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NHL Lockout With Your Cock Out |OT|


If you just left a million in a savings account and used that for your bills, food, etc. I really don't see how you'd go broke. You'd still have the other millions to party it up and such.

Blah. I just don't get the problems of millionaires. Didn't their parents teach them how to budget? Don't they have enough sense to hire a fucking FINANCIAL PLANNER early on in their careers?

because you get stuck on the amount. They make a lot, but that doesn't instantly mean that they need to capitulate to the owners who (most) make orders of magnitudes more. Why have the last 2 labor negotiations started off with a rollback of salaries? What happened in 8 years, when the league had really good growth and owners have been signing these deals to all of a sudden need to roll back? Did it 8 years ago, did it again, so now every time there is a labor negotiation you are at a starting point of rolling back salaries.
Anyone here have their ref's certification? Thinking about getting mine. The only issue is no car so I'd be confined to one or two metro accessible rinks that I assume probably already have a pretty deep ref pool.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So, how is NHL 13? I liked the demo but scanned the GAF thread and it appears to have a ton of problems.


because you get stuck on the amount. They make a lot, but that doesn't instantly mean that they need to capitulate to the owners who (most) make orders of magnitudes more. Why have the last 2 labor negotiations started off with a rollback of salaries? What happened in 8 years, when the league had really good growth and owners have been signing these deals to all of a sudden need to roll back? Did it 8 years ago, did it again, so now every time there is a labor negotiation you are at a starting point of rolling back salaries.
Many teams are still apparently losing money. A team's biggest cost is the player's salaries, so it seems natural for them to want to have some of that back to get out of the red.

I don't have sympathy for either side, but don't go crying about worrying how you're going to feed your family while making 15 times more than the average person.

Cake Boss

Should be an interesting team to watch, I think the games will be on Team 1200, I wonder if we'll get any TV coverage ? (Doubt it). I wonder how Richardson will do as coach.

Would be great if they use Sportsnet Sens picked up the games.

Should be a good year for Bingo, I am more interested in Petersson, one of our most underrated prospect.


It took me a moment before realizing that you guys were referring to "Bingo" as in "Binghamton" and not bingo the game.


Many teams are still apparently losing money. A team's biggest cost is the player's salaries, so it seems natural for them to want to have some of that back to get out of the red.

I don't have sympathy for either side, but don't go crying about worrying how you're going to feed your family while making 15 times more than the average person.

well yes, the last sentence is correct. I have no sympathy for anyone who wants to push a "how can i LIVE! as an excuse" its better to just leave it alone and that you're arguing for what you are arguing for.

"apparently" losing money also... Are there better options for these teams then to continue to lose money by spending the minimum? Is there a path out? After how many years of increased prosperity the NHL has seen should they still be there? Why would an owner continue to want to own a team that consistently loses money where a temporary 20% rollback in salaries is going to help them for what, 2 to 3 years then they lose money again?
well yes, the last sentence is correct. I have no sympathy for anyone who wants to push a "how can i LIVE! as an excuse" its better to just leave it alone and that you're arguing for what you are arguing for.

"apparently" losing money also... Are there better options for these teams then to continue to lose money by spending the minimum? Is there a path out? After how many years of increased prosperity the NHL has seen should they still be there? Why would an owner continue to want to own a team that consistently loses money where a temporary 20% rollback in salaries is going to help them for what, 2 to 3 years then they lose money again?

Don't forget revenue sharing. "But, but, but why should profitable teams have to support the losers!?!? They should be able to spend what they can afford on players!?!" the other side tends to say. You seem to forget that the NHL has a gov't endorsed monopoly where the "profitable" owners get to make money by bringing in ALL THE OTHER TEAMS to play against eachother. The teams don't exist in a vacuum and the prosperity should be spread around.... o and teams that lose money for 15 years should be moved. That's just fucking common sense.

Teams are losing money because the NHL is managed extremely poorly from a financial point of view. Not even talking about decisions made relating to the game or "branding." The NHL REGULARLY makes decisions that are the equivalent of throwing money into a fire. No other sport really has that sort of issues. All leagues have their "PR" issues regarding things like rules, suspensions, and the handling of players, but the NHL is the only one where you actually look at the numbers of how huge amounts of money are spent and go "What the fuck were they thinking?" The players are right to not just agree to have labor costs get cut every few years so the league can keep acting like jackasses with no competition.

The players are absolutely morons for bitching, but that doesn't mean the union management is acting economically irrationally. If anything they're the ones making the most economic sense pushing for expanded revenue sharing.


"apparently" losing money also... Are there better options for these teams then to continue to lose money by spending the minimum? Is there a path out? After how many years of increased prosperity the NHL has seen should they still be there? Why would an owner continue to want to own a team that consistently loses money where a temporary 20% rollback in salaries is going to help them for what, 2 to 3 years then they lose money again?
I really have no idea. I'm not speaking for the owners or anything. I'm just guessing what the rationalization is for salary rollbacks.


Don't forget revenue sharing. "But, but, but why should profitable teams have to support the losers!?!? They should be able to spend what they can afford on players!?!" the other side tends to say. You seem to forget that the NHL has a gov't endorsed monopoly where the "profitable" owners get to make money by bringing in ALL THE OTHER TEAMS to play against eachother. The teams don't exist in a vacuum and the prosperity should be spread around.... o and teams that lose money for 15 years should be moved. That's just fucking common sense.

Teams are losing money because the NHL is managed extremely poorly from a financial point of view. Not even talking about decisions made relating to the game or "branding." The NHL REGULARLY makes decisions that are the equivalent of throwing money into a fire. No other sport really has that sort of issues. All leagues have their "PR" issues regarding things like rules, suspensions, and the handling of players, but the NHL is the only one where you actually look at the numbers of how huge amounts of money are spent and go "What the fuck were they thinking?" The players are right to not just agree to have labor costs get cut every few years so the league can keep acting like jackasses with no competition.

The players are absolutely morons for bitching, but that doesn't mean the union management is acting economically irrationally. If anything they're the ones making the most economic sense pushing for expanded revenue sharing.

i agree with you, not sure if you are just making a generalized statement. I'm not SOLELY advocating for under performing teams to be cast off, i'm advocating for ways to fix the teams or systems, and its obvious by what happened since the last lockout that the NHL can't fix it by arbitrarily rolling back salaries every handful of years when they have issues.

The players live in a world where all their friends make as much as they do, they should just realize that by speaking publicly about their woes to people who make less in a year then they do per game isn't that wise.
i agree with you, not sure if you are just making a generalized statement. I'm not SOLELY advocating for under performing teams to be cast off, i'm advocating for ways to fix the teams or systems, and its obvious by what happened since the last lockout that the NHL can't fix it by arbitrarily rolling back salaries every handful of years when they have issues.

The players live in a world where all their friends make as much as they do, they should just realize that by speaking publicly about their woes to people who make less in a year then they do per game isn't that wise.

Yeah I'm agreeing with you... I was expanding on what you said.

Players = Idiots. Not news. Union management = Acting responsibly. No other union would act differently. League Management = Consistent incompetence of the highest order.


Turnbuckles in the corners, run-ins from he crowd and casket shootouts.

rather than have line changes every few minutes a buzzer goes off to let another skater from each team join the ice until each team is on the ice, royal rumble style
That's interesting because the NHLPA flat out refuses to accept any reduction in salaries and here Mr. Lupul says they are, maybe he is talking about that fantasy reduction in increases if league revenues keep growing at 7% (which they won't if this stoppage drags on).
That's interesting because the NHLPA flat out refuses to accept any reduction in salaries and here Mr. Lupul says they are, maybe he is talking about that fantasy reduction in increases if league revenues keep growing at 7% (which they won't if this stoppage drags on).


Where is everyone getting "the PA won't accept cuts?" They won't accept cuts to PAST salaries. Which makes sense considering they were ALREADY AGREED UPON!
52% with guaranteed raises, fyi

It was still a cut from 57% Pretty big cut, fyi. They still OFFERED a concession. What has the league moved from? Have they moved on revenue sharing? No. They consistently ignore the elephant in the room and keep on pointing at player salaries and say "LOOK OVER THERE." No other league has the same disparity in revenue that the NHL has and they REFUSE to even talk about it.

Where is everyone getting "the PA won't accept cuts?" They won't accept cuts to PAST salaries. Which makes sense considering they were ALREADY AGREED UPON!

How are you supposed to hit 52% HRR without cutting existing contracts ? (unless you magically assume league revenues continue to grow which they won't). And what if league revenues shrink ? Players still get their money + raises under their proposal unlike now.

And that's why we have no hockey.

It was still a cut from 57% Pretty big cut, fyi. They still OFFERED a concession. What has the league moved from? Have they moved on revenue sharing? No.

Yes they offered to increase revenue sharing from the current $150M to $190M-ish. PA wants $250M (at least) I think so they're getting there.
How are you supposed to hit 52% HRR without cutting existing contracts ? (unless you magically assume league revenues continue to grow which they won't). And what if league revenues shrink ? Players still get their money + raises under their proposal unlike now.

And that's why we have no hockey.

Because their initial proposal favored them, but was still a cut from their last contract? Bullshit. The reason we don't have hockey is the league's complete refusal to talk revenue sharing. We've seen the PA be flexible on percentage of HRR as long as there are assurances that the league is being healthily maintained financially, aka revenue sharing. All the league needs to do is say "Yea, you're right, we probably should stop pouring money into shit franchises without supporting them at least a little bit." That's. It. But they won't do it. And the reason is entirely egotistical on Bettman's part. The owners are never going to be happy about revenue sharing, but they'll take their medicine as long as the program isn't too expansive. Then all you need to do is cut the chaffe and move the crappy teams. I'd be willing to be if Bettman would come to an agreement behind closed doors with Fehr that Phx and Col would be moved in the next three years this deal would get done in a heartbeat. Unfortunately the PA has no reason to believe the league won't stop hemorrhaging money. They can't in good faith agree to anything like that when they just know the same thing will happen at the end of this deal because Phx and Col (and by that time I'd bet Nash) are STILL losing money.

And on the ridiculous numbers I can only say so many times that TOTAL dollars is completely irrelevant. All that matters is percentage. If HRR goes down then player salaries will go down as well. Yes I know that wasn't the INITIAL proposal, but it is the likely outcome, particularly when looking how the old deal approached that issue.
Lets go Icehogs! clap clap clapclapclap

Would be great if I wasn't smack in the middle of the Wolves and the IceHogs. Both are roughly an hour drive, but in different directions.

Lupul wrote an article on the lockout for askmen.com:


"Leafs fans are more committed to their team than Whitney Houston was to Bobby Brown. Overall, they’ve probably taken about the same amount of abuse."

Because their initial proposal favored them, but was still a cut from their last contract? Bullshit. The reason we don't have hockey is the league's complete refusal to talk revenue sharing. We've seen the PA be flexible on percentage of HRR as long as there are assurances that the league is being healthily maintained financially, aka revenue sharing.

Again they've already offered to increase RS. The problem is the players want their existing $1.8B with no cutbacks or escrow so the money has to come from somewhere else. MLSE isn't going to fund half the NHL.

You can relocate or move existing money losing teams all you want, there will always be teams that can't keep up with league growth, that's why you need RS.
Again they've already offered to increase RS. The problem is the players want their existing $1.8B with no cutbacks or escrow so the money has to come from somewhere else. MLSE isn't going to fund half the NHL.

You can relocate or move existing money losing teams all you want, there will always be teams that can't keep up with league growth, that's why you need RS.

So wait... we're faulting the PA for being forward thinking now and planning the future success of the league rather than catering to the financial whims of cities like Glendale? Got it. Yea. The PA is the problem.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Anyone ever use Hockeystreams.com? It's like $99 for streams of all NHL, AHL, and OHL games I think? I'm considering going for it watch the Hamilton and Sting games this year, but I don't know how the service is.


And.... it's surprisingly on point. He doesn't whine about his money. He flat out OFFERS concessions, and doesn't even criticize the NHL for keeping the failing teams.

The thing that is frustrating for us as players is this is the third time (second of my career) the players have been locked out by Gary Bettman and the owners. When I look at that, the first thing I think is that it shows a lack of respect for the fans. Secondly, it says to me that a lockout is the owners’ choice form of negotiation and that they are 100% comfortable taking a lock-them-out-and-see-how-they-react approach. Lastly, and most concerning for players and fans alike, is the fact that the owners, under the guidance of Bettman, have shown that they are willing to let an entire season burn to accomplish their plan.
No. The owners are locking them out because if the season starts without a new CBA in place, the players could strike at an important point in order to force the owners into giving them what they want.

Lupul is doing a lot better at appealing to our hearts and minds, but he's still peddling misinformation.

Also, gotta love how he bookends his commentary:

Let's get this straight: This is not a PR piece. You've seen enough of those and, frankly, I don't really care to attempt to sway public opinion


So it doesn't matter to me if you pick sides, or if you're mad at everyone involved. But you should know the fans are what make this game special. I think we can all agree that over 1,300 games lost to labor disputes is absurd. So why not make the voice of the fans heard? You'd be surprised who will listen.

Lupul is the same as the rest. He's just a lot better at reading how the fans think.

No. The owners are locking them out because if the season starts without a new CBA in place, the players could strike at an important point in order to force the owners into giving them what they want.

How many times have we discussed how freaking easily that could be avoided? The two sides could easily enter a side agreement preventing that outcome. Every team in the league planned their cap around functioning under the old deal for this year. They would be just fine.

This is just a justification the league wants to give for being unreasonably obstinate.


So wait... we're faulting the PA for being forward thinking now and planning the future success of the league rather than catering to the financial whims of cities like Glendale? Got it. Yea. The PA is the problem.

If the players took a lot less money, the Coyotes wouldn't lose money the way they do in Glendale.

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