It's not salt, I don't understand coming into the thread as a new poster just to shit it up.So much salt. The sodium content is off the charts on this one
Damn we are busting out the "bandwagon" label.
Stay mad that the Toronto Maple Chokes failed so miserably yesterday.
You have no argument, go back to the off-season thread.
Yeah we are (at least I am - he seems mad), is there a problem?
Fucking Ottawa, you look like shit. I had faith in you guys.
Alfie better get his team riled up for the 3rd.
Where you watching Game 2 of this series? I wanna come watch it with you tough guy.
I'm just sick of bandwagon geek/virgins acting all tough on the internet.
There's a quiz tomorrow. Have homework tonight. Have to be up at 5:30 to catch BART on time. Perfect storm of shit I don't want to do.Whens the exam?
CFA level 2 studying for me going on tonight. Studying during games for me is more like watching with a book open and pages not turning.
No, THIS is Milbury angry.
LOL. If you went into the stands in 2013 and beat a fan WITH A SHOE, you'd be kicked out of the league and sued. 30 years ago? Just part of the game!
I concur.Should be the OP.
I love this thread tonight. The amount of salt Leaf fans are bringing in behind them is hilarious. I think I could make some popcorn.
Leaf fans looking for the Pens to lose to "stick it to us". Seriously, go away, you were disgraced, you are forever in the history books as the only NHL team to lose a lead like that. You'll always be the Toronto Maple Laughs and the newly appointed title of Toronto Maple Chokes.
Smash88 is truly a valuable addition to our community. He always brings a fresh take on things, doesn't just rely on the same two quips in every single post, and isn't the least bit obnoxious. I hope he continues to post here indefinitely and doesn't just disappear again once the Pens are eliminated and finally reappear three years later when they finally make it out of the first round again.
Most of these people aren't even Leaf fans.. What the fuck?
Should be the OP.
Most of these people aren't even Leaf fans*.. What the fuck?
Gryba is injured, KARMA
Shhhhhhhhhh. Let the idiot go for it.Most of these people aren't even Leaf fans.. What the fuck?
I'm going to start my own playoff thread with blackjack...and hookers. Actually forget the playoffs and the blackjack,
GAF-Gold allows this. Come at my level.
Smash should be impressed with himself , he's doing something only Tabris has ever done: unite all of NHL-Gaf into one single, hating unit. It's beautiful :')
It's not salt, I don't understand coming into the thread as a new poster just to shit it up.
It's easier on the brain too seeing as you're not expected to know more then which team is the home team.Maybe I should just be a Penguins fan. It'll be easier on the heart.
Bring on the Crosby jokes, motherfuckers. You just jelly we got the Michael Jordan of hockey skating circles around all of your second-rate beer league bums.
Who are you? Lifelong?It's salt, bro.
Pointing out how bad the Habs are is not shitting up the thread, sorry.
Maybe I should just be a Penguins fan. It'll be easier on the heart.
I just became a Red Wings fan. 22 years of playoffs. 3 Stanley cups suck it haters.
Maybe I should just be a Penguins fan. It'll be easier on the heart.
I just became a Red Wings fan. 22 years of playoffs. 3 Stanley cups suck it haters.
I really liked that Nicholas Lindstrom guy or whatever his name is
Pro-tip: the Michael Jordan of hockey was in a cartoon with MJ.
Maybe I should just be a Penguins fan. It'll be easier on the heart.
Only Pens fans can make the term "salt" annoying and stale in one intermission.....