Is there a way to return to Ding Dong Dell without passing through the?North Golden Grove
There is a faster way about 20 hours into the game.
You get access to a boat and later you get a teleport spell.
Is there a way to return to Ding Dong Dell without passing through the?North Golden Grove
i was wondering how often new tasks and hunts come up... i did all the tasks and went abck to the guy and there was nothing new. still ahve to do the first hunt - not sure yet where to find it. gotta serach search search.
playing this with the gf, and we're both enjoying it quite a bit. i like how the battle system is simple, yet getting good at timing your skills helps out. kind of reminds me of the mario rpg games.
Seriously? So Drippy suggests you actually avoid encounters? If so, I guess it must be normal... but I would have been shocked too.
Can you even run from battles in this game??
Game would have handled two-player co-op perfectly, FFIX-style.
So is this game living up to expectations?
You can more easily on the world map,especially if you have the boots that make you run a little faster...but in the narrow corridor dungeons,it's almost impossible,unless of course they running away from you...and yes Drippy suggested that the first time I got out of the Grove.(just for that section for now)
Also getting a hit from behind or you getting hit is not really an advantage for anyone,by the time I send my familiar and choose the attack or spell,the ennemy is already turned around and if you are caught,you can still run around right at the start...
I'm leaning towards completely average so far. The difficulty can be somewhat tough in rare times but the game itself is pretty simple from a mechanics point of view. At least as far as I am the game always tells you exactly where to go for the main story objective which is very annoying and the story is really simple and not very involved at all. Truth be told I'm having a hard time....not necessarily staying awake I guess but it's more like staying focused enough to keep playing in long stretches. Like after 10-20 minutes I keep finding myself constantly pausing every few minutes and checking Gaf. It's not very mentally stimulating at all.
Have you turned off the star guide?
I pretty much dislike every game imaginable and probably need a new hobby.
You can turn off the objective star dude =P
edit: beaten.
Owl puns now cat puns. How punny is this game?
I really dislike when people keep passing off my legit criticism as "I hate everything". I didn't know about the star guide but knowing that now still doesn't affect the other criticisms I had.
I really dislike when people keep passing off my legit criticism as "I hate everything".
Owl puns now cat puns. How punny is this game?
Owl puns now cat puns. How punny is this game?
so far the best dialog was the little girl facing the tree in DDD.
" yay! pee pee time!"
I'd hope not. If nothing else there'll always be digital. Sony can always push for more retail editions, but the CE is going to be expensive as all hell.Does it feel like this game is going to be hard to find or become rare??
Does it feel like this game is going to be hard to find or become rare?
I've been watching the game for a long time. Maybe it's not fair but something about the look just makes me afraid it's going to be thin or too easy. However I know I'll end up with a copy so do you think I should hurry my ass up and snag one before it becomes a problem?
Does it feel like this game is going to be hard to find or become rare?
I've been watching the game for a long time. Maybe it's not fair but something about the look just makes me afraid it's going to be thin or too easy. However I know I'll end up with a copy so do you think I should hurry my ass up and snag one before it becomes a problem?
Oh that's what that meant? Jesus it's so obvious now, thanks. That should improve the game a little bit at least.
21,000+ pessimistic posts later and you've been done molding yourself out to be the most incessantly picky, hyper critical and hateful member of every game release on this forum. It's too late to start saying you dislike the fact we all realize this. You kinda put yourself out there when negative opinions are all you can come up with.
Me too. I know you're infamous for having a lot of negative opinions, but so what? That's no reason to antagonize you in a thread where you're peacefully offering your viewpoint. It's happened at least four times in this thread now. People need to quit it.
I bought jumping too and I do it all the time. Don't ask me why lol
21,000+ pessimistic posts later and you've been done molding yourself out to be the most incessantly picky, hyper critical and hateful member of every game release on this forum. It's too late to start saying you dislike the fact we all realize this. You kinda put yourself out there when negative opinions are all you can come up with.
My 8 year old daughter and I are loving this game. She's been taking the controls and doing some of the side quests and a lot of the battles for me. Good times.
On release day, I struck out at Best Buy and Future Shop, both of which had at least 40 copies, and got the last copy at Wal-Mart. It's going to be hard to find, probably soon. Of course, the PSN version will always be available.
Dude, crow puns.
Screw Digital : )
Well I guess I should check the local stock and see if I can get a copy on the way home.
Christ on his throne! You guys weren't kidding. It's out across a dozen BestBuy's in a 25 mile radius...except one that's not far from where I work. Hopefully I can swing by and grab it and not have to grab a clerk and explain the name of the game and what it is. I feel too old to tell some teenager 'no, it's Ni space No space...'
once you accept the hunts they are marked on the map with a blue dot.i was wondering how often new tasks and hunts come up... i did all the tasks and went abck to the guy and there was nothing new. still ahve to do the first hunt - not sure yet where to find it. gotta serach search search.
Christ on his throne! You guys weren't kidding. It's out across a dozen BestBuy's in a 25 mile radius...except one that's not far from where I work. Hopefully I can swing by and grab it and not have to grab a clerk and explain the name of the game and what it is. I feel too old to tell some teenager 'no, it's Ni space No space...'
Enjoying the game so far. Probably 8 hours in but I can tell the grind will be a bit annoying. The comments the party members make as they come into battle is a bit annoying as well. The story isn't anything fantastic, but it's an enjoyable little fairy tail and I wasn't expecting anything more.
There aren't any trophies related to difficulty.I know this has already been answered so I am sorry. Is there any trophies for playing the game on normal?
I know this has already been answered so I am sorry. Is there any trophies for playing the game on normal?
There aren't any trophies related to difficulty.
There aren't any difficulty related trophies.
edit: beaten to a pulp
Dude, crow puns.