Madden NFL '17 |OT| It's Madden Season



watching your current stream against the Cheeseheads....and the commentary mentioned Vance McDonald fighting for the starting role, and has played well so far in preseason. Vance had a nice TD last week.

hmmm.... good job EA?

lets see if other aspects are improved, gameplay wise. Last year it seemed like they wanted to turn it into a mobile game letting casual gamers to just hold single buttons to do plays.

as far as the game... i still haven't decided if I want to stick with Chip Kelly's playbook or look for one that was similar to the 9ers old playbook. I prefer to play undercenter.... my main offense for like 10+ years is out of i-formation and strong formation.

not sure if, in Madden, if we have the players to run that spread offense... since everyone expect us to be garbage...the game has our player stats as garbage.
Wow, PastaPadre just tweeted this video of the season-long updated commentary:

The color announcer talking about Rookie QBs, comments about how Jared Goff and Wentz got injured in the first preseason game, and Treyvon Boykin leading Seattle in a comeback.

That's awesome and impressive that they get those clips in just one week into preseason. I figured it wouldn't start till the regular season. Kudos EA

Yea, I played a game yesterday and they commented about how the Ravens stopped the game to watch the Phelps race.


This audible but needs to be fixed fast, its pretty game breaking in key situations

Heck im gonna use it, since its in the game


If they can keep updating the commentary throughout the season I may keep it on after a couple of weeks, something I haven't done in years. In the next couple of years I hope they expand on this concept and have multiple teams call different games.


So um how do you do a hurry up offense to get back to the line of scrimmage?! Maybe my mind isn't remembering correctly but I thought it was hold down Y (xb1) after a play and that didn't work. Then I could've sworn a tutorial screen popped up and said hold down LB and that didn't work either?!


So um how do you do a hurry up offense to get back to the line of scrimmage?! Maybe my mind isn't remembering correctly but I thought it was hold down Y (xb1) after a play and that didn't work. Then I could've sworn a tutorial screen popped up and said hold down LB and that didn't work either?!

You tap LB to toggle between Normal, Hurry Up, and Chew-clock speeds, I believe.
Holy crap, SuperSim is still broken.

Take a look at the clock here. I had zero time outs after the 9 yard run and Arizona was ahead with the ball, a first down, and 1:42 left. I decided to supersim to see if they fixed this bug which has been present for almost 10 years:


Even despite all of their marketing around "Play The Moments" the key functionality of that -- SuperSim -- is still broken. On the first play arizona calls, a run up the middle, despite ZERO TIMEOUTS, they only run 3 seconds off the clock. 3 seconds, 18 seconds, 19 seconds... When I have zero time outs, then the last one somehow killed 45 seconds off the clock, but w/e... those 3 before it are... astounding.

Fucking incredible that this wasn't fixed this year, when they've spent so much attention on this... Nobody QA's anything at EA. And I've reported this bug every year for the last 8 years.

This has been my own pet complaint about Madden/NCAA since 2008 or 2009, and every year I report it, and every year it's one of the first things I check.
Holy crap, SuperSim is still broken.

Take a look at the clock here. I had zero time outs after the 9 yard run and Arizona was ahead with the ball, a first down, and 1:42 left. I decided to supersim to see if they fixed this bug which has been present for almost 10 years:


Even despite all of their marketing around "Play The Moments" the key functionality of that -- SuperSim -- is still broken. On the first play arizona calls, a run up the middle, despite ZERO TIMEOUTS, they only run 3 seconds off the clock. 3 seconds, 18 seconds, 19 seconds... When I have zero time outs, then the last one somehow killed 45 seconds off the clock, but w/e... those 3 before it are... astounding.

Fucking incredible that this wasn't fixed this year, when they've spent so much attention on this... Nobody QA's anything at EA. And I've reported this bug every year for the last 8 years.

This has been my own pet complaint about Madden/NCAA since 2008 or 2009, and every year I report it, and every year it's one of the first things I check.

That is amazing.
I will add to my super sim rant that it is generally improved. There are far fewer bone headed plays and the clock runs much more realistically for most of the game. There are still those critical clock errors, and plays where a run will somehow only take off 6 seconds while an incomplete pass will burn 18 seconds, but, for the most part, it is improved.

I also think the kickoff receive/kick vs. with wind/against wind is also borked again.

Overlal I'm liking the changes to "Play the Moments." I think it works pretty well. Got through a handful of games quickly without feeling like I totally lost control which is exactly what they need to do.


Really wish player franchise was more like The Sows RttS where you can skip plays you aren't heavily involved with. So playing as a DB wasn't awful,


So I played offline Draft Champions and the clock was set at 5 minutes with no accelerated clock (despite the global settings to be 6 minutes and accelerated clock) so I ended up winning in a way too easy game like 49-7.

Is there like a setting I missed or somethig?


Just preordered and preloaded on PS4. My first since 14 (well, 25).

Was on the fence, but what pushed me over is me finishing NMS way sooner than expected. As well as Draft Champions, I really enjoyed that mode in MLB this year, so I'm looking forward to it.
I'll probably be playing MUT and Draft Champions the most, probably offline at first until I get back into shape.

NFL GamePass for the real football season is purchased already as well, thus game should make those 3 weeks of waiting much more manageable.
Played some draft champions today and it's much more balanced than last year. LAst years game was basically a game of whoever managed the clock better because both teams scored on every possession, or whoever made a single mistake. I stupidly lost this game 21 - 20... I missed an extra point and also missed a field goal that would have won the game. Controlled the game ofr the most part but then just made two major mistakes.

Few thoughts when playing humans:

Out routes are covered much, much better now especially with elite safeties or an outside CB. I wasn't able to milk any of the money routes from last season against these two opponents.

Defensive back play is much improved. My opponent had a few deep passes, but all of them were fairly realistic and he ended up going like 12 / 25 or so, and had a lot of the passes broken up.

I think the vs. gameplay is a lot more balanced this year.

Running feels good and it's absolutely right about needing a solid offensive line to break runs. Even with Leveon Bell, I wasn't able to break many consistent gains on the ground... Just had a couple big plays because my opponent over committed. But I wasn't getting many lanes for most of the game.

The new tutorials are great as well:

Anyone aware of any issues getting trial to start? Everytime I try to launch game it says one second getting your game ready then an error msg pops right after saying something went wrong. This blows I've had every Madden since ps1 days and was looking forward to playing. Hope preview members aren't able to play it for some reason like how the background Pandora app is.
Played some draft champions today and it's much more balanced than last year. LAst years game was basically a game of whoever managed the clock better because both teams scored on every possession, or whoever made a single mistake. I stupidly lost this game 21 - 20... I missed an extra point and also missed a field goal that would have won the game. Controlled the game ofr the most part but then just made two major mistakes.

Few thoughts when playing humans:

Out routes are covered much, much better now especially with elite safeties or an outside CB. I wasn't able to milk any of the money routes from last season against these two opponents.

Defensive back play is much improved. My opponent had a few deep passes, but all of them were fairly realistic and he ended up going like 12 / 25 or so, and had a lot of the passes broken up.

I think the vs. gameplay is a lot more balanced this year.

Running feels good and it's absolutely right about needing a solid offensive line to break runs. Even with Leveon Bell, I wasn't able to break many consistent gains on the ground... Just had a couple big plays because my opponent over committed. But I wasn't getting many lanes for most of the game.

The new tutorials are great as well:


That's promising to hear from a defensive standpoint. I take it crossing/drag routes are better covered too then with the new zone ai they put in?

Just saw older post saying it's working. Did you have to do anything like download it again? I'm still getting something went wrong msg. Just saw that pre snap bug about tipping off run or pass, that's awful. I wont be playing any ranked games til that's fixed that's for sure.
Is there any reason to go with one system over the other? I have both. If there isn't any difference, I'll probably go XBO just for the controller.
So um how do you do a hurry up offense to get back to the line of scrimmage?! Maybe my mind isn't remembering correctly but I thought it was hold down Y (xb1) after a play and that didn't work. Then I could've sworn a tutorial screen popped up and said hold down LB and that didn't work either?!

You can hold y after a play to immediately hurry up, and then when in the play call window hit LB to toggle hurry up offense or chew clock offense.


Trading big name commentators for guys willing to work all season is the best presentation decision they have made in a long time.


how is it that some of these errors are found within hours of release on EA access but QA testers can't find it in (presumably?) months of testing?

Speaking as someone who works in software QA (not video game related), it could either be one of two things:

1) Incompetent QA...which could definitely be the case, but this is usually the default answer when something is broken
2) The bugs were found and logged but the company decided to ship it with known issues because they wanted to hit a release date

From my experience, 90% of the time it's option 2.


Trading big name commentators for guys willing to work all season is the best presentation decision they have made in a long time.

bu bu but that unknown Radio guy from Madden 07?

I'm sure he had all the time in the world.

Who ever pulls the strings finally decided to focus on it for this year.

anyway I'm still excited it's here.

Just wish there was another football game to give us an example to see what we should we expect for this gen. Graphics and Animation wise.
Speaking as someone who works in software QA (not video game related), it could either be one of two things:

1) Incompetent QA...which could definitely be the case, but this is usually the default answer when something is broken
2) The bugs were found and logged but the company decided to ship it with known issues because they wanted to hit a release date

From my experience, 90% of the time it's option 2.

i suppose i could see option 2 regarding the "see all rookie ratings" bug, but how hard is it to fix the other bug where you can tell if it's a run or pass just by seeing if the receivers names show up? that seems an easy fix to me and something that would've been caught very early.... unless they changed something late that caused it


i suppose i could see option 2 regarding the "see all rookie ratings" bug, but how hard is it to fix the other bug where you can tell if it's a run or pass just by seeing if the receivers names show up? that seems an easy fix to me and something that would've been caught very early.... unless they changed something late that caused it

I dunno, I've seen bugs that were easy fixes get pushed way down in the queue because the decision makers (product managers) didn't think it was a priority and wanted devs to work on some other cool new feature. Then when you release the product and people start complaining, all of a sudden it becomes OMG SHOW STOPPER! WORK LATE AND FIX THIS NOW!
Holy crap, SuperSim is still broken.

Take a look at the clock here. I had zero time outs after the 9 yard run and Arizona was ahead with the ball, a first down, and 1:42 left. I decided to supersim to see if they fixed this bug which has been present for almost 10 years:


Even despite all of their marketing around "Play The Moments" the key functionality of that -- SuperSim -- is still broken. On the first play arizona calls, a run up the middle, despite ZERO TIMEOUTS, they only run 3 seconds off the clock. 3 seconds, 18 seconds, 19 seconds... When I have zero time outs, then the last one somehow killed 45 seconds off the clock, but w/e... those 3 before it are... astounding.

Fucking incredible that this wasn't fixed this year, when they've spent so much attention on this... Nobody QA's anything at EA. And I've reported this bug every year for the last 8 years.

This has been my own pet complaint about Madden/NCAA since 2008 or 2009, and every year I report it, and every year it's one of the first things I check.

Wow... I'm almost speechless at how bad that is. Have you tried getting someone's attention over on the EA forums? (I'm assuming yes?)


My EA Access trial went from 7 hours to 30 minutes within one hour yesterday and now I can't go back to play it. Very strange.

Currently wondering if me having the game on in the background (when going to media apps) played a role even though everything was fine when I was playing the game on Friday night/early Saturday morning. I still think there's an issue with EA Access and the new Xbox update.
My EA Access trial went from 7 hours to 30 minutes within one hour yesterday and now I can't go back to play it. Very strange.

Currently wondering if me having the game on in the background (when going to media apps) played a role even though everything was fine when I was playing the game on Friday night/early Saturday morning. I still think there's an issue with EA Access and the new Xbox update.

I'm with you I think EA Access and the new XBox Update have some issues. I've been sure to "Exit" the game every time I've finished playing, which is something I never had to do with the other trials, but after this rocky launch I've been more careful.

Wow... I'm almost speechless at how bad that is. Have you tried getting someone's attention over on the EA forums? (I'm assuming yes?)

I've reported this bug every year for almost 10 years, and I usually go into real depth with bug reports. Hhere are a handful of threads I've posted in about this over the years... there are more. Once I put together a definitive list of every time I've mentioned the clock/SuperSim bugs. Half of these are EA forums, half are OS.

FWIW, the clock management seems ot be better in '17 for SuperSIm, but still doesn't really work. What's more disappointing is that this is part of back of the box, highlighted feature... "Play the Moments." Similarly back in 2011, the SuperSim/clock bugs were parts of a major feature, where in NCAA 2011's coaching carousel you could play as an OC/DC which would simulate any play you weren't involved in... And so the result was PAINFUL games where 10+ play drives (of runs!) would take like 1:35 off the clock. SO there have been two times where the Sim engine has been a major part of the game marketing, 2011 with the OC/DC coaching carousel in NCAA Football and Madden '17 with Play the Moments, and these clock sim issues have been present and customer reported since 2008.

Listen I still enjoy the hell out of Madden every year and think this is a really strong game, but these things drive me batty.
Asked yesterday but noone bothered to help me out if they knew anything so I'll ask again. Does anyone know if I have to do something specific to get my trial to work? I pre ordered game and I'm in preview program as well. My EA access account is still active I've uninstalled and reinstalled game twice hard reset a thousand times tried launching it from my pins the my games and apps section through EA access hub the Madden hub itself and the store but all I keep getting is getting app ready then a few seconds later the something went wrong msg. Any help would be appreciated haven't had luck finding a fix through google and this is really starting to piss me off.
bu bu but that unknown Radio guy from Madden 07?

I'm sure he had all the time in the world.

Who ever pulls the strings finally decided to focus on it for this year.

anyway I'm still excited it's here.

Just wish there was another football game to give us an example to see what we should we expect for this gen. Graphics and Animation wise.

Radio guy was still a good decision for EA, they just fucked it up horribly. The lines they had him recording were so damn unrealistic for a radio announcer.

Holy shit though watching this MAdden 08 gameplay vid is giving me horribly memories for how bad that game was.

Asked yesterday but noone bothered to help me out if they knew anything so I'll ask again. Does anyone know if I have to do something specific to get my trial to work? I pre ordered game and I'm in preview program as well. My EA access account is still active I've uninstalled and reinstalled game twice hard reset a thousand times tried launching it from my pins the my games and apps section through EA access hub the Madden hub itself and the store but all I keep getting is getting app ready then a few seconds later the something went wrong msg. Any help would be appreciated haven't had luck finding a fix through google and this is really starting to piss me off.

I think you should go to Xbox support. Their online chat support is pretty good. I had issues for about 24-36 hours, as a pre-order who also had EA Access. I'm in the X1 beta program but don't think I have the latest beta of the OS.

I'd contact MS Support and see what they say. THey did a lot to try to help me on Thursday last week, and although it didn't work till EA Fixed most of the pre-order bugs by Friday morning, support was still helpful.

Intiially MS recommended to me to log out of Xbox Live, then turn off the Xbox and unplug the power supply from the wall... Leave it unplugged for 3 minutes, boot back up, launch the store, and try to launch the game again. It didn't work for me on Thursday, but then my trial started working again by Friday, so maybe this will work for you. My error was different "You're trying to launch the game early..." or so, so maybe Xbox support will no more about this problem you're having.


Twitter is filled with people complaining about the trial ending way early.. and EA has been silent since Friday about it. Beyond annoyed at this point .. never had a problem with a EA Access trial before and this is the one they mess up on? ugh


Member anyone else annoyed by the ads they're putting on the jumbotrons? I just scored and was promptly treated to a commercial "Shoulders are made for greatness, not dandruff."



Member anyone else annoyed by the ads they're putting on the jumbotrons? I just scored and was promptly treated to a commercial "Shoulders are made for greatness, not dandruff."


I hate to break it to you, but Madden has been rotten with ads for quite a while. They even added a whole new attribute to player ratings that was just an advertisement, the Old Spice "Swagger" rating.
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