Perspective. Those posts are from July 2013, before Price put himself on the map with his Olympics performance. I bet if you go even further back you could find Habs fans up in arms over the Halak trade and how Price won't ever reach that level. I guess those fans are eating crow now.
Speaking of which.... Look what I dug up
(Solo, in particular, went insane)
habs just made another P Roy trade.
Good job!
Gauthier sucks
FUCKKK!! Fuck you Gainey and your fucking puppet!
Hey guys what's happening I just got....
Guys don't ever complain about your GMs, because there's no way they're worse then Gauthier.
Worst trade ever.
WTH ???????????????????????
Seriously f. u Gayney, I hope you burn in hell.
edit : worst part is, now Price is our number one. We are fucked.
WTF I just heard
Jesus motherfucking christ Habs
Price sucks dick man. Jesus, this is a disaster.
This makes no fucking sense at all, getting rid of our best goalie in years for practically nothing and giving the job to a little bitch like price. This is so fucking stupid
A franchise goalie for a bag of pucks is a good trade? This will fuck us over for the next 5 years. That ECF run we just enjoyed? Remember it fondly, because we wont get that far again in the Price era.
He won't. This is Patrick Roy 1995 shades of awful.
Gainey isnt Montreal's GM anymore....