Kave learns to play hockey - final update
It's all over and unfortunately I don't come here with happy news. My team made it to the finals and we lost 1-0. First time we were shut out all year and first time we were so frustrated.
I'm just going to get my salt out of the way right now and yes I have no problem with any of you laughing at me being so salty over losing in beginner hockey but I'm so salty right now.
The other team knew they couldn't beat us straight up so they resorted to playing the trap all game. All credit to them their plan worked but I'm still salty about it. 1 light forechecker, 3 guys at the blue line and one guy in front of the net waiting to clear out anything we'd try to dump in. They capitalized on our one mistake all game and managed to score and just sat back for the remaining 1.5 periods after the goal.
I'm upset because I just couldn't do more to help my team, I wish I was better but dems the brakes we still had a fantastic season all in all, so that's all I'll say about that.
That said this whole experience has been absolutely amazing. After the game my teammates unanimously voted me most improved player and I'm just absolutely honoured they would do that. I worked really hard and looking back I can finally admit I really did improve much. I was a guy on day 1 of the season couldn't even make it through 15 minutes of practice to finishing tied for 4th overall in league scoring and second in assists.
I've found my niche despite being a shorter guy (5'8) I was one of the more solid guys down low. I discovered I am very strong on the puck behind the net, and I'm hard to move once I park my fat ass in front of the net.
The whole learning to play hockey thing was definitely helped out a ton by having such a great team and teammates who were very encouraging and would always give me advice when I asked for it. I know a couple people here got a bit interested in trying this out. Honestly give it a shot. I jumped into this knowing no one, having never played hockey in my life and I had a blast. I'm already looking towards tons of shinny in the summer and probably a few power skating classes as I really want to improve my skating.
So thank you everyone for humouring me and reading my updates and giving me the encouragement along the way, I really appreciated it. I definitely will be keeping up with it going forward.
Hockey is really one of the greatest sports in the entire world.

Kave, your updates have been a bright spot in NHL-GAF. I'd honestly rather read these updates than Leafs updates.
Keep up the good work, and keep us updated on how you're doing.
One step closer to the NHL-GAF game.