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NHL Stanley Cup Final |OT| Beat LA

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Hunter S.

what is most upsetting about this is for a long time the arrogant west has declared they would slaughter the Rangers, and on paper it may end up seeming like that, but in reality this is about as even as it gets, coming down to overtimes and bullshit calls. I fear for the rest of the series. But at this point ive accepted loss.

One man's declaration of defeat...

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Don't understand this hatred for lifelongs.

#youvegottastartsomewhere amirite?

I welcome all new Kings fans with open arms :D


All kinds of fucking bullshit.

Goal allowed that shouldn't have counted. A clear delay of game not called RIGHT before the game winning goal.

Blech. What the fuck ever.

Could easily be leading this series 2-0 right now. Pissed it away.

Hey, the Kings shouldn't even be here as the Sharks were up 3-0 in that series. These guys find a way to win.


i want to apologize if ive been hostile toward anyone im just really depressed the rangers are losing. Its one of the only bright spots i got left.

Hunter S.

Don't understand this hatred for lifelongs.

#youvegottastartsomewhere amirite?

I welcome all new Kings fans with open arms :D

Call me in 5 years if you watch the regular season of your team and then follow them in the playoffs , or not if they do not make it. Then you are an NHL fan. Otherwise you are nothing.
i want to apologize if ive been hostile toward anyone im just really depressed the rangers are losing. Its one of the only bright spots i got left.

everyone is pissy after a loss man, don't sweat it. I'm fairly certain the Rangers take game 3 and make this a series.

if you ever find yourself in So Cal drinks are on me


The Los Angeles Blue Shells.
Call me in 5 years if you watch the regular season of your team and then follow them in the playoffs , or not if they do not make it. Then you are an NHL fan. Otherwise you are nothing.


life longers will have that much more satisfaction if/when their team wins than bandwagoners anyway

I hope the Rangers can take games 3 and 4. These games are incredibly tight and LA is like a cockroach, nothing seems to kill them. Never really saw a team like that since I've been watching hockey tbh.


Unconfirmed Member

RE: refs, come on fellas they mad awful calls both ways. Like the Nash and Henrik calls werent bad. You win and lose on your own merit and ability to overcome

The Nash call was a bad one, and I said so the second it happened. The interference on Lundqvist was the right call, though. Carter got him both high and low. You could make the argument that Hank should have gotten called for embellishment in addition, but that doesn't change the fact that Carter made no real attempt to avoid hitting him.

The big difference is that the non-call on the King goal is a series changing call. You can fight through bad calls when they merely result in power plays (or don't, as the case may be). It's another matter when said call literally awards a goal.

Still, though, Gaborik was still allowed to score after that with three white shirts all around him, not counting Lundqvist.

The biggest positive the Rangers can take away right now is this: amount of time the Kings have held a lead in a game in this series so far: 00:00.


No bald cap? Lies!
Rangers definitely lost this one, they had numerous opportunities at the end of the 3rd and in the first OT to lock it up, but a bad call is a bad call and that 3rd Kings goal did not help. Dude was in blue for a long ass time without the puck being in play and was right up on Lundqvist when the shot was made.
I don't know if that's a positive or a negative, to be honest with you.

Coming into the series, I was really worried about the fact that the Rangers always have a great first period and then slow down versus the fact that the Kings have almost been the exact opposite in these playoffs. I mean, the Kings did this to the Hawks too. It depends on how each team plays to their strength, but so far we're seeing it play out in the Kings favor. The Rangers are outplaying the Kings in the early game, but not nearly enough.
The big difference is that the non-call on the King goal is a series changing call. You can fight through bad calls when they merely result in power plays (or don't, as the case may be). It's another matter when said call literally awards a goal.

Eh. I generally agree when in the context of makeup calls (they're dumb and you can't "makeup" for a goal against, because you also surrendered time). But bad calls are a fact of life and the Rangers were still up. And people are complaining about a missed delay of game penalty when, fact of the matter is, delay of game penalties are routinely called ridiculous by fan bases when they lose due to them.

Refs do their job and the human element is part of the game. The Rangers got calls and the Kings got calls. The Nash, Henrik, and missed high stick on Richards happened in succession. And if the Kings had lost due to that....they would have lost. Straight up. Human element.

I hate ref whining. I make annoying parody ref whining posts when the Kings get bad calls because of that. Ref whining is the worst thing that happens because fans act like nothing else in the game ever happened. Like the Rangers weren't outplayed in the third and OT. It's pure rationalization and deflection. You want to blame someone, blame Brad Richards the same way I would be blaming Matt Greene right now.

Edit: I don't mean to direct this toward you, just generally.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Stanley Cup Final |OT| Beat LA (It's that sport where you punch people on ice)


41 > 38
Who came up with it? SF?

Without a doubt. The best part is that we down here enjoy both cities and take advantage of that, while they cut themselves off completely for some weird hatred, the basis of which I have never been quite clear on. I think it's because we say "the" when we reference freeways. At least, that's the most coherent reasoning I've ever been able to get out of one of them. It was the weirdest thing when I started college and my new NorCal friends would start talking about the rivalry. I was just like, uh, what rivalry?

Edit: well, if Boston invented it, NorCal has definitely taken over ownership


41 > 38
Ugh, I just watched the Richard Zednik video again. That shit is still just as harrowing now as it was at the time.

I won't make the mistake of watching Malarchuk's again.


I heard this funny chant in the game, and I couldn't understand it.

It sounds like a specific chant, and not just your generic "Go Kings Go."

Kings-GAF, what the hell is it?


I'm an Aussie and just started watching with this final series, really good sport. So much skill and I love the physicality of it. Only complaint is the puck can be hard to pick up, the game moves so fast.


I'm an Aussie and just started watching with this final series, really good sport. So much skill and I love the physicality of it. Only complaint is the puck can be hard to pick up, the game moves so fast.

Watching an effective power play in motion is a beautiful thing.

What team would you say you're cheering on?

Dastardly's new rival?!


I'm an Aussie and just started watching with this final series, really good sport. So much skill and I love the physicality of it. Only complaint is the puck can be hard to pick up, the game moves so fast.

I just told my dad tonight after the winning shot that slow motion might be the best invention ever as far as broadcasting hockey goes.
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