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NHL November 2016 |OT| #MakeOilersGreatAgain.


41 > 38
Rural america is full of racist and sexist uneducated white men. They came out in spades this election.

Also Trump's minority turnout was much higher than expected.

The DNC did nothing to help though. All the scandals and stuff obviously hurt too, but you are right that sexism played a huge role.

I am just happy that I was right that Houston did what it did. We got Democrat across the board and was a blue county. Just wish there was more of that elsewhere.

Step one in 2020 for the Democrats should be to not run an unindicted felon at the top of their ticket.


I'm ignorant on election process, but how can the system possibly be set up such that you can get the most votes from actual American citizens (which Hilary did) and yet still lose in a landslide based on seats? Literally more people voted democrat.

I hate politics.


I'm ignorant on election process, but how can the system possibly be set up such that you can get the most votes from actual American citizens (which Hilary did) and yet still lose in a landslide based on seats? Literally more people voted democrat.

I hate politics.

I think it's the same reason it happens in Canada

let's say you have 3 counties, Hillary wins one 99% to 1%, Trump wins the other 2 by a slim margin. Trump got 2 seats, Hillary got 1, GG. Hillary got most of the vote and lost

there's a strong argument for a proportionnal voting system, but why change what helped you win!


41 > 38
I'm ignorant on election process, but how can the system possibly be set up such that you can get the most votes from actual American citizens (which Hilary did) and yet still lose in a landslide based on seats? Literally more people voted democrat.

I hate politics.

You can't point to popular vote in an electoral college election and say that it would be the same if the popular vote were king. Shitloads upon shitloads of Republicans in, for example, California or New York do not vote because their vote is meaningless. Same in a place like Texas with Democrats. It would be a totally different ballgame if the electoral college were dissolved. And every candidate ever would basically spend almost 100% of their time in like four cities.


no words this morning.

My heart breaks for Dubbed, my many Muslim relatives who live in the US, and the countless others who will be most directly affected by this outcome.


Like, I understand that's the system, bask, but I just can't reconcile why it is the system.

"Your vote matters*!"

*but not really if you're in a state that leans heavily one way


Like, I understand that's the system, bask, but I just can't reconcile why it is the system.

"Your vote matters*!"

*but not really if you're in a state that leans heavily one way

oh I see

well it's the system because they all promise they're going to change it until they win by exploiting it. That's why everyone is so fucking cynical about politics and why partially why Trump won


41 > 38
Like, I understand that's the system, bask, but I just can't reconcile why it is the system.

"Your vote matters*!"

*but not really if you're in a state that leans heavily one way

Because Kansas has way, way, way different needs than Los Angeles. In the electoral system, you at least have to listen to them (and the states like them). In a pure popular vote system, you can ignore vast swaths of the country and just pander to whatever you think will make West LA and Manhattan happy.


And yeah, like Calimari said, why even bother casting a vote if youre a Rep in Cali, or a Dem in Texas?

Shit makes no sense. I'm not saying that I have a better solution, I don't, but surely there has got to be a better way.
And yeah, like Calimari said, why even bother casting a vote if youre a Rep in Cali, or a Dem in Texas?

Shit makes no sense. I'm not saying that I have a better solution, I don't, but surely there has got to be a better way.

well it can still matter locally

Like Houston where I live is all blue. Swept Democrats. But obviously not when it comes to the president for Texas as a whole
Does this remind you of any other political era? Like around World War 2? Or much earlier?

1922 Italy and the election of Mussolini. Specifically the concepts of spazio vitale. I've tried to equate a lot of Trump with past dictatorships to gain comparisons but his rule is most analogous. Mussolini harkened to the greatness of the Roman Empire and even used Slavic immigrants as a catalyst for his rise of fascism.

"When dealing with such a race as Slavic — inferior and barbarian — we must not pursue the carrot, but the stick policy ... We should not be afraid of new victims ... The Italian border should run across the Brenner Pass, Monte Nevoso and the Dinaric Alps ... I would say we can easily sacrifice 500,000 barbaric Slavs for 50,000 Italians ..."

Shit is scary. Hey at least the trains ran on time wall is coming.


How would the result have been affected if the electoral system were kind of like Canada's where each district gets one representative (like say if each county had its own electoral vote)


41 > 38
How would the result have been affected if the electoral system were kind of like Canada's where each district gets one representative (like say if each county had its own electoral vote)

If each county had a single vote? Overwhelming Trump blowout. If each county had a proportional vote? Overwhelming Trump blowout.

Cake Boss

The rise of global racism is quite fascinating. What a generation that we are living in.

I don't get it. I guess the majority of white people really hate the progress that we made in trying to include and accept minorities in society.


The rise of global racism is quite fascinating. What a generation that we are living in.

I don't get it. I guess the majority of white people really hate the progress that we made in trying to include and accept minorities in society.

Just curious about your own personal view on this. Do you think people as a whole have become more hateful? Or have they gotten very vocal and pushing back much harder since the immigration crisis hit Europe. As in a wave where a population of Americans who maybe would or wouldn't be bothered much by immigrants had they not gotten a panic attack from what little or a lot they know about immigration in Europe for the last year or two.

Because it's pretty interesting how certain groups that we constantly say will be scorched by general Republican policies had come out to support Trump more than they have supported Republican candidates during Obama's reign.


i'm wondering how so many polls managed to be so disconnected from reality. We're not talking about one poll fucking up, we're talking about MOST polls, and major ones from major companies with big budgets


41 > 38
i'm wondering how so many polls managed to be so disconnected from reality. We're not talking about one poll fucking up, we're talking about MOST polls, and major ones from major companies with big budgets

The polls have been wrong by massive, massive margins for years now. Not sure why anybody listens to them. They're just propaganda at this point. They didn't even call 2012 correctly.

Literally the only use they had this year was to pound the message of "Hillary Clinton is 15% ahead, she has already won and Trump supporters must give up" into everyone's head for the past month. That's certainly what happened here on NeoGAF.


i'm wondering how so many polls managed to be so disconnected from reality. We're not talking about one poll fucking up, we're talking about MOST polls, and major ones from major companies with big budgets

I don't understand how they even do polls and expect them to be correct. People can lie about who they're voting for. Example: republican voter says he's voting for Hillary, then leaves and yucks it up that he's skewing the poll result.

Also, all the polls saying Hillary would win easily could make Democrats not bother getting out to vote, "well we're winning this anyway, no reason for me to vote"

Cake Boss

Just curious about your own personal view on this. Do you think people as a whole have become more hateful? Or have they gotten very vocal and pushing back much harder since the immigration crisis hit Europe. As in a wave where a population of Americans who maybe would or wouldn't be bothered much by immigrants had they not gotten a panic attack from what little or a lot they know about immigration in Europe for the last year or two.

Because it's pretty interesting how certain groups that we constantly say will be scorched by general Republican policies had come out to support Trump more than they have supported Republican candidates during Obama's reign.

I honestly don't know, I think people are just a lot more vocal now, with the rise of social media and how it's so easy to share content and opinions with other people and persuade people with fear and hate, especially the uneducated kind who prefer to get their info via Facebook memes instead a news article. it seems everyone has a voice now, where before everyone got their information either through TV or newspaper. Also the media for enabling these nationalistic racist fuckers for ratings and entertainment .

I really don't know, I am just baffled right now. what a world.


I'm ignorant on election process, but how can the system possibly be set up such that you can get the most votes from actual American citizens (which Hilary did) and yet still lose in a landslide based on seats? Literally more people voted democrat.

I hate politics.

Losing the election to a fascist based on 1% margins in Pennsylvania, Florida and Wisconsin is not much fun.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Looks like Desharnais will be scratched in LA


Some good news after whatever the fuck happened last night, which still hasn't hit me.


Looks like Desharnais will be scratched in LA


Some good news after whatever the fuck happened last night, which still hasn't hit me.

wait what seriously?


no way.

there's no way that's impossible

why are we giving up on the game like that?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
wait what seriously?


no way.

there's no way that's impossible

why are we giving up on the game like that?
He's rotating with Danault on the third line and there's no way Danault is being scratched. I couldn't believe it myself, but he doesn't have a single point in 9 games.


It's hard to talk about sports right now, but for as little impact as you would expect a 4th liner to make, Ben Smith has been shockingly bad. Ever since he showed up the Leafs 4th line has been one of the worst lines in the league, getting caved in to a ridiculous degree.

Back when Holland was centering it, they were basically breaking even in shot attempts, which is more or less what you hope for from your 4th line.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I was watching the game on the side last night, and it's pretty clear the rivalry with the Bruins is essentially dead at this point, it will take another playoff match up for it to rekindle I think, too many of the main players from the rivalry have been moved.

Also that Weber bomb was amazing.


Unconfirmed Member
I was watching the game on the side last night, and it's pretty clear the rivalry with the Bruins is essentially dead at this point, it will take another playoff match up for it to rekindle I think, too many of the main players from the rivalry have been moved.

Also that Weber bomb was amazing.

I remember being pissed at Plekanec for passing it back to him. He had the puck in the slot, prime shooting opportunity, I don't think he had anyone on him at first, and he decided to throw a weak backhander to the point. Only reason it worked was because Weber's shot is too OP from the point.


I remember being pissed at Plekanec for passing it back to him. He had the puck in the slot, prime shooting opportunity, I don't think he had anyone on him at first, and he decided to throw a weak backhander to the point. Only reason it worked was because Weber's shot is too OP from the point.

Goalies are probably looking at Weber shots like goalies looked at Fulton Reed's.

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