I have the digital version.
Which one is the game, the 5 GB file or the 16 GB file, or both?
is there a way to assure that you'll get the hearts after defeating a creature? I really want a certain one but I keep killing them without an opportunity to tame them.
33 hours? I find that kind of unbelievable.
Well, I guess I can snap a picture of the screen and post it later today, but I don't really have much of reason to lie or anything
Not sure why that should be considered anything special.
As mentioned, I did all bounty hunts, and only enough quests to get the last merit badge (the one that costs 8, which of course means all the previous rows as well).
Still, I didn't really rush through the game or anything, so I honestly have no idea why 33hours would be considered weird.
Hmm that is indeed mighty fast. I did all the bounty hunts I was eligible to as well, am nowhere near finishing the game and I am almost at 40 hours lol.
What trophy % are you guys ending up with when you complete the game?
Well, took a pic of the game clear save for proof (spoiler for last chapter name + count I guess)
No idea why people seem to take 40+ hours to finish the game, unless going for every single quest or something. I did not really rush through the game or anything.
I did however use Dinocerus, and he is just gamebreakingly overpowered.
Man, the final boss is bullshit.
Well, took a pic of the game clear save for proof (spoiler for last chapter name + count I guess)
No idea why people seem to take 40+ hours to finish the game, unless going for every single quest or something. I did not really rush through the game or anything.
I did however use Dinocerus, and he is just gamebreakingly overpowered.
It is only available during combat...switch to it with L2/R2 like you do for defend,Provisions etc and you will see the options there...I think it stays after once you set it there...
How are people getting Dinoceros to be so powerful? Yes he hits quite well but his accuracy is terrible, even with feeding him accuracy pies.
How are people getting Dinoceros to be so powerful? Yes he hits quite well but his accuracy is terrible, even with feeding him accuracy pies.
naja from ding dong well as well as purrloinerAny familiars that you want to get early in the game?
I'm about toAnd I mostly use my familiars that I've got in the storylinego on a boat
How are people getting Dinoceros to be so powerful? Yes he hits quite well but his accuracy is terrible, even with feeding him accuracy pies.
I am really not finding that. When I press L2 or R2, it doesn't really do anything except move around my attack options.. To go all attack/all defend I only press square/triangle
How are people getting Dinoceros to be so powerful? Yes he hits quite well but his accuracy is terrible, even with feeding him accuracy pies.
Out of curiosity, what di dyou think of the shaddar fight ? I was so relieved when in his third form they gave you back full health and mp. I really think they should do that in all jrpgs for all boss fights. That being said, by then I had completely ran out of phonix feathers etc and swaine and eser got wiped out quite early on so I ended up soling the dark djin form for a while. Was fun but in a way not very jrpg like given how his attacks were well area based and avoidable if you knew the pattern. Has anyone else had a similar experience ?
His attack stat is OP, and because most of his tricks are dealing physical damage they deal massive damage
When in control of one of your party members during combat, one of their options is Tactics![]()
Does anyone know if the Miasma Marshes is accessible after you finish the story events in that area? I can't get past the guy that is standing in front of the entrance.
levels? If you mean evolutions the answer is 3.How many levels do familiars have? 3 or 4? I cant level plast 2 for my familiars. Is it a story event?
Just finished the game.
Took me a bit below 33 hours, which makes me wonder why everyone is claiming that this game is 40-50h, if not going for full completion.
I did most (but not all) sidequests, and all bounty hunts, which gave me enough merit badges to get the last reward ().the +100hp/mp one
No way in hell that I'm going to spend the time to collect all of the pokemon though, so I'm not sure if I'll touch much of the post game content. I'll probably do the bounty hunts or something.
levels? If you mean evolutions the answer is 3.
it's 3 evolutions if you count the 2 final forms as 2 evolutions, if not it's just 2.Technically each Familiar has two evolutions and four forms.However, there is one that has three evolutions and a fourth form.
can someone help me about the boutny hunts. How come some are not showing on the map?
it's 3 evolutions if you count the 2 final forms as 2 evolutions, if not it's just 2.
who's the one with 4?
Cool, is there someplace with that info?
the last remaining remaining ingredients are annoying, kaleidostones and scrolls of truth... -.-
Definitely agree! I started going for them just today and it sucks already. I luckily already had 2 kaleidostones but I still need at least one just to create one item. I checked and I already have 3 recipes that each require 5 of them. I haven't even started trying for the scrolls.
Something melee, something magey, something melee. As long as the melee guys have 3 or more stars in movement and attack speed, you should be fine. Go grind on Swan Islands(the three islands NE from Ding Dong Dell) for a bit, Tokos spawn there and they give 2000 XP. They're somewhat prone to running away though. Not sure if they spawn on all the islands, or only on the south-eastern one.I've just got to Hamlin, but I'm getting my ass kicked by normal mobs. What's a good team to go out and grind a little?
Something melee, something magey, something melee. As long as the melee guys have 3 or more stars in movement and attack speed, you should be fine. Go grind on Swan Islands(the three islands NE from Ding Dong Dell) for a bit, Tokos spawn there and they give 2000 XP. They're somewhat prone to running away though. Not sure if they spawn on all the islands, or only on the south-eastern one.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Good spot for Mites too. Their lvl 50 Trick is amazing.Tokos only spawn on the ugly duck island, I think.
20+% maybe.I started to make my way through this game again after a slight break. I am about seven hours in, andCould anyone let me know how far in the game I am?I am on my way to the cove to get a boat.
I started to make my way through this game again after a slight break. I am about seven hours in, andCould anyone let me know how far in the game I am?I am on my way to the cove to get a boat.
20+% maybe.
Save your game before you get there. Trust me.
Save your game before you get there. Trust me.
Quick question as I think I'm about to finish the game. Is there some sort of post game mode I can use to platinum or should I do everything first ,
oh he's one of those special monsters, I read how you get him.Yea, that's right. For any one base Familiar, you can evolve it twice, but it can have 4 unique forms in total due to the branch after you evolve it past its second form.
Mandragorer. It evolves after like 2-3 levels into Pendragorer. After 2-3 levels, it evolves into Mendragorer. Finally, after another 2-3 levels, it evolves into Thundragorer. Leveling it up takes more experience than usual like Dinoceros. It's like 10-15K exp for one level at Level 1.
the last remaining remaining ingredients are annoying, kaleidostones and scrolls of truth... -.-