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NHL Lockout With Your Cock Out |OT|


I wish the owners and players did have their meeting, I imagine it would resemble a dance scene from any hundreds of teen movies where the girls are on one side and the boys are on the other until one brave soul (probably sydney) sashays towards the other side and asks someone (probably daryl katz since he's got that long beautiful mane) to dance.

As those two begin dancing slowly everybody else partners up as well and everything's going great and you just know by the end of the night a deal is getting plowed. That is, until fehr crashes in like ben stiller from heavyweights and goes on a tirade about how wrong it is for the two sides to work together. Fed up, the players and owners tie fehr up to a tree outside and smear him with honey for bettman who's known to prowl the nearby woods.

The season starts the next day. Everybody's happy. The end.

"The players tried coming back to the owners with a new proposal that separated both sides by $182 million. Instead of making a counter proposal, the NHL rejected the players overture within two hours," said a union source.

"Then, the players asked for mediation, hoping it would lead to a fresh approach in negotiations. It lasted two days before the NHL stopped that process. The union now has become nothing more than a tool used by the NHL to continuously violate antitrust laws. As such, decertification of the NHLPA will render the lockout and all resulting actions by the NHL illegal, subjecting the owners to payment of massive economic damages. It's time to take this fight to federal court."

Well if that's their line of thinking, then losing 1 season is optimistic.




Lets just start our own hockey league. I dont live more than 4 hours away from Crosby. Ill kidnap and we'll have our star!
Hopefully we'll never see NHL hockey ever again. I'm done with that shitty excuse for a professional sports league.

Even if they finally come to an agreement, you know this will happen all over again in another 5-6 years. They just can't help themselves.

Lets just start our own hockey league. I dont live more than 4 hours away from Crosby. Ill kidnap and we'll have our star!
Hell, you don't even need to kidnap him. Tell him you're filming a Tim Hortons commercial. He'll be right on that shit.

Same goes for Toews. Cept replace Tim Hortons with Canadian Tires.
The two sides didn't talk for months before the season is cancelled.

This time around they've been pretty much constantly communicating.

This looks exactly like the NBA lockout so there's still hope they get a deal done to save the season.


If we have some ugly women and beer, we might be able to get P. Kane!

not good enough.



come in my shame circle
Yep. I've pretty much checked out for this season.

It really makes this all so much easier. This thread delivers about 90% of the info I hear about the lockout. I don't listen to it on TSN or the radio.

Luckily on my morning commute Pierre McGuire talks more football than he does hockey and I just have to deal with it sometimes during the drive home with James Cybulski but by then I put on the ipod and just listen to music until it's over.


It was actually more optimistic :lol
I don't remember it being more optimistic. The players were refusing to budge on the whole salary cap issue.

Regardless of the issues or how close/far they are, the story we get from both sides will always be the same bullshit about not speaking the same language, not making significant movement, not wanting to make a deal, blah blah blah.
Regardless of the issues or how close/far they are, the story we get from both sides will always be the same bullshit about not speaking the same language, not making significant movement, not wanting to make a deal, blah blah blah.

Fehr and the players are fighting back purely on principle which is what makes it harder. I don't think it's about money, it's payback for the last lockout etc.


This is why I side with the players at times. Just honor their contracts!

So if the NHLPA decertifies(sp? Is that even a word?), that will supposedly end the cap. But can the owners still make league rules that forbid teams to spend over a certain amount?

They don't just want their contracts honored, they want to make sure the amount of money they receive never goes down. Saying 'we want our contracts honored" just sounds better.

If they decertify and successfully sue the league, then things like the draft, salary cap etc. are all illegal. But they'd lose a lot of CBA benefits as well, I don't think they'd want to play under such a system.

That's all assuming they win, it's not a given.


They don't just want their contracts honored, they want to make sure the amount of money they receive never goes down. Saying 'we want our contracts honored" just sounds better.

If they decertify and successfully sue the league, then things like the draft, salary cap etc. are all illegal. But they'd lose a lot of CBA benefits as well, I don't think they'd want to play under such a system.

That's all assuming they win, it's not a given.

Yeah but can't the league say "If you want to play here, these are our rules" or will that still be illegal under antitrust laws?
Fehr and the players are fighting back purely on principle which is what makes it harder. I don't think it's about money, it's payback for the last lockout etc.

The 'payback' idea is overstated. While I am sure there are several players who would love nothing more than to see Bettman and his leadership cadre destroyed, there's no evidence to suggest these players are representative of the union as a whole.

For me, it seems like the NHL has been fighting on principle. The owners are (perhaps justifiably) terrified of the NHLPA becoming anything like the MLBPA. They know (I believe this is what that WaPo columnist was talking about) that Fehr is very, very good at this game, and they want nothing more than for him to be out of the picture. Hence the player-GM calls of October, and the player-owners meetings they've now proposed.


1 team can do that sure, but if other teams get together and impose matching rules then it would be collusion. That is illegal.

So league-wide rules wouldn't apply?

Wouldn't collusion be when there are unwritten rules? For example, I remember reading that a team NOT offer-sheeting a player because of some "unwritten rule" whether it be screwing over an owner or fear of one of your players getting "offer-sheeted", "don't offer-sheet me and I won't offer-sheet you" can be considered collusion. Does that make sense?
The rich teams would sign all the players they could and the rest of the league would try and save money and be as cheap as possible and a lot of players will have to play for less money or not play at all
The rich teams would sign all the players they could and the rest of the league would try and save money and be as cheap as possible and a lot of players will have to play for less money or not play at all

And no one would buy tickets to see the cheap teams just to see them get blown out by the big teams and the franchises would eventually move or fold.

The 'payback' idea is overstated. While I am sure there are several players who would love nothing more than to see Bettman and his leadership cadre destroyed, there's no evidence to suggest these players are representative of the union as a whole.

For me, it seems like the NHL has been fighting on principle. The owners are (perhaps justifiably) terrified of the NHLPA becoming anything like the MLBPA. They know (I believe this is what that WaPo columnist was talking about) that Fehr is very, very good at this game, and they want nothing more than for him to be out of the picture. Hence the player-GM calls of October, and the player-owners meetings they've now proposed.

Players are far more defensive because they got bent over the last time IMHO.

Yes I think the league wants a "company union" they can bend over every time the CBA comes up for renewal, unless there's a point where the NHL benefits from negotiating a CBA quickly if that's even possible.
I don't think we can ever see the NHLPA becoming like the MLBPA. Fehr doesn't have much leverage. He can't go on strike and he can't sue the league for collusion. Maybe if we can sue the league successfully for antitrust but that would take years and there's no guarantee they'd win. Do the players really want to lose 2 years to find out ?
So league-wide rules wouldn't apply?

Wouldn't collusion be when there are unwritten rules? For example, I remember reading that a team NOT offer-sheeting a player because of some "unwritten rule" whether it be screwing over an owner or fear of one of your players getting "offer-sheeted", "don't offer-sheet me and I won't offer-sheet you" can be considered collusion. Does that make sense?
If the PA wins the anti-trust lawsuit then no, league wide contacting and pay rules are void. All parts of the players' contracts are negotiated per player per team. League wide pay rules cannot exist unless the league becomes the owner of all 30 teams.
And no one would buy tickets to see the cheap teams just to see them get blown out by the big teams and the franchises would eventually move or fold.
The league wouldn't survive. ~80% of the teams would fold. Without a CBA who would buy into the league? Owners will have to pay for league recognition then pay through the nose for players or suffer being a feeder team and folding. Ad revenue will fall out, TV deals gone, fan base is capped to only a few markets and cannot grow. Meanwhile player would continue to rise. Then the league cannot continue.


Really hope this Owners/Players direct meeting happens. If for nothing else than to see what they'll say about each other if nothing comes from it.

Bettman, just set a final due date before the season is cancelled and you'll either get a deal done at the 11th hour, or not, and we can all move on.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Any fellow Canadians watch the show Dragons Den? This past week a guy got money for a concussion sensor that goes on top of hockey helmets and sends information to a phone / computer when a player gets hit, and describes the severity of it. It's pretty cool here's an article : http://blogs.thescore.com/nhl/2012/...sensor-gets-350000-investment-on-dragons-den/

And you can see the full pitch on cbc.ca/dragonsden/ it's the last pitch in the show.


Any fellow Canadians watch the show Dragons Den? This past week a guy got money for a concussion sensor that goes on top of hockey helmets and sends information to a phone / computer when a player gets hit, and describes the severity of it. It's pretty cool here's an article : http://blogs.thescore.com/nhl/2012/...sensor-gets-350000-investment-on-dragons-den/

And you can see the full pitch on cbc.ca/dragonsden/ it's the last pitch in the show.

I don't watch it, but that's a great idea. There was a story from a couple/few months ago about implementing a similar system for minor hockey players (kids' heads are pretty fragile, it seems!). This should be a standard in the NHL.

It's practically fool-proof, just have to take into account when helmets pop off their heads (which would be visible with the naked eye, lol). iPads/tablets are beginning to be implemented into various leagues, chief among them the NFL. This guy could be raking in millions soon with this.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
He said on the show a NHL team that wishes to remain anonymous is already using them. Seems so obvious, he's definitely going to be cashing in big time.


He said on the show a NHL team that wishes to remain anonymous is already using them. Seems so obvious, he's definitely going to be cashing in big time.

I'm guessing Vancouver. 10% stake of the company, Canucks fan. Probably asked them about it afterwards.

With some more R&D, the sensor could probably be smaller. Not for the sake of style, but I can imagine the sensor popping off easier with its current size, how it protrudes, and the force of impacts players take. Especially if you put it on an football helmet.

Partner this with the Adidas miCoach, which the MLS implemented league-wide, and you pretty much have complete data on every player in a team. It has coaching features, which tells coaches player positioning via GPS, but it's more useful for trainers with tracking players' various health data in real time.

Wouldn't surprise me to see it earlier given the NHLPA's bullshit this time around.

I'm going to guess mid-January, if this is the case. Honestly, I just want Bettman to cancel the season earlier.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Darren Dredger said:
May not get a lot of detail on players conference call. It's over. Great deal of discussion. NHL will get answer from PA tonight or Sat am.

Ryan Lambert said:
hard for people 2 run info across burned bridges RT "May not get a lot of detail on players conference call. It's over. Great deal of discussion. NHL will get answer from PA tonight or Sat am."

Lulz, poor Dredger, guy is going to kill himself before this is all over.


I can only imagine how awkward it's going to be whenever this is over.

"Hey, boss, didn't mean to call you guys greedy bastards. Let's be friends!"

"[Player] traded for a bag of pucks. More on Sportscentre!"
Josh Brown ‏@BrownRecord
Kitchener Rangers goalie John Gibson (ANA) suffered hip flexor strain vs. London Knights Tuesday. He has been shut down. #OHL #NHLducks

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