I think I stopped being a complete Nine Inch Nails zealot around the time Things Falling Apart came out. Even going to a concert and seeing the other fans (*shivers*) didn't turn me off like that did. With Teeth is far from awful. Aside from a song or two, it is completely mediocre, though.
My breakdown -
Pretty Hate Machine - For the most part it's a good album but some things really grate on me. Some of the sounds are too 80's synth (this coming from a Depeche Mode fan) and "Down In It."
Broken - Short and half good (hard and fast), half bad (Happiness In Slavery - my ears, oh, my ears).
The Downward Spiral - Holds up remarkably well. I think it's the best complete album he's made. Even Further Down The Spiral is pretty damn good.
The Fragile - My favorite Nine Inch Nails album because I made one CD of music that kicks ass and left the less desireable stuff (No You Don't, Starfuckers, etc.) off. The music is wonderfully dynamic; textures being added and removed or gradually shifted throughout a lot of the songs. Some brilliant instrumentals (Just Like You Imagined - my favorite driving song ever). This is the high point of Trent's career.
And then he released Things Falling Apart. Damn.
Moving on, And All That Could Have Been is a great DVD, nice career recap and Still is an excellent bonus. There's some wonderful piano music on there that matches anything on The Fragile.
With Teeth - varied and mediocre, reminds me of Hail to the Thief as they both fail in the same way.
Currently listening to:
Death From Above 1979
Bloc Party
Bonnie "Prince" Billy
British Sea Power
and the Katamari Damacy soundtrack
I guess I went indie about three years ago. For Diablos: Zwan Live in Paris kicks ass.