Heh, I actually came here to post this. I'll be picking up the 8-bit one!
Hah thanks, cheers!
Heh, I actually came here to post this. I'll be picking up the 8-bit one!
Ok I finished the game yesterday, I am about to give my "review".
I really liked how the game started and how you get fooled to believe this is about saving your mother before anything else. I found it to be cute and refreshing somewhat. Of course later in the game japanese developers have to pull some nonsense and spin everything around and sell us again the story about hero saving the world and how it was everything preplanned behind his back.
I got so annoyed when for 100 times bad guys turned out to be "good" guys even if they set the world on fire, they had secret agenda behind all of that. First they pulled that nonsense with Shadar, later with White .itch!
In the end I liked the game but it also reminded me why I don't play JRPG that often anymore. O and characters reminded me a lot of DQ8 characters.I don't want to sound overly negative I really like the game but I just got annoyed by silly things. I don't know how many times I rolled my eyes in 40+ hours. Japanese devs need to find another shtick that isn't "We have to save the world gang"
I share your feeling, though I wasn't fond of howI don't really get your criticism to be honest.
Deep down Shadar and the White Witch are not bad people, they were just 'brokenhearted'. That is the overarching theme within the story and is entirely consistent. I personally found it far more refreshing than your typical archetypal villain.
The reasons behind the White Witch's actions are quite deep and complex. Cassiopeia believed that by using manna she could bring peace and happiness to her kingdom, but in reality she destroyed it. No one was left but herself. Living in complete solitude, the guilt of her actions began to eat away at her until she went totally mad. She developed split personalities, perhaps as a coping mechanism. However, such was the power of her magic, her imagination became real. An aspect of her psyche (Pea) became personified and unfortunately only served to torment her. She reacted by banishing Pea to another world. In doing so, the equilibrium within her psyche was lost and she plunged into total despair. From there the White Witch and the council were born. Without Pea to balance and counteract that despair within her heart, there was only darkness.
To me, that is far more interesting than your typical villain who wants to destroy the world simply because they are 'evil'.![]()
Sorry for the shameless plug, but I figured some of you would be interested!
I designed a limited edition parody Ni No Kuni tee, only available this weekend!
Cheers guys!
Awesome shirts! I ordered the 8-Bit one!
Ordered a 8 bit shirt tooHopefully it doesn't take too long to get to New Zealand!
Thank goodness I decided to check the thread. Shirt ordered
Pure bullshit. There's nothing at all in this game to suggest that the other world is some kind of inner fantasy Oliver is steeped in. That wouldn't even make sense, since he comes back to Motorville throughout the game and interacts with real people. And Myrtle engages with him and senses Drippy exists, too. Not to mention that Oliver has a goddamn cape he's running around with and a spellbook (where did those come from?!). Plus he can go back after the game is over, which would contradict the solution the game comes to (as does the entire White Witch scenario).Very interesting article about Ni no kuni and its more subtle meanings:
I know that feeling...Looked up and realized I just spent 2 hours+ on platoon. But on the plus from that I now have a golden tin man and tons of that sages secret thing.
How did the gameplay get a higher score than the graphics?
How did the gameplay get a higher score than the graphics?
Down to Solosseum Rank S and taming 28 familiars left. Almost there.
I read this paragraph as saying that Oliver is delusional; it seems strongly worded if that's not the intention:How did sound end up the worst part of the game?
Edit: Also, I think they're relating the entirety of the Ni no Kuni story to real-life depression, not Oliver's. It is rather fitting when you think of it that way.
Although it can be easily lost in the games innocent and charming setup, what Ollie is doing is blocking out reality in favour of a fantasy world, one thats a more attractive proposition than his own. In Ollies case, whats particularly interesting is that his fantasy world not only absolves him of any culpability relating to his mothers death (as Drippy explains to him, it was Shadars fault, after all), but its also a world in which he believes he can actually save her from death.
On my way to climb Old Smokey, but need some tips for an Errand/Sidequest: An NPC wants me to catch a Banana monster, but I've spent an hour fighting them and non seem to want to join me @_@. What's a good way to increase the chances of enemies joining you?
All quests done and nearly all trophies.
Only need to:
- Get 500k money.
- Get 2k spheres
- Build 120 objects
- Tame 250 creatures
- Max a creature.
- Rank S on Solosseum
And I'll get my first and last platinum.
This is not really a spoiler,its about the quest about the girl that gives you a Jabba something,to level from level 30 to 40...I am level 39 now on him,near the end of the game so I am wondering if you go back to her once he is 40,do you get to keep him or does she take it back?...he is doing well,I would like to keep him.
best rpg on the ps3 for me, but then the bar isn't all that high...
if you don't absolutely love studio ghibli, the game loses a lot of points because the plot, battle system, and exploration (especially in dungeons) are very bare boned, like a simplified tales of game with a different and imo less engaging battle system, and a less convoluted story. it is still a very enjoyable game that's well worth the 60$ price tag.
S Rank was pretty challenging (mainly the last fight), even with a Catastroceros.
Can anyone tell me why Errand 136 isn't activating for me? I already completedIs it an end-game thing or what?all of Horace's riddles and he won't give me any more.
I'm pretty sure you have to beat the game for the errand to activate.
How close am I to the end If Ive just reached Miasma woods?
Alchemy recipes.. ones that you dont need to create using the wizard book, like actual ones. Where the hell do you get them from?!?
I hope doing it by mix and match counts towards completion thats for sure.
Sorry for the shameless plug, but I figured some of you would be interested!
I designed a limited edition parody Ni No Kuni tee, only available this weekend!
$11 bucks at TheYetee.com
And my buddy Marc made a rad tee also going up with mine:
Cheers guys!
How close am I to the end If Ive just reached Miasma woods?
Alchemy recipes.. ones that you dont need to create using the wizard book, like actual ones. Where the hell do you get them from?!?
I hope doing it by mix and match counts towards completion thats for sure.
I just finished that one yesterday. She lets you keep him.
I started with this recently, awesome so far. But I'm wondering if Oliver and his Familiars is earning the same amount of XP if I just use the Familiar, or do I have to change now and then?
That's great. Thanks!They earn the same XP regardless as long as they are in the active party.