Dammit, I fell for thefake scribble text during Horus's 3rd encounter.
ISMELL, indeed.
LOL! This is how I felt.
Dammit, I fell for thefake scribble text during Horus's 3rd encounter.
ISMELL, indeed.
Can you only redeem a DLC character once? Would be difficult getting both evolutions.
American version? Only if you're willing to shell out big bucks.Is it too late to get the C.E? I can't believe this game fell under my radar.
Is it too late to get the C.E? I can't believe this game fell under my radar.
That would be good to know, otherwise you would need two codes for each familiar just to get both evolutions.I believe so. However, I haven't heard of anyone testing it and redeeming a DLC Familiar and redownloading the DLC ticket to get another. I know it works if you somehow 'lose' the one you got, but not sure if it works if it's still in your possession.
Dammit, I fell for thefake scribble text during Horus's 3rd encounter.
ISMELL, indeed.
Hey guys. Stop wasting your time with the puss in boots and go with Naja. Stats are way better, and you still keep that fast 4 attack speed.
22 hours in and I haven't even visited Castaway Cove to board theyet. I'm too invested in capturing every familiar. It's addiciting as hell and I'm way overleveled at this point (28).ship
Oh shit lol. I started getting lazy around that point and still haven't completed all of the bounty hunts or side missions from Castaway Cove. I should probably go back.. They should be pretty easy by now.
Yeah. There is an "oh shit" button but you won't get that ability for quite a while. Why they didn't give it to you at the beginning is one of the mind boggling aspects of the game.
Is it worth spending time at the casino?
The games can be fun, but I can't say for certain if the prizes are useful since some may be used in crafting later on. I do know that the casino in this game has a game called Platoon that is stupid easy to win and coins will not be a problem if you master the odds of that game. I made about 2 million coins in Platoon already, but I've yet to unlock all of the available prizes, but as I do, I'll probably post my findings.
It's from a handy spreadsheet someone created at GFaqsWhere did this image come from? Does the source have every familiar and its stats? I'd like to see that.
The griffin amazon preorder DLC is going for almost as much as the game itself.
Where does the Naja hang out, I got the Purrloiner and he's coming along good ..... but wanna try the Naja out
The scroll of truth is such bullshit.
Killed 15 of those golden bastards in the miasma and not a single drop.
Which is apparently the best location to go for them too.
Really considering giving up on the plat now.
Someone posted this on gamefaqs, i'll quote it here for anyone trying to get the damn things:
so im up to the first "quest" in the 2nd city....freaking loving the game, 2 questions though..
- i havent found 1 reason really to use my other 2 familiars... i just steamroll with Oliver+ the 1st familiar you get.....does more strategy come into play later in game? will I really have to think and use my familiars in combinations?
- i'm still finding drippy to be a little too forward as to telling me what i gotta do next....is that becasue the game is still early or does he stay this obvious the whole game? for example is there a point in game where i have to figure out to go to motorville on my own without drippy blantantly saying it...
overall i do still have a few gripes about the game. but so far it's an amazing experience...
How do you unlock the other prize tiers? Also, any platoon advice? Can you cash out chips back to gold?
22 hours in and I haven't even visited Castaway Cove to board theyet. I'm too invested in capturing every familiar. It's addiciting as hell and I'm way overleveled at this point (28).ship
I'm about 24 hours in, but I've spent a lot of time traveling the over world and catching familiars, and doing all the sidequests. I figure if I do all the sidequests available before I move the story along, it will help with the difficulty spikes. So far so good.
I've only had one hard encounter (the Cauldron bit) and even that I beat after 3 tries.
Yeah, I'm not seeing how "All-Out Defense" really helps matters. I hit it as soon as the enemy starts casting their spell, but the other 2 characters always eat it.When I use the "oh shit defend" button, my party goes into actual "defend" mode like one out of four times. Why is this? Also, it never puts the person I'm controlling into defend mode, I still have to manually select it.
That definitely shouldn't be happening. Perhaps if they're in the middle of casting an ability, it doesn't work, I'm not sure. But it almost always works for me.Yeah, I'm not seeing how "All-Out Defense" really helps matters. I hit it as soon as the enemy starts casting their spell, but the other 2 characters always eat it.
Yeah, I'm not sure. I mostly control Oliver, and have the other 2 set to "Keep Us Healthy" and "Provide Backup." At least 4/5 enemy casts hit both of them.That definitely shouldn't be happening. Perhaps if they're in the middle of casting an ability, it doesn't work, I'm not sure. But it almost always works for me.
Just finished. Epic. Best Jrpg of current generation.
Is it hard to get platinum? Saw some secret trophies.
aaand I'm still waiting for it. holy fuck I should stop reading this thread.Just finished. Epic. Best Jrpg of current generation.
Is it hard to get platinum? Saw some secret trophies.
I got all scrolls of truth, yay!
Using the method Suikoguy posted even if you don't get the scrolls right away you do get a lot of money per golden Toko encounter, like 6k G.
Okay, how do you guys go about your third forms? I've got a bunch that are ready to go, but I want those high stats. Most of them have second forms that max around 50-55, and they're only just hitting the low 40s now. For reference, I'm just about to.get the final gem for the wand
How dramatic is the difference in final stats if you evolve to the third form before hitting the second form level cap, versus going all the way?
Don't think anyone has gotten the Plat yet, but here you go.
Damn, you guys weren't kidding about the Griffy DLC being sold for almost the cost of the game.
That's nuts.