Nuclear Muffin

Does anyone have any idea what the "Mel Sel" icon is all about? (and that other mystery icon in the bottom right corner!)
Nuclear Muffin said:Does anyone have any idea what the "Mel Sel" icon is all about? (and that other mystery icon in the bottom right corner!)
The one in the bottom corner says "Dev Men" (I saw it in another screen). Not really hard to guess what they do.Nuclear Muffin said:![]()
Does anyone have any idea what the "Mel Sel" icon is all about? (and that other mystery icon in the bottom right corner!)
It's the black one. The room and table and light all combine to make it appear brownish in that image.BowieZ said:Is it just me or does Miyamoto have his own special brown 3DS?
Nuclear Muffin said:[IMG]
Does anyone have any idea what the "Mel Sel" icon is all about? (and that other mystery icon in the bottom right corner!)[/QUOTE]
I would imagine the "MEN SEL" is short for "Menu Select".
What that means I couldn't tell you.
There is rumor that HK official 3DS will be US-region (no announcement nor date from Nintendo HK) but our Wii, 360, PS2 are all Japan-region.bigswords said:It's the Japanese region of the system. Most likely they will follow most of Asia and use the US region system, since you know the 3DS is region locked.
bigswords said:It's the Japanese region of the system. Most likely they will follow most of Asia and use the US region system, since you know the 3DS is region locked.
Luigiv said:The one in the bottom corner says "Dev Men" (I saw it in another screen). Not really hard to guess what they do.
Nuclear Muffin said:Ahh cool, mystery solved!
Probably just debug stuff then.
Eh, those cosmetic things are just nit-picks, IMO. I think the main concerns should be functional aspects of the hardware (since the purpose of the product is really for use rather than for show), and that information isn't going to be available as much until people get extended personal use out of the system.Kuran said:I guess I will once again be labelled a troll, but I would like to express my disappointment once again in the hardware design. Everything looks janky, tacky, and ill-engineered. And that chrome-ish stick is so ghetto.
Edit: My specific points of complaints are the power-button that looks out of place with its square design, and the angular design of the hinges, which might be because previous hinge designs kept cracking? But this needed a lot more polish and care.. can't wait to see the 3DS Lite in two years.
My want/not-want for this system is such a rollercoaster ride. :/
rpmurphy said:Eh, those cosmetic things are just nit-picks, IMO. I think the main concerns should be functional aspects of the hardware (since the purpose of the product is really for use rather than for show), and that information isn't going to be available as much until people get extended personal use out of the system.
BowieZ said:The thing looks beautiful in person, though. Even when all smudgy and used looking, just moving it about slightly, it captures all sorts of wonderful natural light and glows in a decadent manner. I didn't even notice the hinges, they are a non-issue in person.
Kuran said:Of course, but there is no reason for a company as large and important in its field, as Nintendo, to be so arrogant as to not even try to improve on their past design successes and their competitors.
Kuran said:Of course, but there is no reason for a company as large and important in its field, as Nintendo, to be so arrogant as to not even try to improve on their past design successes and their competitors.
It doesn't make sense for the 3DS to take steps back from the DSi, design-wise. People need to speak up about this.
The lack of second analog is bizarre, too.. but that can be seen as them wanting to keep the touch-screen as the main control input.
More along the lines of not wanting to "scare off casuals" with too many inputs. At least that was their official excuse for putting so few buttons on the Wiimote.Kuran said:The lack of second analog is bizarre, too.. but that can be seen as them wanting to keep the touch-screen as the main control input.
Luigiv said:More along the lines of not wanting to "scare off casuals" with too many inputs. At least that was their official excuse for putting so few buttons on the Wiimote.
I don't really mind, though, given the much more finger friendly touch screen can make up for it in most cases.
I'm guessing one of them shows info about the cartidge inserted. I know the development Wiis there is a menu that does that.mandiller said:I played with a dev unit today that had those two icons. Men Sel launches some text menu where you can select several different things if I recall correctly (nothing too interesting). Dev Sel is pretty much the same and tells you info like the SDK version number etc.
But I'm not left handed so it's all good.Vinterbird said:Except for when you're left-handed and Kid Icarus is designed to make you hate Nintendo for their control scheme.
Starwolf_UK said:The Wii ones also allowed firmware to changed by using firmware discs. Curious that is missing fron the 3DS. Does this mean dev kit firmware is a special region free firmware or they too are region locked?
Except whoops no because it's really easy to get used to it.Vinterbird said:Except for when you're left-handed and Kid Icarus is designed to make you hate Nintendo for their control scheme.
Vinterbird said:Except for when you're left-handed and Kid Icarus is designed to make you hate Nintendo for their control scheme.
Yep, just pulled out MPH to test it out, playing with left handed controls. Aiming with my left hand was easy, it was just trying to move and aim simultaneously that tripped me up (since I kept on trying to aim with my right and move with my left). Left handed gamers are at no where near the same disadvantage since they should already be use to moving with the left and aiming with the right.UncleSporky said:Except whoops no because it's really easy to get used to it.
BudokaiMR2 said:I will still never understand this. Do you have a nub for your right hand or something? I mean I could understand a game that required writing/drawing on the touch screen or something(etrian odyssey for example). But action games don't seem like they would be a problem. Gaming has always been a two-handed sport. I never complained about not being able to dash in Street Fighter because I'm right handed and the d-pad is on the left side! Aren't you just basically pointing your stylus at the screen in Kid Icarus?
Is it just a comfort thing? Because you are holding a pen like object in a hand you aren't used to? I am in no way ambidextrous but I would regularly switch hands playing DS games and had no problems.
[/spoiler] Honestly not trying to be an asshole. This opinion has just always baffled me.[/spoiler]
Luigiv said:Yep, just pulled out MPH to test it out, playing with left handed controls. Aiming with my left hand was easy, it was just trying to move and aim simultaneously that tripped me up (since I kept on trying to aim with my right and move with my left). Left handed gamers are at no where near the same disadvantage since they should already be use to moving with the left and aiming with the right.
Seriously, stylus aiming is nowhere near as demanding as writing. It's a very ambidextrous skill.
UncleSporky said:Except whoops no because it's really easy to get used to it.
Annoying Old Party Man said:Isn't this out tomorrow? Where are the pictures of the lines?
Oxx said:I had trouble with the Kid Icarus demo and I'm a righty.
dallow_bg said:Sweet. Bring on the region unlock.
Oh well, there goes that theory (I guess mixing swipes and scribbles is harder then just plain scribbling).VOOK said:Sorry dude, Kid Icarus is a chore to play for me and I'm not a 'freak' left hander I do most things 'right handed'.
Mailenstein said:Looks like Nintendo did a so-so job on blocking flashcards. The icon shows up in the menu, but it won't boot. I guess that's just a matter of time ugh... Oh my :/...
What so-so about this? It checks the permissions on trying to run rather than first access. I don't think 3DS games have a large banner that a payload of sorts can be inserted (Wii Freeloader, Bannerbomb) so its sufficient.Mailenstein said:Looks like Nintendo did a so-so job on blocking flashcards. The icon shows up in the menu, but it won't boot. I guess that's just a matter of time ugh... Oh my :/...
A lot of places have said "If you don't have a pre-order don't bother, we only have enough for pre-orders".Annoying Old Party Man said:Isn't this out tomorrow? Where are the pictures of the lines?
i have a preorder at bic, so probably no lining up required, but i'll head down at 9.30 or so. i have to set off for work in nara by 12.30, so that should give me time to get home and charge the thing for my commute...BudokaiMR2 said:Are any j-gaffers in Osaka lining up tonight or tomorrow?
To turn the camera quickly, you need to quickly swipe. The speed of your swipe determines how far the camera will turn (apparently you can also stop the camera by tapping the touch screen in mid swing though I was unable to pull this off myself).Starwolf_UK said:Since Kid Icarus is shown up...I had styluss and I couldn't figure out dodge using the buttons the camera movement being too slow using the R dutton.
bu bu bu the 3DS is only rank 63 and 55 on and it is still in stock. there is no hype for it. everyone thinks it's just a DS with 3D graphics and and andVOOK said:most stores don't have any non-preorder stock
If you read Iwata Asks, they go into a lot of detail about the hinges. The hinges had to be over designed because they are the weakest point in the system, kept breaking in early test sytems when dropped, and have three cables going through them connecting the top screen to the bottom half of the system where all the electronics are.Kuran said:My specific points of complaints are the power-button that looks out of place with its square design, and the angular design of the hinges, which might be because previous hinge designs kept cracking? But this needed a lot more polish and care.. can't wait to see the 3DS Lite in two years.