I can't do blatant piracy.
I'll gladly give the NHL money when they put out a decent product. I had it two years back.
I can't do flushing money down the drain =/
I can't do blatant piracy.
Crosby on pace for 160 points+ this season, dudes.
Crosby on pace for 160 points+ this season, dudes.
And Crosby historically starts slow. 200 points is pretty much set in stone.
DopeyStats prediction 200+ for sure
Let's Blue this
In 3 hours, "wow the Ducks really blue that game."
In 3 hours, "wow the Ducks really blew that game."
And Crosby historically starts slow. 200 points is pretty much set in stone.
I'm going for the Ducks because I am a nice guy that wants to see the other SoCal team be successful against the Blues.
Also, Getzlaf is the shit.
Tonight, we are all Ducks
I'm also rooting for the Ducks because fuck Stastny and the Blues.
My friend was born and raised in Orange County and is a Blues' fan. He's at the game right now. I bet he's pissed they gave up that goal so early.
Lol that Perry penalty was hilarious. He shot that stick out of his hands and into the rafters.
Lol that Perry penalty was hilarious. He shot that stick out of his hands and into the rafters.
Lol that Perry penalty was hilarious. He shot that stick out of his hands and into the rafters.
He's trying to give the fans a souvenir.
Man, his heart is just so big. What a good guy.
Ace of Spades playing right now reminds me of the conspicuous absence of any Iron Maiden or Rob Zombie in the arena on Friday night. I was afraid they changed DJs.
These Justin Timberlake ads don't have the same impact the Rhianna ads had during the SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND/ALL WE DO IS WEEN WEEN 2012-2013 campaign.
EDIT: BOOOM, there's your impact. DSP on Oshie.