Heh, Amazon just updated my guide to shipping soon. Still supposed to arrive today, apparently.
If it says it will, it probably will. Amazon's shipping methods are crazy sometimes.
Heh, Amazon just updated my guide to shipping soon. Still supposed to arrive today, apparently.
Just a warning to people who are buying this from GameStop and had it preordered for the steel book: your receipt may say "no preorder" and you may not get one.
I've had this preordered since October 30th, so well before the cutoff was announced and when I went to pay off my copy today my receipt said 'no preorder' on there. Luckily the person working was a good friend of mine and happened to be the one who rang me up back in October so I still got one but others may not be so lucky.
EDIT: It actually says 'no premium'.
19 gb.
Does someone know how big is the file (full game, digital version) on PSN?
Does someone know how big is the file (full game, digital version) on PSN?
About to try out the demo, been looping the title screen soundtrack for 20 minutes now. It's brilliant.
Who did the music for this?
daaaaaamn they actually got him to make something for this?Joe Hisaishi.
I want those!!! BTW anyone have a picture of the steel book?Any idea where to find these?
daaaaaamn they actually got him to make something for this?
that explains everything
Now I kinda want the game no matter what. :lol
The hell is wrong with his thumb. its really bothering me.
*eidt* i like the keychains! want!
The game wasn't even in my list... wasn't planning on buying it at all, till all these powerful reviews start kicking in few days ago:
As for someone who recently lost both of his parents....the game will suit my situation perfectly.
So about these Digital River guys...I hear they suck bad.
What's a reasonable estimate on when they might ship this thing?
Hmm, I hope they restock it. I want to order it but I have to wait until next week.The Guide on both and is now listed as being "Temporarily out of stock".
Release is upon us!
Hmm, I hope they restock it. I want to order it but I have to wait until next week.
The price EB Games is charging is ridiculous.
The Guide on both and is now listed as being "Temporarily out of stock".
Release is upon us!
Where is the PSN release?!
I got my guide at before changed their price to 23.99 :<
EDIT: Yeesh, they changed it to 23.75 recently!
I got my guide at before changed their price to 23.99 :<
EDIT: Yeesh, they changed it to 23.75 recently!
My order over there is in processing though~ is also sending out Griffy codes right nowPraise Drippy for all of this Ni no Kuni-ness in the last like hour or two. Keep an eye out for an Amazon e-mail if you ordered from them!
All copies of the guide come with the DLC code, right? It's not a pre-order only thing I hope.
All copies of the guide come with the DLC code, right? It's not a pre-order only thing I hope.
I hope the game sells in that way, so later we can get more localizations.
Prima confirmed it was not a "preorder only" code. It's the same for the Japanese copies too since their codes are valid for the next 20 years.
So. Good. I cannot believe that Ni no Kuni was able to get to such heights, lol.
Guide is sold out at both and as well.
If a sequel is going to made (spiritual or direct) they should have an older protagonist so more people will be encouraged to pick this game up.
I have some questions though.
How long is the average play through of this game?
Are their many areas to explore and hidden items/dungeons?
How many towns are there?
How many monsters are there to collect?
Sorry if this info is somewhere really obvious my Google-fu is abysmal.
I have some questions though.
How long is the average play through of this game?
Are their many areas to explore and hidden items/dungeons?
How many towns are there?
How many monsters are there to collect?
Sorry if this info is somewhere really obvious my Google-fu is abysmal.
Can anyone here link me to a video of someone flipping through the in-game version of the Wizard's Companion? I'm debating with myself if i should keep my pre-order of the German WE or not, as i'm only really interested in the book and could get the game itself for 52€ less. I know the contetnt of the physical book is exactly the same, but i'd still like to see what it looks like in-game.
What is up w/ 2013? This is shaping up to be one of the best years in gaming for this gen.
Here's a small preview of the Japanese one from IGN.Enjoy! It's quite gorgeous imo and you can zoom in reaaaallll close.
One thing is for sure though, there are parts of the game you are going to want the (physical) book for since it can get a bit annoying to have to go in and out of the digital version.