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NHL Lockout With Your Cock Out |OT|

Cake Boss

"@GregThomsonNHL: Both sides - NHL and the PA - will meet at 2:15 to continue negotiations. Contract lengths and front loaded deals are high on the agenda."

Moment of truth motherfuckers


"@GregThomsonNHL: Both sides - NHL and the PA - will meet at 2:15 to continue negotiations. Contract lengths and front loaded deals are high on the agenda."

Moment of truth motherfuckers

Here’s a story illustrating the self-interested, tyrannical leadership at play on the NHL’s side:

Winnipeg Jets representation at a recent NHL Board of Governors meeting piped up to say it was opposed to engaging in a long, bloody lockout sure to stymie their franchise’s momentum and hurt the game of hockey.

It wasn’t Winnipeg owner Mark Chipman, but rather one of the alternate governors representing the Jets.

Bruins Principal Owner and Chairman of the Board of Governors Jeremy Jacobs answered by reprimanding the Winnipeg representative as one of the “new kids on the block” and informed him that he would know when he was allowed to speak in the NHL board room.


Just saw this today, but christ.



Shocking Update #CBA meetings. The owner said to have been the most helpful to players in the meetings. Not who most have assumed! (cont.)

Yes Ron Burkle has been a voice of reason but the answer is and most people won't believe it but it is true.......JEREMY JACOBS @nhl @nhlpa

Also gives you an idea where Burton got his info from.


Everyone will be happy and hopeful until someone presents a deal with actual numbers in it, at which point they'll go back to being pissed off at each other for "not speaking the same language".


I have stuck by it all along. It's far too obvious to both sides that wiping a whole season is far far worse for both sides than hashing it out and getting it done. It's playing out pretty predictably. Both sides squeeze as much as they can out of the other, then hammer out a deal.

I know with these groups anything can happen, but i'd expect a deal shortly.


I have stuck by it all along. It's far too obvious to both sides that wiping a whole season is far far worse for both sides than hashing it out and getting it done. It's playing out pretty predictably. Both sides squeeze as much as they can out of the other, then hammer out a deal.

I know with these groups anything can happen, but i'd expect a deal shortly.
Uh huh.



I have had periods where I've swung emotionally at some of the highs and lows, but at the end of the day it's still pretty obvious. There is no "winner" in a wiped season this time around. There is no salary cap the owners can hang their hats on and say "this is why it was worth it to lose a year".

The players also have to know that if it becomes a game of "who breaks first?" They lose, every single time. There's simply far too many players to keep on the same page, especially the guys making minimum wage. Those guys are going to start to get uneasy long before the owners do.

I would be genuinely surprised (not shocked, because these people have massive egos) if they didn't get a deal done to save a season.

Cake Boss

"@jessespector: End-to-end action! RT @reporterchris: NHL delegation has left the meeting room after about 10 minutes. Sides are going back and forth here."


Not bitter, just unsweetened
"@jessespector: End-to-end action! RT @reporterchris: NHL delegation has left the meeting room after about 10 minutes. Sides are going back and forth here."

I think Chris meant for about 10 minutes

After 10 minutes doesn't make a lick of sense

Cake Boss

"@cotsonika: Players are waiting for NHL to respond to proposal. This presumably will tell them how far owners are really willing to bend.



If we get through today without things blowing up we're gonna be in pretty good shape. Hopefully the PA offer is reasonable and is received well. Positive dialogue is all well and good but we'll see if it translates. Hopefully cooler heads continue to prevail.
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