Checks Jordan Eberle a playoff stats
Ceci for Eberle
Watch him get his shit together if you get him.
Checks Jordan Eberle a playoff stats
Ceci for Eberle
Bettman wants a McDavid/Crosby finals.
Something something broken clock. I get the feeling that's why they're picked every year, so someone will eventually be correct.Can we stop pretending the Caps are contenders every year now?
I fucking hate anthems in sports and that was one of the reasons why.
Bettman wants a McDavid/Crosby finals.
I fucking hate anthems in sports and that was one of the reasons why.
Posting this stuff is a pretty bitch move. Just move on.Let's see what's going on in Caps fanville...
"I say do not blow this team up, give them a kick in the pants"
"I should have known better than to think they'd do anything other than soil their drawers tonight."
"Worst period of hockey they've played all series. Horrible. Panicked like youth players. Blow this mess up."
"It does not make any sense"
"Ovechkin has had it. Don't care if I see him anymore. Burakovsky was our best player in the series."
"Boo their fukking asses off the ice. I'm out. Last time I do this. Too stupid for words. Need some players with brains to win. I've got 3 caps jerseys for sale. Or I'll burn the goddamn things. Losers."
Soc is the prophet of nhl-gaf
Posting this stuff is a pretty bitch move. Just move on.
Holy shit. 😂😂😂😂We're fucked.
Where's that guy who's been saying how "This is really the year" in here?
The thing I fear about the Sens is their goaltending. We'll see how it goes. Pens can do it.
As a Flyers fan, I secretly root for the Capitals sometimes. I just absolutely love Ovi as a player. But man, it is hard and even hurts me seeing them fall over and over again. Does management take a look at each other and ask, "Should we blow it up?" To me, it just seems like they hit a brick wall over and over and hope for a different result
i don't care what the jersey says, that's Bernier in net