Still same DS4 battery. People say it's caused by the LED light. You could turn down its brightness.
Also do you know about the Rest mode? It downloads stuff automatically while the console is pretty much off.
Yep. I know about dimming the LED and Rest mode. I just like the way the PS3 updates automatically on a schedule. I have it set to do it in the middle of the night, so I would just wake up to find either the PS3 needing to install the update or games already updated. It's neat and would be a good complement to Rest mode.
Tinder's crap now. Full of people trying to get you to pay to access their cam site.
So it's not just me feeling like a loser on Tinder for only getting matched with automated messages about cam sites.
Truthfully, I haven't used it in ages since deleting my account. Having a premium option that gimps the basic function takes away the little interest I had in it.