or go to nhl.com/gclaccount
How is game centre? Can you stream all games in HD yet? Any issues with buffering?
What clients are available? (web browser, xbox, and?)
or go to nhl.com/gclaccount
GMs need to sack up and start causing trouble. I'd be the bad boy of hockey General Management. Screwjobs left and right.
I heard hockeystreams is way better compared to gamecenter. No blackouts being the main thing. I forgot the other reasonsIm thinking of signing up for hockeystreams. A bit cheaper.
I loved it last season and I'll be renewing it for this season. Pretty much every game I watched was in HD. I view it on my Roku, but you can watch it on your browser, PS3, Xbox, etc.
There's really only 2 reasons that you'd want to get a Roku though:
1) You want to watch any hockey game you can, whenever
2) You cheer for a team that's out of market. If I was a Leafs fan, getting Gamecenter would be pointless because all the games would be blacked out.
Tomorrow I get a chance at early Habs tickets. Season is so close!
Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie 6h
Kadri believed to be looking long-term (6 yrs in Tavares stratosphere of $5.5M per). Leafs want short, 2 yrs at P.K. Subban $ ($2.875M per).
Nazem Kadri ‏@43_Kadri 39s
@TSNBobMcKenzie false bobo
Shots fired
What are Hab ticket prices like this season?
7 years $7M per
8 years $8mil
And of course, we're going to Toronto/Montreal season opener
You and Manics?
When I was last there in November 2011: Reds were $200 for optimum games
When I plan to go in October 2013: Reds are $270 for optimum games.
And of course, we're going to Toronto/Montreal season opener, which falls under optimum.
*bites lip*
Wait, how the hell do I unsubscribe from GCL? I went to nhl.com/gclaccount but while I see my account info there's no option to turn off autorenew, and if I remove my CC number or info it won't let me save as they are all mandatory fields.
I don't think it's a browser issue, I just tried in IE in addition to Chrome. Same pages.
That's weird, I just went into "billing" and there's a box "i agree to participate in auto-renewal etcetc", very prominently displayed oO.
Top right "billing" of this page: http://www.nhl.com/ice/gamecenterlive.htm?id=2012030416
I had a checkbox to kill autorenew. Try filling out the contact support form to get them to kill it?
Kadri is such a little shit, by far my least favorite Leaf.
Rielly+Kadri+1st rounder for an actual #1 C, get it done Nonis.
Lol wat. yeah that's just where I am, the link takes me to the "update billing info" page, and I see all my info there, but there is no checkbox or anything.
Bizarre. I wonder if I was too late? That would be incredibly lame, but I'm at a loss.
Oh well, I was able to update the CC info to mostly defunct card I have that my wife set up with an old US address on it, it certainly won't go through. Still, very weird, unless I'm just doing something incredibly stupid.
Yeah, may do that still, just in case.
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: Prison Break. Its still my favorite.
Would that offer be enough for Tavares?
Tavares is untouchable..and he's getting named captain next week.
Swear to god I had a checkbox there an hour ago, now it's gone too. Wat.
For Spezza then. Final offer.
Swear to god I had a checkbox there an hour ago, now it's gone too. Wat.
Alright, we drafted the wrong fucking kid.
when i unchecked the box, saved then went back to verify it was set off, the box was gone.
I dunno...I think they'll go with option C. Neither of those guys strike me has having the wherewithal to endure another 'lock out' of sorts.
Mind you, had Kadri and Franson maintained last year's form over an 82 game season, I'd want Nonis to sign them, post haste. As it is, holding out with such a meagre sample size just smacks of a cash-in attempt.
Penner just favourited one of my tweets.
I'm cool with him being a Duck again.
The "roster update" critique is probably relevant for 14, but not for 13 I'd argue. The skating was pretty much brand new and they made some really good improvements to the EASHL. People can't walk around with snipers at 99 Wrist Shot and 99 body check anymore, they actually restrict your player growth based on your player type. This was partially so you'd buy the upgrades to push you past the cap I'm sure, but the result is that the experience is a lot more enjoyable and if you're just starting out it's really tough to just get run out of the building like in 11 or 12.
But I think the real reason NHL sells every year is because of EASHL, that shit is really addicting. If you buy the game now for 20 bucks most people would have ditched the mode I think.
I dunno...
Kadri seems more immature than I had I initially thought; I can see him holding out easily. Then again, I sure as fuck wouldn't give him that money and term and he us not John fucking Tavares.
Franson, I think would do well to sign here. My worry is he may be soured by the negotiations and his first season here under Wilsuck. I can see him saying fuck it! Trade! I want to get this guy under contract cause I don't know what will happen with Phaneuf.
We will likely bury Holzer, which should free up a bit, but unless Nonis works that touted magic, we'll likely only get one back.
Unless a trade comes or someone takes Likes off our hands, I remain worried. Best case we give Franson 4 for 4 and force Kadri into 3 for 2 (somehow).
If only someone would become troll GM. A dream that will never be realized. I get why you shouldn't, but that would be entertaining.
But TeethMummy, your GM rating will drop, and you'll lose phones to negotiate with!
Did you tweet about your breakfast?
Nude photos of Aunt Gemima.