So... while not having to worry about Lightboost double-imaging anymore is awesome... the uncap isn't perfect.
The framerate limiter built into FAR has a hard time staying at the 120fps I capped it at.
Replaying the opening, its apparent that the appearance of the flying robots on the screen during the shmup sections is affected. They fly into frame nuts fast, its really absurd.Thankfully, enemy bullet patterning is not accelerated (but placement and movement speed of the enemies on screen is).
I also noticed a timing issue during a realtime cutscene during this section. During 2B's uncontrollable switch to team leader+all range mode, the enemies decided to go ahead and start shooting me. Thankfully, her hitbox was turned off until return to control, but I had to eat a ton of hits right off the bat.
Some dialogue was skipped over during the single arm boss battle.
Nothing for awhile, until the boss battle at the end of the tutorial, at the part where 2B is slapped backwards right before taking control of the arm. If you shoot on the way back, 2B 's movement will outpace her bullets. Weird.
So... official support/testing by SE/Platinum would be nice, but of course isn't expected.
I didn't want to buy a 1080ti before. Still don't. But turning off GI sux :^(