Kill me now.
Kill me now.
Do it.
Only a Kings fan would put his drinks between his legs while peeing.
lol 3/4 pants with boots
Only a Kings fan would put his drinks between his legs while peeing.
lol 3/4 pants with boots
Forgive me...
Does anyone feel sad that kids in the German plane crash will never get to play Bloodborne?
Schuey pulling low punches here and to be really honest I'm surprised this isn't a Thread Title yet
This is a pretty good article on how the hockey media are basically a bunch of clowns who spend more time trying to spin narratives than anything resembling real journalism: http://www.stanleycupofchowder.com/...-the-troubling-trend-of-nhl-media-as-a-weapon
Finally, we've seen cases where a team media has clearly decided to target a player for "character issues" no other reason than they're the easiest target, or, more sinisterly, to run them out of town (see Evander Kane in Winnipeg or, recently, Nazem Kadri in Toronto). Troublingly, these are often linked to players of minority backgrounds.
There is a laundry list of issues that Maple Leafs have with Nazem Kadri. And if they didnt believe he was a player worth fighting for, worth keeping through the rebuild, they would have ignored his perceived indiscretions and looked to trade him in June.
i'm all for small urinals but that one is TINY!
Forgive me...
Does anyone feel sad that kids in the German plane crash will never get to play Bloodborne?
It's for kids and midgets dawg.
I like Battlefield and FIFA, should I buy it too?I like Monster Hunter. Should I buy Bloodborne?
Oh god i'm going to hell for laughing at that. I hope hell has Bloodborne...
3 days from now
LTTP: Bloodborne.. this game is shit
3 months from now
LTTP: Bloodborne.. this game is shit
it's the Gaf circle of life
I agree with most of this (and with ActStriker's comment that this type of punditry exists in other sports), but I take exception with this graf:
Kadri isn't being run out of town by the local media. In fact he's faced far less scrutiny than Kessel, Phaneuf, Gardiner or Reimer has over the past 2-3 season, despite inconsistent play, noticeable clashes with the staff and a handful of league suspensions. For example, look at how the chief buffoon of Leafs reporters (Simmons) started his piece on Kadri's suspension:
Does that at all seem like he's trying to run him out of town?
Lol, Titus!
I saw the gif and said "Titus! Titus Andromedon!" in my head.
Really liked that show, even though I felt the last couple of episodes were the weakest (or least funny at least) it was still excellent overall. It's kinda insane how they were able to make such a funny show about a teenage girl kidnapped and kept in locked in a bunker for 15 years.
Favourite Titus moment: "Honey, that werewolf needs help!"
Hm?Soc will come in and put me in my place.
7 days left in March.This reminds me of that time you said we wouldn't be in a playoff position in March...
Trying this
Lol, Titus!
I saw the gif and said "Titus! Titus Andromedon!" in my head.
Really liked that show, even though I felt the last couple of episodes were the weakest (or least funny at least) it was still excellent overall. It's kinda insane how they were able to make such a funny show about a teenage girl kidnapped and kept in locked in a bunker for 15 years.
Favourite Titus moment: "Honey, that werewolf needs help!"
No joke, this would probably have a legit shot of giving me a heart attack.
No joke, this would probably have a legit shot of giving me a heart attack.
I think both Marner and Strome could probably play in the NHL next season, but I doubt the one drafted by the Leafs will get the chance. Just doesn't make sense to burn that contract year.
But considering how dominant they both were in their draft-eligible season, it's going to be crazy seeing one or both light it up in their +1.
AHL needs some kind of exception rule D:
There's no reason for the CHL to ever agree to it, but damn it'd be nice. Every year there's a dozen or so 19-20 age players who aren't quite good enough to play in the NHL but are just too good for junior, and I think it kind of stunts their growth a bit.
Morrissey was good in the WHL last year, but when his team was eliminated he went to the AHL and looked *amazing* in a long playoff run. But this year he goes back to junior and underwhelms by basically stagnating.
Huh. I'm usually the insensitive one so it's funny you could see it that way.Just seemed like something you give chastise over. I'm probably wrong.
Huh. I'm usually the insensitive one so it's funny you could see it that way.
I've actually feigned offense before to make Tabris lookbadeven worse. Which, on at least one occasion, ended up being itself kinda offensive. Merguson might know what I'm talking about.
Huh. I'm usually the insensitive one so it's funny you could see it that way.
I've actually feigned offense before to make Tabris lookbadeven worse. Which, on at least one occasion, ended up being itself kinda offensive. Merguson might know what I'm talking about.
Holy shit :lol :lol be careful out there RC
Dreger at least has been trying to run Kadri out of town for ages. :\
Two games attended in less than a week. Crapped the bed against Columbus, stood triumphant over Winnipeg. I'll take that as long we keep the lead over those other, lesser teams in the Pacific rearview.
Blue Jackets debacle which shall not be mentioned again
Glorious victory over Manitoban interlopers
Holy fuck you only posted this to indicate that you only sit in the lower bowl. OutstandingWeird, I never actually looked at the ceiling before. I mean you would look up towards the scoreboard but never that view, didn't realize it was tiled. It's an interesting view.
Oh, and - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt9zSfinwFA&spfreload=10
Holy fuck you only posted this to indicate that you only sit in the lower bowl. Outstanding