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NHL Lockout With Your Cock Out |OT|


Larry Brooks ‏@NYP_Brooksie

Cap hits on $ over 1m in AHL going forward.

Larry Brooks ‏@NYP_Brooksie

PA also proposes elimination of team walk away rights in salary arb.

Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie

The NHLPA breakdown of the $393M it is seeking for Make Whole is as follows: Year 1: 182M, Year 2: 128M, Year 3: 72M, Year 4: 11M.

Also in PA proposal: For on-ice discipline, appeal process to neutral arbitrator or panel of 3 arbitrators (one NHL, one NHLPA, one neutral)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Love that neutral arbitrator thing.

Boys, I'm hyping. This isn't good. Fully expect to be crashing down here.


Darren Dreger said:
Fehr wouldn't confirm he was pushed to change PA's position in proposal, but, told he and hardliners had to be convinced to move.

YES. Suck it, Fehr. It's clear the players are pushing him.


Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie

The NHLPA proposal on "cap benefit recapture" (anti-backdiving measure) only applies to new contracts and deals of 9 or more years.

This one is going to be a prickly one.

Cake Boss

Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie

NHLPA also proposes any salary over $1M in the minors gets counted against the cap but not the players' share.

Why would the PA propose that, they are only losing money for their players by doing that, if the Rangers weren't able to bury that Redden contract, could have they offered Richards all that money or any other player for example?

Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie

NHLPA proposes elimination of re-entry waivers and the four-recall rule post trade deadline.

Yeah this was a stupid rule to begin with.


November 21, 2012 NHLPA Memo to Members

Today, Donald Fehr issued a memo to the players after meeting with the NHL.

He starts the memo as follows:

The NHLPA’s Negotiating Committee today provided the NHL Owners with a comprehensive 6 page proposal on the key issues (see below). As you will read in the proposal, the players have made substantial moves in order to address all of the owners’ concerns, end the owners’ lockout and get the game back on the ice. Our proposal works off the league’s proposed language/structures and moves off our position that there be a guaranteed players’ share. These are major moves in the owners’ direction. Regarding player contractual issues, we have also addressed the owners concerns regarding back-diving contacts and NHL contacts being “buried” in the minors.

Fehr continues by indicating that there is now an "undisputed gap" between the sides when it comes to revenue:

Now that we have made this proposal, there is no longer any doubt as to how far apart the parties are in dollars. As you will recall, we had previously said we thought the gap was less than $200M, while the owners had said that the gap was much larger and close to $1B. Under our proposal, it is now undisputed that the gap is only $182 M over 5 years. Now it is up to the owners to finally make a move towards the players.

At the same time, we have protected player rights by refusing to accept their proposals restricting free agency and salary arbitration.

Fehr continues by outlining the key points in the NHLPA's proposal:

Here are a few significant details from our proposal:

Players’ Share: A major move in the owners’ direction by removing guarantees or fixed targets for Players’ share.

Honouring Players’ Contracts/Transition payments: Players’ Share will equal 50 percent of HRR plus fixed payments in the first four years to partially honour player contracts and ease the transition to 50/50:

2012-13 - $182M
2013-14 - $128M
2014-15 - $72M
2015-16 - $11M
Total $393M
*The owners had previously proposed $211M

Long-term back-diving contracts – Cap benefit recapture rule so clubs no longer benefit from front-loading contracts (move in the owners’ direction)

Contracts in the minors – Clubs take a cap hit on contracts in the minors over $1M (move in the owners’ direction)

Four Recall Rule – Unlimited recalls after regular season (move in the owners’ direction)

Salary Arbitration – Elimination of walk-away from arbitrator’s decision, but clubs can still “walk-away” by not qualifying a player

...We will provide a further update following this meeting.



Not bitter, just unsweetened
@TSNBobMcKenzie: NHLPA proposes the Upper Limit (salary cap) may not fall below 67.25 M in any year of the agreement.


That's $2 bil lol

Halp the NHLPA is being stupid again


Elliotte Friedman ‏@FriedgeHNIC

NHLPA leaders tell players they have "refused" to accept NHL proposals restricting free agency and salary arbitration.

Renaud Lavoie ‏@RenLavoieRDS

Transition rule: possible compliance buyouts.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
@TSNBobMcKenzie: NHLPA proposes the Upper Limit (salary cap) may not fall below 67.25 M in any year of the agreement.


That's $2 bil lol

Halp the NHLPA is being stupid again

LOL...well, there goes the hype.

Edit: Although, that's the upper limit, NOT THE FLOOR, so that's not bad. As a Wings fan, that might benefit me. Time to buy another Cup banner to go next to our 2002 one!

Cake Boss

@TSNBobMcKenzie: NHLPA proposes the Upper Limit (salary cap) may not fall below 67.25 M in any year of the agreement.


That's $2 bil lol

Halp the NHLPA is being stupid again

Its not that bad, the cap is already at 71M.

If that was the proposed floor of 67M then yeah.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
It works in NHL favor if rev growth but

Fuck man the NHLPA is really trying to make this MLB part two and its smart


How is there still no NHL. Fuck all parties involved.

And my internet is too slow to connect to XBL and download the last episode of TWD. FUCK.


It's de-linked though

They propose 50/50 and then don't do 50/50?

It's not delinked though?

It's 50/50 - actually its like 54,52,51,50,50 with the make whole.

The Cap doesn't matter because if every team spent $67 million, whatever HRR is, the players would only get 50/50 and the owners would keep the escrow payments. This is just a rough example.

But as long as the overall language is linked which it appears to be, the Cap numbers don't matter. The Cap could be $100 million for all I care, the players would only get 50/50.

EDIT - I guess there might be some tricky wording in year 2 so it could be de-linked. I think the PA is basing year 2 on 3.3 billion + 5% growth per McKenzie? but not sure.
Elliotte Friedman ‏@FriedgeHNIC
Very interesting sentence in NHLPA proposal: "beginning with the second year of the Agreement, players' share, expressed in dollars may not fall below its value for the prior season."

Welp that's that.


This deal needs to get done. I mean, if Israel and Hamas can reach a deal then surely so can the NHL and NHLPA!, right? Right?


This deal needs to get done. I mean, if Israel and Hamas can reach a deal then surely so can the NHL and NHLPA!, right? Right?

Once Tim Thomas told me he was going to sit out a season, I knew there was going to be no season. Maybe Savard will have his cyborg body ready for 2013-14.


Crosby and Bieber.

Bieber is going to be the halftime act for the Grey Cup......that is the more wtf scene

LOL @ Swaggy hat


I wonder what hats would say back in my youth......Sweet, Cowabunga, Dude?


I made this comment to my Israeli mom yesterday, which situation gets resolved more on Wednesday....

I swear I came up with it on my own. That said, I knew it was the obvious joke to make and so I wouldn't be the first one... But looking at Twitter, Jesus, I didn't realise the joke would already have been pounded into the ground.
I swear I came up with it on my own. That said, I knew it was the obvious joke to make and so I wouldn't be the first one... But looking at Twitter, Jesus, I didn't realise the joke would already have been pounded into the ground.

And I thought my joke comparing Skyfall to Home Alone was supremely clever and then I saw it 20 times on Gaf when I got home from the theatre
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