Why do they feel the need to draw out the feeding process for sooo long? why can't I just feed him 10 chocolate bars?
I'm guessing it's motivation to learn to make the better treats. What I don't like is that if you don't have the formula, but know how to make it since it's in the Wizard's Companion, you have to make them one at a time.
The Conductor is so god damn creepy.
About to enter Castaway Cove. Anyone have recommended familiars?
Right now I'm using Mighty Mite, Monolith, Thumbelemur (might want to replace him), Seed Sprite, Strongo, and Sea Naiad. Thinking about replacing Thumbelemur with Purrloiner.
About to enter Castaway Cove. Anyone have recommended familiars?
Right now I'm using Mighty Mite, Monolith, Thumbelemur (might want to replace him), Seed Sprite, Strongo, and Sea Naiad. Thinking about replacing Thumbelemur with Purrloiner.
I've just spent the last 3 hours trying to catch a Sprog Cog for Errand 72. Is there really NOTHING I can do to increase my chance of catching a familiar? Who thought it was a good idea to make it COMPLETELY random?
Yeah get Purrloiner, he's a beast.
If you're just having trouble finding them, they are a common enemy on the beach on Teeheeti opposed to wandering around southern Autumnia hoping to find them (where they are rare). Found that out via the Wizard's Companion since I was getting aggravated with the low spawn rate. Once I figured that out though I fought like 4 and was able to get one without too much hassle.
I've just spent the last 3 hours trying to catch a Sprog Cog for Errand 72. Is there really NOTHING I can do to increase my chance of catching a familiar? Who thought it was a good idea to make it COMPLETELY random?
That's the thing, I HAVE been fighting Sprog Cogs on the beach of Teeheeti for the past 3 hours and I haven't had a single one get hearts above his head. It's seriously killing my enjoyment of this otherwise fantastic game. The fact that there is no way to influence your ability to capture familiars is absolutely ridiculous.
That's the thing, I HAVE been fighting Sprog Cogs on the beach of Teeheeti for the past 3 hours and I haven't had a single one get hearts above his head. It's seriously killing my enjoyment of this otherwise fantastic game. The fact that there is no way to influence your ability to capture familiars is absolutely ridiculous.
I named my newly captured Girlfiend "Handgelina" because I'm single. Sigh.
Kind of disliking that they let you capture duplicate familiars, I was hoping the game would just remind me I already had them in some way, especially since you can't double check without visiting a manhole.
How do I get my partner to block quickly? Fighting the fire boss and I barely have enough time to block on my own. In the manual it says square is "all-out block" but nothing happens when I hit the button.
Anybody? The AI just keeps getting hammered by the fire guys roar. Getting fed up with this.
Anybody? The AI just keeps getting hammered by the fire guys roar. Getting fed up with this.
Soo cute.
Lovely gif, feel free to keep them coming.
I must say, while I adore the art style in this game, the fully animated cutscenes are few and far between and the ones which are there are undeniably second rate Ghibli, especially compared to their contemporary work.
The more you look at the art style, the more it just screams level 5.
This is true, though I definitely felt it looked more Level 5 based on the character designs. That doesn't look like the typical Ghibli design, but rather something more like what I'd expect from a Level 5 game.Second rate Ghibli still looks better than most animations.
I didn't really find that boss battle much of a problem, but I'm finding this really frustrating - I have Esther set to 'keep us healthy' which generally seems to keep her out of harm's way, but more often than not she's a lifeless corpse by the end of the battle.Anybody? The AI just keeps getting hammered by the fire guys roar. Getting fed up with this.
Anyone know who has thespell in that town?levitate
A bird at the very entrance to the town.
Second rate Ghibli still looks better than most animations.
Kind of disliking that they let you capture duplicate familiars, I was hoping the game would just remind me I already had them in some way, especially since you can't double check without visiting a manhole.
For sure, but it's notably lacking in detail, even when compared to one of the initial Ghibli movies like Kiki's Delivery Service. My point is that, the more I play the game, the more I'm wondering how much Ghibli actually had to do with the game, besides some B team animation segments. I feel a little bad for level 5 in that respect - that game's being billed as "the Ghibli RPG" when it's increasingly clear it's Level 5's baby through and through.
The timing turned out to be perfect as Ghibli had finished work on Ponyo. "The entirety of Ghibli was free of work at just that moment," Fujimaki told Famitsu magazine in 2009. "Miyazaki may say that he hates games, but being a businessman, Suzuki isn't going to just let his staff play around all day." Suzuki initially thought it would be at most three months worth of work — at its highest output, Ghibli can produce around five minutes' worth of "theater-quality animation" each month — but it ended up taking quite a bit longer than that.
how long is the game on an average playthough?
I'm guessing it's motivation to learn to make the better treats. What I don't like is that if you don't have the formula, but know how to make it since it's in the Wizard's Companion, you have to make them one at a time.
The Conductor is so god damn creepy.
Yeah, I have the, I guess, third tier of food formulas. You get themBut I'm assuming(?) I missed the second tier because the only way to make them currently is by doing it myself(with the help of the wizards companion) Anyone know where the second tier of food could be found? if it can be found.from some npc's in the pig mechanical city.