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NHL October 2017 [OT]- Kneelin' and dealin'

Oh, fuck off with that. It was a dirty hit. Everyone knew it was a dirty hit. Just because you root for the Leafs doesn't mean you have to drink the blue kool-aid the media tries to force down your throat. Though I guess Leafs fans are so busy fellating their shitty team that the gag reflex is gone by now.

That was easy

The Canucks fans I know in my real life are extremely sensitive too.
Because head injuries are awful things to go through so why you'd waste breath defending someone like Kadri is mind boggling.

Also I'm in a really poor mood today

I know but it's Dopey, come on now he's always saying ridiculous things.

Aaaaand Hyman got fucking killed.

Actually looking at the replay it wasn't that bad he'll be good.


Borg with that smooth skating



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