Amirox - considering we have the slider I find this unlikely, but do you think we will actually a see a Double/Triple A title that takes advantage of the 3d in ways that really make it worthwhile(aka for jumping etc)
Also here's something to add to the list: darkness, based on sitting there flipping the slider back and forth back and forth, I'm certain the screen is darker, less vibrant colors when 3d is turned off
That would be truly something original if the screen is darker and less vibrant OFF 3D. I've never seen that be the case in any 3D technology to date; not even the Fujifilm 3D camera. It's the other way around, so this is fascinating to me. Color degradation exists when 3D is turned on.
As to your first question, the answer is "yes." Eventually, one day, there will be a few games that take advantage of 3D in a meaningful way - and I mean truly meaningful, not making a platforming game 1% easier for really mediocre players or flight games 3% more distance-ascertainable or some lousy, completely ignorable bullet point that nobody ever really asked for since it makes little to no difference in skill based play in the real world. I do not think the current level of autostereoscopic 3D with a slider will be the platform to get there, however. A different 3D tech or a more advanced version of this 3D tech will have to do it.
Of course, one day there will be the technology that does this without the drawbacks. Even in some of the basic proofs of concepts, there are ways to utilize different types of 3D for gameplay. There was this one simulated 3D game (completely different effect altogether, though) for the DSi Ware which had you tilting the DS around until you lined up certain shapes and letters, which looked pretty neat and had a real world gameplay benefit. That is to say, the gameplay itself was shaped by this added dimensionality.
Because all 3DS games pretty much have to be completable and as completely playable in 2D as in 3D, it's difficult to imagine any game that will be so significant in 3D that it would be considered a "killer app" - but, i mean, that's just my opinion. We have people who think Pilotwings fits that criteria, as if Pilotwings was difficult before or something and the floodgates of 3D were required to meet its potential. So it all depends on your perspective and what constitutes "worthwhile", particularly considering the negatives one has to contend with to get there in autostereoscopic 3D.