I'll vote for a Ducks-age circlequack over a Leafs-age circlejerk anyday
I'll vote for a Ducks-age circlequack over a Leafs-age circlejerk anyday
Gonna be one of those nights isn't it?
Maybe I should just go to sleep...
I'll give them one more period...
Well, we weren't horribly outshot like usual. But still. 2 shots.
I said it once and I'll say it again... WHERE THE FUCK DID THIS PERREAULT DUDE COME FROM? I LOVE HIM.
Yo what happened to CCF?
You'd really think Leafs-gaf of all people would know that even 3 goal leads mean nothing...
You'd really think Leafs-gaf of all people would know that even 3 goal leads mean nothing...
You'd really think Leafs-gaf of all people would know that even 3 goal leads mean nothing...
You'd really think Leafs-gaf of all people would know that even 3 goal leads mean nothing...
Bozak has to be the SHITTIEST 1C in the league.
Motherfucking BGally! Wooooo
Pwned the entire team by himself. What a beauty!
Hey guys I'm back...
Where the fuck have you been? Good timing!