If by spear you mean he nudged Scott
I'll just assume you've been watching hockey for 3 years and haven't witnessed a real spear
Let's play a little what if game:
Star player slashes, no injury: 0 games suspension
Star player slashes, injury: ??? Games suspension
Unknown player slashes, no injury: ??? Games suspension
Unknown player slashes, injury: ??? Games suspension
If you think the answer to this is 0 in every case, you're the one that hasn't watched hockey for long. And the fact that these numbers would all be unequal is stupid. I'm okay with injuring incidents being punished more severely, I'm not okay with intentional but luckily non-injuring incidents going unpunished.
Accidental/careless, no injury = no suspension
Accidental/careless, injury = small suspension
Intentional, no injury: medium suspension
Intentional, injury = huge suspension
Would be best. Will never happen. Also get rid of the stupid star player preferential treatment.