo’s job was completely safe. According to sources, Fletcher is actively looking for a goaltender and that’s where the Wild believes most of its problems lay right now."

rip me watching the wild if that ever happens


I wonder which goalies are available? I actually don't think management is considering moving Reimer until the end of the season.

Maybe in Buffalo/Carolina?

Cake Boss

Russo - "Lastly, as of this morning, I was entirely confident that Yeo’s job was completely safe. According to sources, Fletcher is actively looking for a goaltender and that’s where the Wild believes most of its problems lay right now."

rip me watching the wild if that ever happens



Nyquist fined for embellishment... lel

wow apparently Carlyle's brother in law died today. that's some... shit timing.
Jesus Christ, it has not been a great week for Carlyle:


During a 25-minute interview with the Toronto Sun, Carlyle was able to smile and joke, though there was a sense of real sadness in his voice. Carlyle said, yes, of course, being fired by the Leafs on Tuesday hurt like hell, but in comparison with everything else going on in his life lately, it’s nothing he can’t face with smile. The day after Leafs management pulled the trigger on his job, on Wednesday, Carlyle’s brother-in-law, John Stack, (the brother of Carlyle’s wife Corey) died of ALS in his hometown of Sudbury. Stack, a former jail guard, had battled the disease for more than a year. Carlyle had driven his wife and mother-in-law earlier this week up to Sudbury and drove back down to Toronto early Wednesday morning to pick up his daughter Alexis before heading back up north for the funeral later this week

More from that article now that I'm reading past the first couple of paragraphs:

“It was a year of hell,” Carlyle added. “This (losing my job) is so minute when you spend the time with your family and see the heartache that’s just gone on in their life and the hardships that are coming and the loss of a loved one and a family member. But that’s a reality of life. That’s life. My experiencing losing my job is minute.”

More than the passing of his brother-in-law and losing his job (after guiding the Leafs to a 21-16-3 record this season), Carlyle revealed that he also has to undergo back surgery later in this month and is dealing with some credit card issues.

“Some of our credit cards have been compromised,” he said. “It happened over Christmas. But these things happen. This is life.”

The new year certainly has not been kind to the long-time NHL coach and player, though he had nothing negative to say about the Leafs or his former players, making the latter perfectly clear.

“I have a relationship with those people. It’s courteous, it’s professional. Do I like what happened? No. But that’s part of the business and now it’s time for me to just go low for a little bit in my life,” said Carlyle, who coached the Anaheim Ducks to a Stanley Cup in 2007. “I’ve got some personal issues that are going on around me and my family. And that’s most important. I spent two days in an environment where losing my job is so minute.

“(Being fired) is part of the pro business,” he added. “We didn’t win enough. And obviously I don’t feel good about it. And I’m not looking at (management) and saying ‘Those rotten, ‘effin ...’ whatever word you want to use. I’m looking at it and saying, ‘Hey, they made a decision. I was fortunate enough to work for some great people. Larry Tanenbaum is a friend of mine, Dale Lastman is a friend of mine. I got to know George Cope a little bit. Shanny gave me an extra year on my contract.


“When I walked off the ice in Winnipeg, in my mind, I thought this could be my last game,” said Carlyle.

Two days later, he could see the axe was about to fall.

“I got a text from Noni (Nonis) on Monday night after the world junior game, and he said ‘I want to meet you in the office tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock,’ ” said Carlyle. “He actually knew that I wouldn’t be able to make it. He knew where I was because I told him I needed to drive my mother-in-law and my wife to Sudbury. So he knew I was there and I was planning on making it back for practice the next morning (Tuesday).

“So there was a red flag automatically, a light went on in my mind ... well, if he wants to meet me at 8 o’clock, obviously it’s pretty important,” Carlyle continued. “So I just said, ‘Call me.” And we had a conversation. And I said, ‘I’m not going to drive five hours back and through a snow storm to get fired. You might as well do it now.’”

Which Nonis did. He fired Carlyle over the phone

“But I don’t hold any ill will because it was over the phone,” said Carlyle. “I don’t. I just said, if you’re going to make a change Dave, let me know.”

Nonis is a dick


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Sweden's internal top3 all-star list for the WJC has neither Nylander (their best player of the tournament arguably) and Forsling (more than twice as many points as any other defenseman) on it

Good one, Sweden.

(Forsling made tournament all-star though)


Sweden's internal top3 all-star list for the WJC has neither Nylander (their best player of the tournament arguably) and Forsling (more than twice as many points as any other defenseman) on it

Good one, Sweden.

(Forsling made tournament all-star though)

Do you just mean the top 3 players awarded after the bronze medal game? Cause they apparently awarded their Captain and two Assistants... which is a fair approach I guess.

if you can find his bunker

Well they brought him to the world championships last year :lol


come in my shame circle
don't know if you guys saw it, there's a slightly extended version of the Kessel/Feschuk incident yesterday


I for one am shocked that he would single out just Feschuk about this.

I mean how could he single out Feschuk who writes such great things about him like:

“I will bring more enthusiasm and more passion,” Leiweke said. “What you can be assured of is we’re going to work even harder.”

Somewhere, Leafs forward Phil Kessel is on a golf course saying: “Harder? That’s a joke, right?”


Can the Leafs win anything of significance if their pudgy designated goal scorer happily sports multiple chins in a league dominated by gluten-free, goji-berry-favouring fitness nuts?


As an optimist, you’d like to think Kessel is capable of improving and evolving and dominating. As a realist, you know Kessel has only ever been described as being “driven” on the days he catches a lift to the rink with his roommate Bozie.


I'm not going to be able to make it to another game until the 16th. Let us know what the stock levels are looking like whenever you get there. I need to replace my white home jersey since my team signed one from the 90s has a big bbq sauce stain on it.
I won't be back till Teemu Night...
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