Do they drop them more often than Dragamuffins? I have none so far. Oh well, will head there. Will at least have some luck with stealing, I'm sure. Thanks.
I think the steal chance is like 1/5, and they rarely spawn. The best way to get scrolls is to use Swain's golden glim trick, Light Fingers. It always gives you the scroll. Set your party to "Do nothing" and equip Oliver with his weakest wand. When you get into a fight with a HonkeyTonker, keep using Oliver's Pulse spell and keep defending the enemy's attacks. This will give you a lot of "Nice!"s, increasing your chances of making a gold glim appear. When you're lucky and a golden glim appears, switch to Swain and use his special move. Sometimes a gold glim refuses to spawn, so if this happens and the HonkeyTonker is nearly down to 0HP, just use Swain's normal mugshot and hope for the best.
Using this trick, I got 5 scrolls within 30 minutes today

. Also, look up its spawn place in a youtube video. He spawns most frequently in a specific place, but I can't really find a way to describe it. I just went back and forth between two spawn points, scaring the monster away if it wasn't a HonkeyTonker.
Hope this helps!