Madden NFL '17 |OT| It's Madden Season


Pretty bummed, still doesn't launch for me. EA Access now correctly says "Play Trial," but when you go to launch the game from the store it still just says "Play." I even tried the steps that the MS rep had me try out.

Disappointed that EA and MS didn't work this out.

So, now that it says "Play Trial" in EA Access, I've uninstalled the game and now I'm reinstalling it.

Does anybody remember what % it was installed when you could play the intro? It's at about 20% now and installing relatively quickly (25Mb/s)

Having same issues. So frustrating. Just want to play
Well over a month ago easily.

Still not working here. Was hoping to get some time in today as the wife and kid aren't going to be home for a little while. Guess not!

Yard work it is. Bahumbug
That sucks, id shoot em an email at least EDIT: I saw you already did. I would just keep doing it till it happens. Also damn, still not fixed for pre-order peeps? Was hoping to play some when I get home from work. Hope it's up tomorrow, wanna get a feel for Franchise so I can make adjustments for my league with friends...


Yep. Even clicked on play trial within the app. Takes me to store page and only option is "play". Which then tells me Im to early.

When I did it I had to find the right listing in the store. None of the four that show up when searching worked. I had to pick the Standard Edition and then below it had "also in this bundle". I had to select hat icon and then from the next page I was able to launch it.
I'm absolutely having a blast with this Madden. Madden 16 I just didn't have any fun with, but for some reason things have just clicked in this version. I love how players have more weight to them.
When I did it I had to find the right listing in the store. None of the four that show up when searching worked. I had to pick the Standard Edition and then below it had "also in this bundle". I had to select hat icon and then from the next page I was able to launch it.
What version of the game did you pre-order?
Yeah, I'm not doing anything unusual with my install... Been using EA Access since launch and haven't had the problem until now. When I contact Microsoft they said they were aware of the issue and they're working with EA on it, but who knows.

Regardless, I'm going to ask for a refund for this month for EA Access... It's bogus that so many people with pre-orders -- the very fans of the game that they should ensure everything is working for -- are left out in the cold.

Still hoping to get it resolved because this is the first free weekend I've had in about 3 months, but not optimistic.


Xbox Support ‏@XboxSupport 7m7 minutes ago

If you pre-ordered Madden 17 & are an @EAAccess member, we're working to fix possible errors w/ Play First Trial. Thanks for your patience!


Xbox Support ‏@XboxSupport 7m7 minutes ago

If you pre-ordered Madden 17 & are an @EAAccess member, we're working to fix possible errors w/ Play First Trial. Thanks for your patience!
Yea ea access has been acknowledging that/saying the same stuff all day sadly
Xbox Support ‏@XboxSupport 7m7 minutes ago

If you pre-ordered Madden 17 & are an @EAAccess member, we're working to fix possible errors w/ Play First Trial. Thanks for your patience!
I'v said it before but this is clearly an unfortunate issue with the new store update. No EA access trials came out durring the preview period or else this would of been caught. I'd say its a little more on MS then EA at this point. EA probably didn't think MS would break this or didn't even think about it


I'v said it before but this is clearly an unfortunate issue with the new store update. No EA access trials came out durring the preview period or else this would of been caught. I'd say its a little more on MS then EA at this point. EA probably didn't think MS would break this or didn't even think about it

More I think about it the more I think your right and its some kind of coding issue of sorts.


I'v said it before but this is clearly an unfortunate issue with the new store update. No EA access trials came out durring the preview period or else this would of been caught. I'd say its a little more on MS then EA at this point. EA probably didn't think MS would break this or didn't even think about it

They have had near identical issues in the past with other games on EA Access including Madden 16. They usually get it sorted within 24 hours. With another game there was an issue with people who downloaded it while launching it from the EA Access instead of the store. And other quirky things like that.
They have had near identical issues in the past with other games on EA Access including Madden 16. They usually get it sorted within 24 hours. With another game there was an issue with people who downloading it while launching it from the EA Access instead of the store. And other quirky things like that.
I definitely remember some quirks but nothing that was not just the first few hours on the day before. Nothing as wide spread for this length of time

More I think about it the more I think your right and its some kind of coding issue of sorts.
I seems to be doing the ownership check first and when that triggers "yes" then it throws up the too early message instead of checking for "EA access" access.
Yep, this is definitely unique for an EA Access launch and I bet it's related to the store updates. I've downloaded nearly every EA Access game and within an hour or two they have it launching fine.

I uploaded a video of the problem which I'm sure is similar for other's:

EA has a Support thread, but of course, it's displayed as "Solved" which obviously isn't true:

If you have an EA account subscribe to this and add a comment to it.


EA Tiburon announced its latest release in the Madden NFL football franchise, Madden NFL 17, is hitting stands August 23. This latest edition will offer gamers the opportunity to play in one of the most anticipated new sports stadiums, Mercedes-Benz Stadium.






Hey, a fellow Jaguars fan!

Obviously PS4 owners can't access it early but they might complain if other gamers get a freebie in Ultimate team and they don't. It's good PR all around.

Then they can complain to Sony about not letting them have EA Access. Members also get 10% off the game and in game purchases.


Holy shit, you can't be serious...
Christ almighty EA how does this shit make it into the game. How is this even possible to screw that up?! And it's found the day it's released to the public... Jesus.

Aah, apparently Rex is aware of it and they're working on a fix:

That's a crushing bug because I use coaches cam before every play, and it'd basically ruin the game for me. Reminds me of the psychic AI in previous versions of the game (or well probably even recent versions as well) where if you came out in a run, they'd have a run defense picked for you, and so audible to a short pass would work almost 100% of the time.
Holy shit, you can't be serious...
Christ almighty EA how does this shit make it into the game. How is this even possible to screw that up?! And it's found the day it's released to the public... Jesus.

Aah, apparently Rex is aware of it and they're working on a fix:

That's a crushing bug because I use coaches cam before every play, and it'd basically ruin the game for me. Reminds me of the psychic AI in previous versions of the game (or well probably even recent versions as well) where if you came out in a run, they'd have a run defense picked for you, and so audible to a short pass would work almost 100% of the time.
That seems like it will be a quick fix. Wouldn't be suprised if its already rolled in to the day one patch


Hey, a fellow Jaguars fan!

Obviously PS4 owners can't access it early but they might complain if other gamers get a freebie in Ultimate team and they don't. It's good PR all around.

Another Jags fan here, finally the Jags have a good team I can play online with, already had 2 guys quite today lol


Waiting for positive reactions on here and OS before I buy. lol @ that audible bug. Jesus Christ, EA! Do y'all even play or QA the fucking games? That's such a fundamentally big thing to just leave in there.
Waiting for positive reactions on here and OS before I buy. lol @ that audible bug. Jesus Christ, EA! Do y'all even play or QA the fucking games? That's such a fundamentally big thing to just leave in there.
It's game development, man. It could of just popped up after the latest update. They have a lot of hardcore Madden players who have been playing off and on the last few months. I doubt they would not of noticed, so I'm guessing this is a newer bug
Holy shit, you can't be serious...
Christ almighty EA how does this shit make it into the game. How is this even possible to screw that up?! And it's found the day it's released to the public... Jesus.

You realize that every game has bugs in it at release, right? I have been heavily involved in quality assurance in another industry (printer firmware) and the team is small. Once that team has already made pass after pass, everything blends together. It's easy to miss the small stuff unless your QA track is insanely detailed. This is something pretty simple, which actually makes it easier to get through because nobody thinks to look for it. I guarantee you it makes it into the QA track in future years, though.

A million people playing a game will always find something that a team of 10 people missed. That's just how it is and always will be.


You realize that every game has bugs in it at release, right? I have been heavily involved in quality assurance in another industry (printer firmware) and the team is small. Once that team has already made pass after pass, everything blends together. It's easy to miss the small stuff unless your QA track is insanely detailed. This is something pretty simple, which actually makes it easier to get through because nobody thinks to look for it. I guarantee you it makes it into the QA track in future years, though.

A million people playing a game will always find something that a team of 10 people missed. That's just how it is and always will be.

It took them 3 years to fix a backwards wind meter. Don't make excuses for them.
You realize that every game has bugs in it at release, right? I have been heavily involved in quality assurance in another industry (printer firmware) and the team is small. Once that team has already made pass after pass, everything blends together. It's easy to miss the small stuff unless your QA track is insanely detailed. This is something pretty simple, which actually makes it easier to get through because nobody thinks to look for it. I guarantee you it makes it into the QA track in future years, though.

A million people playing a game will always find something that a team of 10 people missed. That's just how it is and always will be.

I do know that every game has bugs, and I'm a software engineer, so I have some experience with automated testing, quality engineering, and shippable bugs in software.

That said, this is a bug that has never been present in a Madden game before and it's one that reveals your opponents plays to you. That's a ridiculous bug.

It's good that they're fixing it but it's one of those things that you scratch your head over because it's so significant. I'm glad they're going to fix it, but it's still insane that this shipped. EA has had noteably poor bug control in this franchise. I've made posts about this before, but there was a customer reported shipped bug with the SuperSim mode that's been present in the game engine for 8 years. I reported it in 2008, and have posts on internet forums and bug report sites for EA going back almost a decade (I''m not kidding, here was a follow-up post I wrote in 2011), and as of Madden '16, the bug was still present. I'm assuming it's fixed for Madden '17 because of the new "Play the Moments" feature would really highlight it, but then again, it also persisted when the NCAA series let you play as just an offensive or defensive coordinator, which also shined a light on it.

As other mentioned head-scratching bugs like the reverse wind (wind was always blowing in the opposite direction that it indicated) and coin toss (in Madden '16, you had this coin toss decision prior to the game, but in Franchise mode, the opposing AI team won the coin toss 100% of the time or it just chose the opposite of whatever your coin toss selection is), these were bugs reported by customers and present in the game for multiple releases, year after year.

I think being involved in software development has made me more critical of companies when they ship bugs that should not be shippable in multiple releases.


Lucked out on an early Deluxe Edition PS4 copy on eBay for $60. The guy was only 20 minutes from me so I was able to pick it up this morning.
Wow, PastaPadre just tweeted this video of the season-long updated commentary:

The color announcer talking about Rookie QBs, comments about how Jared Goff and Wentz got injured in the first preseason game, and Treyvon Boykin leading Seattle in a comeback.

That's awesome and impressive that they get those clips in just one week into preseason. I figured it wouldn't start till the regular season. Kudos EA


Wow, PastaPadre just tweeted this video of the season-long updated commentary:

The color announcer talking about Rookie QBs, comments about how Jared Goff and Wentz got injured in the first preseason game, and Treyvon Boykin leading Seattle in a comeback.

That's awesome and impressive that they get those clips in just one week into preseason. I figured it wouldn't start till the regular season. Kudos EA

No thanks, I would rather hear about Phil Simms' bad business decisions 5 times a game.


So they're actually going to keep up with the commentary updates?

I wonder how that will work with our online connected franchise modes though.


So they're actually going to keep up with the commentary updates?

I wonder how that will work with our online connected franchise modes though.

You think they're going to record custom lines for your team going winless in year one or just keep it generic?


How are the new kick-blocking mechanics in-game? I was only able to play the tutorial bit last night and it seems like a great addition.

And how are you guys feeling about the commentary?
After a 2 year Madden break, I think I'm ready to try this years game. Focus on franchise mode sounds good, as that might as well be the only mode in the game for me.

Is this seriously the first year they've added practice squad? So will rosters and preseason actually be realistic now?


Wow, PastaPadre just tweeted this video of the season-long updated commentary:

The color announcer talking about Rookie QBs, comments about how Jared Goff and Wentz got injured in the first preseason game, and Treyvon Boykin leading Seattle in a comeback.

That's awesome and impressive that they get those clips in just one week into preseason. I figured it wouldn't start till the regular season. Kudos EA

Thats great stuff, glad they are doing something with the commentary this year

So ummm it says my trial has expired yet I've only played one hour which is confirmed by the game hub. Anyone else have this issue?

Wow EA is really having a lot of issues with this trail, they should just give everybody on EA access the full game early lol, and then just lock it on the 23rd unless you buy it or have a disk


So ummm it says my trial has expired yet I've only played one hour which is confirmed by the game hub. Anyone else have this issue?
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