Pleasantly surprised about the Canucks' performance in the last two games. Didn't expect them to beat LA, and expected a letdown against Arizona the following night. They'll probably lose their next game.
Pulling a Socreges because I got so much shit for this originally:
Perspective. Those posts are from July 2013, before Price put himself on the map with his Olympics performance. I bet if you go even further back you could find Habs fans up in arms over the Halak trade and how Price won't ever reach that level. I guess those fans are eating crow now.
The fact is that Price was a good goalie until the Olympics and the playoffs run showed everyone that he was a great goalie. This season puts him in the elite category, for sure. The question is whether he can sustain this level in the playoffs and upcoming seasons.
It also makes me wonder how much better Schneider's numbers would be if he was on a better team.