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NHL March |OT| It's Spring, Not Autumn, But The Leafs Are Fallin'

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Canucks need to start gearing up for the playoffs. They look soft. Boston would out muscle them again.

Was about to say that. If they get beaten physically by the Habs, they are still not ready for the Bruins. But the Habs without Gomez, Gionta, Desharnais and Cammy are not the smurfs anymore.


Habs fans talk about how they want to lose, but you've got to be enjoying this right now. I'm watching out of the corner of my eye when I can and it's still frustating. Can't remember them ever being outscored 3-0 in a third period.


I think the best final would be Boston VS St Louis. St Louis, from what I saw, play a very disciplined style, so it would be interesting to see those two teams face off.

edit: I'm happy to see them win, I don't care about this first-pick thing.


Unconfirmed Member
Habs fans talk about how they want to lose, but you've got to be enjoying this right now. I'm watching out of the corner of my eye when I can and it's still frustating. Can't remember them ever being outscored 3-0 in a third period.

I'm enjoying it. Saw a good tweet after the Habs Oilers game: "Habs fans can go to bed grinning with tears in their eyes"


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Habs have been beating top teams and losing to mediocre teams all season, so I'm not surprised by this.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
So that's 2 points in 4 games now, bad. Commentator said the Sedins are in their worst slump since 2001?!? Christ.


Habs have been beating top teams and losing to mediocre teams all season, so I'm not surprised by this.

Historically we haven't done well againest Montreal. Lost the home stand againest them last season too. But this was simply a pathetic effort. If the Sedins don't get out of thier slump, we're not getting past the first round.
So that's 2 points in 4 games now, bad. Commentator said the Sedins are in their worst slump since 2001?!? Christ.

Combined 1 point in their last 7 games. Calling this a slump is being polite. And it's not like they've looked good before that either. The Sedins just can't handle 5 on 5 play. They lose the puck far too easily, and they never hussle back fast enough on the backcheck. They make too many fancy plays and passes and just don't take the easy shot.

Right now, we're seeing that they're not top players without powerplays.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Combined 1 point in their last 7 games. Calling this a slump is being polite. And it's not like they've looked good before that either. The Sedins just can't handle 5 on 5 play. They lose the puck far too easily, and they never hussle back fast enough on the backcheck. They make too many fancy plays and passes and just don't take the easy shot.

Right now, we're seeing that they're not top players without powerplays.

I wonder what happened to our powerplay...


Sedins just can't handle 5 on 5 play? God I can't stand Vancouver fans. Always the over exaggeration in their statements. "Luongo is the worst goaltender ever, Hodgson has the best shot on the team (0pts, -2 in Buffalo btw), the Sedins are the softest players in the league, Sedins can't handle 5 on 5 play"

Daniel Sedin was first in Even-Strength Points last year. Henrik Sedin the year before. They have had excellent +/- over the last couple of years, including this year and are still in top 20 in ESP this year.

They are just in a huge slump, nothing about being solved, just things aren't going their way and they are clutching their sticks a bit too tight. They need some bounces to go their way to get back on a good roll. They were on fire against WPG but just couldn't get any bounces. It'll happen soon and I'm glad it's happening now instead of in April-May.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Cole has been such a good role model for Max, won't be surprised if he's wearing the C one day.


With Vanek hurt, Hodgson played first line center tonight and got almost 22 minutes of ice time. I'm guessing that's a career high. I know he hasn't put anything up on the score sheet. That's frustrating. But he's doing everything else you can ask of a player that it's hard to get on him. It will come. Ruff seems to really like his play given the situations he's playing in.


Yeah, Sulzer has been rock solid. Sekera has been out for a 2-3 games with the flu and Regehr lost a game to injury. In every game, Sulzer has done nothing flashy, but pretty shutdown. Even slapped one off the crossbar. He's tough in front of the net protecting Miller and quick to get the puck out of the zone. He was even getting ice time in overtime tonight.

He's definitely been the surprise of the trade for us - super effective in the role he's playing.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Seeking Stanley brought up an imho good point: the Canucks don't really have much to play for. Their 2nd place in the west is pretty much set in stone, so players might try a bit too hard to stay healthy instead of battling for the "small" improvement from 2nd to 1st.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Seeking Stanley brought up an imho good point: the Canucks don't really have much to play for. Their 2nd place in the west is pretty much set in stone, so players might try a bit too hard to stay healthy instead of battling for the "small" improvement from 2nd to 1st.

Is that really the attitude you want you team to have if they're going for the Stanley cup?
Yeah, Sulzer has been rock solid. Sekera has been out for a 2-3 games with the flu and Regehr lost a game to injury. In every game, Sulzer has done nothing flashy, but pretty shutdown. Even slapped one off the crossbar. He's tough in front of the net protecting Miller and quick to get the puck out of the zone. He was even getting ice time in overtime tonight.

He's definitely been the surprise of the trade for us - super effective in the role he's playing.

And the Canucks were playing Rome and Alberts over Sulzer.

Glad I decided to fight Reapers instead of watching the game tonight. I'll care when the Canucks start caring.

Also, Edler has been absolutely brutal defensively.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Is that really the attitude you want you team to have if they're going for the Stanley cup?

Of course not. But what's the more comfortable explanation:

A) They're slumping because they've got nothing to play for and want to stay healthy/lack of motivation. This implies that once they playoffs are back they'll switch gears again and be awesome.

B) There's some serious problem in the team and their star players are losing something. This implies serious problems for the playoffs too.

I choose A. Best would be no slump at all, but this is the lesser of two evils.
I agree with most of this - http://www.denverpost.com/avalanche...he-general-manager-greg-sherman-deserves-some especially the bit about Shattenkirk. I just hope he does the right thing with our coaching situation, and if he's still around come time for Stastny's new contract he better not go overboard. I'd also like to see him sign Duchene and O'Reilly already. This big waiting game is needless given the circumstance, O'Reilly is having one hell of a season despite cooling off recently and Duchene is injured but we know what we're getting with him. Give them some breathing room for fuck sake.
One positive on tonight's game was that Tanev has been nothing short of stellar lately. Hell, he even had more even strength and PK time than Edler. In my mind, Tanev should really move up to the second pairing and take Salo's spot on the right side. You need to give Salo more rest for the playoffs, and Tanev's proving that he's good enough to hold down that spot. With how shitty the team's been playing, I don't see why we shouldn't be giving our rookies some more responsibilities. It's not like our veterans are doing jackshit with it.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Hard to believe the Sharks are out of a playoff spot at the moment, that was totally a given for me at the beginning of the season.


Sharks are fucking awful. I'm seriously pretty upset about this team, can't believe it's coming to this. Rant post incoming.


Clowe: Fucking awful this entire season. The only super skilled power forward we have and he hasn't been playing with any power at all. Board play sucks and he isn't anywhere near as physical as he has been in years past. Shows signs that sometimes he knows what he's doing but this has been his worst complete season I've ever seen. He's a game changer and needs to start playing like it. Facial fracture he suffered is probably contributing to this.

Couture: Having a great year honestly, no sophomore slump at all. He was injured in the most recent game against Minnesota and missed some games and hasn't been the same since. I think he's still injured because he isn't playing like himself at all recently. That Minny game in particular was disappointing because he was being targeted with cheap shots the entire night and no one stood up or him. Clowe comes in here, he's the poppa bear of that line and needs to step in to help Couture since it's no secret to other teams how great he is.

Desjardins: Good 4th liner, no real complaints. Plays his heart out every night and does his job well. Almost no offensive touch though.

Ferriero: Good for scoring the occasional garbage goal but the cycle dies whenever he touches the puck. Kid has a lot of spunk but not enough skill to keep up. Shouldn't be in the line up barring major injuries.

Galiardi: Hasn't played enough to make a real impression but I do love the speed and effort he brings. Coaching staff has been fucking him over since he got here for no reason, 2:30 of ice time one night then scratched the next. THIS IS THE TYPE OF PLAYER WE NEED IN THE LINE UP YOU IDIOTS.

Handzus: We're paying this fucking guy 2.5 mil? Slow as fuck, puts in almost no effort on most nights, and hasn't done shit for the PK(what he was brought in to help with). On the Queens he was great, very noticeable in these last playoffs but god awful this season. Buying out his contract might actually help the team.

Havlat: What the fuck is there to even say about the glass man? 2 goals before he got injured, totally worth all that money right? Injures himself coming off the fucking bench on a line change and is still not back in the line up. If he comes back and plays like we know he can then he can make a huge difference but in the small amount of games he played this year he certainly didn't look great. Still nice to have that Heatley contract gone I guess.

Marleau: Show some emotion once in a while you bum. He is such an explosive player at times but he coasts like no one else on the team. He's a leader and needs to start leading by example. Shoots directly into the goalies chest 90% of the time and needs to throw the body around more, it energizes the entire team when he's playing hard. Still very good defensively but we need offense.

Mitchell: GET OFF THE FUCKING TEAM DUDE. Cool, he can skate fast but can't do anything else right. For a supposed 3rd line player he's awful. He gets lucky every once in a while and is able to flail in a goal but he is silent for very very long stretches of time.

Moore: Like what I've seen of him, good 3rd line center. Not making that much of a difference in any area though. Since acquiring him we've dropped from leading the Pacific to 9th place.

Pavelski: No complaints here, plays his damn heart out and is one of the few vocal members of the team. Would love if he could find the back of the net more, he's one of the only true snipers we have.

Captain Jumbo: This dude still remains an enigma. His points totals have continually been dropping as he's adopted a two way game more and more which is fine because he's great at it. The real problem is that he's completely predictable now and all the other teams know this. They know he's going to go behind the net and look for the pass every single fucking time. Is he too old to really start trying something new with his offensive game? I'm really scared that the answer to that question is yes. If he did put more effort into being more mobile he could do amazing things. He is a turnover machine at the most inopportune of times as well and it's incredibly frustrating to watching him make bad decisions with the puck over and over again. Last thing that has really been bothering me this year, he just sounds defeated and empty in post game interviews. He gives the same answer every time the team loses, "I thought we played well but the bounces just keep don't go our way. Hopefully we can turn it around." THERE IS NO HOPEFULLY JUMBO. Do or don't, and it seems most of the team has been choosing don't this season. I wouldn't have a lot to complain about if I saw them playing their hearts out every night but outside of a couple players they're dragging ass out there including our captain.

Winchester: Great 4th liner and really good energy guy. Doesn't seem to know what offense is but he can at least provide energy.

Wingels: Great prospect that has been up for a while this season with Havlat out. Big guy, throws the body, and has a great shot. He's still developing though and it's noticeable. Looking forward to seeing what he can do in the future.

Winnik: The other part of our trade deadline deal, like his play a lot so far. Quick, strong on the puck, and hits. Needs to find some way to contribute offensively though, a problem lots of our guys are having.


Boyle: After an absolutely horrendous start to the season(later revealed he was playing with a broken foot for that stretch) he has become the Boyle we know and love. There's good and bad that comes with that though. He has always been a more offensively minded defenseman and it really shows. Defensive lapses are pretty frequent and he has slowed down considerably offensively. Much less vocal about the teams troubles this season as well which is extremely frightening as he has been one of the most passionate leaders on the team and that's what we need him to be right now. Please please please pick it up.

Braun: Developing really nicely and can make some really slick plays. Not exactly a liability defensively but he isn't great in his own zone yet. Lots of potential.

Burns: Had a really shaky first half of the season but he's adapting to the system and is an invaluable part of the team. Great shot and offensive instincts and has really been picking it up defensively. Needs more time though.

Demers: Talk about disappointing. For a guy who's supposed to be our eventual Boyle replacement he is sure playing like shit. Constant defensive breakdowns and his passing leaves a lot to be desired. He is scratched frequently in favor of Braun and I think his confidence is shot. Really hope he can turn it around, losing him before the the Vancouver series last year really hurt.

Murray: Slow as hell but he's gigantic and isn't afraid to be physical. Love the guy and I'm really happy his fractured adams apple wasn't as serious as it could have been. We're going to need him going forward.

Vandermeer: The best #6 option we have but he hardly gets played because our coaching staff is composed entirely of morons.

Vlasic: Best surprise this season, Pickles has been absolutely phenomenal. Most underrated dman in the league this season but amazing hockey sense and incredible poke checks aren't highlight real worthy so he gets no recognition of course. Without him the team would be exponentially worse and he has found some offense this season. Hope he's a Shark for a very long time.

White: This guy is a fucking asshole and by far the worst dman on the team. Constant horrible turnovers, routinely stripped of the puck, and has absolutely no offensive awareness. Guess what though, the coaching staff decides to play him every single fucking night. He is even being called out by the media on a constant basis because he is just so obviously hurting the team but TMac continues to say that he gives us the best chance of winning every night. Fuck you dude, how many more times do we need to see a player skate right past him and score a goal?


Niemi: Awful. I've really tried to give him the benefit of the doubt because I really like his attitude and work ethic but he just isn't very good usually. It's incredibly frustrating because I've seen how good he can be but this has been a very bad season for him. Lots of soft goals on a constant basis and there's only so much the defense can do when he's kicking rebounds right onto an opposing players stick in the slot. Flails so fucking hard, I honestly do not get how he can look so uncomfortable handling the puck. Constantly fighting it even on the most routine of saves.

Greiss: Very solid backup and has a much more aggressive and solid style than Niemi. Would consider playing him for the majority of the games going forward.


Here's the fun part! Our coaches are incapable of changing their game plan. The league has our system figured out and there have been no changes made to it. TMac always says that the players have to stick to the process and that things will work themselves out. Well Todd, look at how things have shaken out! Your system gets us tons of shots.....from the perimeter and other areas where goals are never scored. The entire system seems to be build to take advantages of bounces instead of really putting in work and getting to hard areas to score. 4th year coaching the team and our zone entries are still ass, just haven't had the time to figure that out Todd? All part of the bullshit process you have going on? How about coming up with dynamic game plans that the incredibly skilled players we have can take advantage of? Nah, just dump and chase it and maybe things will work out. Juggle the lines every two shifts if things aren't working out because who gives a fuck about players building chemistry with each other? I love it when Thornton is out there with two 4th liners because he thinks they'll provide the energy needed to get a goal! One problem, Thornton always sets them up perfectly but they can't capitalize BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING 4TH LINERS WHO CAN'T SHOOT. You seriously can't figure out how to beat the trap Todd? FUCK YOU.

So frustrated this season. The team should be performing so much better than it is. I think a lot of it is a chemistry problem, DW brought in a lot of new players who have taken more time than expected to get into the "system" the coaches have in place and it doesn't help that on any given night there could be 3 or 4 different players in the line up than the night before. Even if we do somehow squeak into the playoffs we're gone in the first round if we play the Blues or Vancouver. I hope DW can, for once in his fucking life, leave the team alone during the off season so they can function as a team instead of a bunch of individuals trying to find their way in a system that stifles the creativity of our star players. We have the pieces they just need to start working together.
Good post Acid. From only watching a handful of Shorks games this season, I already feel like I know the team just by reading that.

Can't believe you guys are currently out of a playoff spot and that the Stars are first in the Pacific.

sucked in!


yeah post it here if you find one. they didn't show the bench on NHLN



Pens vs. Bruins this afternoon. Hoping the Pens keep getting scoring from guys like Asham, Dupuis, and Sullivan, and that Malkin is pissed about his points streak ending.

Let's go Pens.

I'll be making the drive from Hamilton to Montreal, so I'll miss the game, but I'll be score checking on my Blackberry. I'm sure kassatsu, Spire, and company will represent the Pens well.


Sedins just can't handle 5 on 5 play? God I can't stand Vancouver fans. Always the over exaggeration in their statements. "Luongo is the worst goaltender ever, Hodgson has the best shot on the team (0pts, -2 in Buffalo btw), the Sedins are the softest players in the league, Sedins can't handle 5 on 5 play"

Daniel Sedin was first in Even-Strength Points last year. Henrik Sedin the year before. They have had excellent +/- over the last couple of years, including this year and are still in top 20 in ESP this year.

They are just in a huge slump, nothing about being solved, just things aren't going their way and they are clutching their sticks a bit too tight. They need some bounces to go their way to get back on a good roll. They were on fire against WPG but just couldn't get any bounces. It'll happen soon and I'm glad it's happening now instead of in April-May.

They got old.


Thank goodness for Carlyle. That Leafs loss last night stung badly, because of the way it ended. It showed the entire hockey world the gulf in talent between the Leafs (Kessel) and the Flyers (Giroux). However, I am happy with culture on the ice... finally, good god finally the Leafs have manned up and started to employ the trap. They played a tight-checking defensive game, were very physical and chippy, and I loved it. Both goaltenders played really well. Bryzgalov looks so scary when he plays confidently like he did last night.

Anyhow, I just love how the Leafs actually looked decent defensively. One of my least liked Burke quotations is from when he was first hired, when he suggested the he has a duty to season ticket holders to build an entertaining team on the ice. That always rubbed me the wrong way. The Leafs have been mediocre for way too long to ever be allowed to parrot that kind of mantra. You have a duty to build a winning team at any means necessary. Enough with the run and gun!


Thank goodness for Carlyle. That Leafs loss last night stung badly, because of the way it ended. It showed the entire hockey world the gulf in talent between the Leafs (Kessel) and the Flyers (Giroux). However, I am happy with culture on the ice... finally, good god finally the Leafs have manned up and started to employ the trap. They played a tight-checking defensive game, were very physical and chippy, and I loved it. Both goaltenders played really well. Bryzgalov looks so scary when he plays confidently like he did last night.

Anyhow, I just love how the Leafs actually looked decent defensively. One of my least liked Burke quotations is from when he was first hired, when he suggested the he has a duty to season ticket holders to build an entertaining team on the ice. That always rubbed me the wrong way. The Leafs have been mediocre for way too long to ever be allowed to parrot that kind of mantra. You have a duty to build a winning team at any means necessary. Enough with the run and gun!

Trapping is all well and good, but it seems like they should've built a lead before they turtled.
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