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Nintendo Direct: new presentation on April 1st


Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors 2, Majora's Mask 3D, Pokemon X and Y, Xenoblade X, Wind Waker HD, Yoshi's Wooley World (and some others I'm forgetting) were all shown via Directs, so you're not wrong :)

Think you mean the first one. There is no second. :p


The Chuck Norris of Peace
My first Direct hype thread!

  • Metroid Prime 4
  • F-Zero GX 3D
  • Lol jk on the Zelda delay guys
  • Smash Season Pass
  • Dragon Quest VII 3D published by NoA/NoE
  • Unprecedented Partnership 2.0
Did I do it right?

Decently, but I think my own contribution was a bit more realistic:

No reason to go overboard with expectations, but I guess this is reasonable to expect:

F-Zero Ultra
Metroid Prime 4 U
Metroid Zero Fusion 3DS
Mother 4 / (Mother Trilogy on VC)
Super Mario Universe (galaxy 3)
Eternal Darkness 2
Star Tropics Wii U
Robot U
Advance Wars 3DS
Elite Beat Agents 3DS
Sin & Punishment 3
Kid Icarus Uprising 2 Wii U
Mole Mania 3DS
Wave Race Wii U
1080 Wii U
Shenmue 3
Gunstar Heroes U
Panzer Dragoon Collection U
Seiken Densetsu 3 3DS
Dragon Quest 7 localization
Squaresoft Hidden Gems Collection - Live a Live, Bahamut Lagoon etc
Mega Man Legends 3
Castlevania: The Dark Souls Edition
Igavania 3DS
Metroid Dread
Contra 3DS
Konami Wai Wai World 3 3DS
Seiken Densetsu Reboot
Streets of Rage 4 3DS
Skies of Arcadia 2
Phantasy Star 5
Metroid Another M
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Betrayalton



The 3DS version still exists, so they aren't happening.
"These characters require extra power due to their complex nature so if you want to use them in the 3DS version you will require a new Nintendo 3DS system to play, please understand."

Dee Dee

Last time, all I asked for was the Badge Center Bunny that is out already in Japan. I got nothing. So I ask for nothing this time (but I really really want the Badge Center Bunny).

Gunvolt and Boxboy will be mine, since I can still collect Club Nintendo stars for download games until the 20th April in EU. So that's something at least.

Not so outlandish predictions:

more info on new Rhythm Heaven, Fire Emblem, Ace Attorney

Please buy Xenoblade 3D! Also, Mario Kart + Smash DLC

New Club Nintendo explained (the time seems very US focused for this direct)


Junior Member
prepare to have your world shattered when Sakurai puts makes an exception to roster parity to include a character that's been in the game since Melee

"These characters require extra power due to their complex nature so if you want to use them in the 3DS version you will require a new Nintendo 3DS system to play, please understand."
Believe me I'd love for the Ice Climbers to come back, but I just don't see Sakurai breaking his policy just for one (pair of) character(s). If it were 4 or more I'd understand, but it's just one.
prepare to have your world shattered when Sakurai puts makes an exception to roster parity to include a character that's been in the game since Melee

Or they figure out a way to add them. He never really said they were impossible, he just said they would take too long to get working right and they couldn't dedicate the time to a character that had no future games coming out. Given enough time, they could probably figure out a solution, even if it means they're sprites or something.
Or they figure out a way to add them. He never really said they were impossible, he just said they would take too long to get working right and they couldn't dedicate the time to a character that had no future games coming out. Given enough time, they could probably figure out a solution, even if it means they're sprites or something.

I know that you probably didn't mean this literally, but it seems rendering them is not the problem.
Castlevania is perfect for this. Just imagine a 3D interconnected Transylvania like in Simons Quest with all the different areas, crazy difficulty and awesome bosses. It is my dream game.

You've described my dream game too. As good as Igavanias are, they get pretty same-y when confined to one closed environment with only one correct path. By Igavanias, I mean both the actual Iga portable games and all of the Indie "Metroidvania" games you see today like Ori and the Blind Forest.

I want a game that plays like an Igavania, but in an interconnected open world setting with side quests and NPCs and lore. The Simon's Quest setup would be perfect: different towns, mansions, branching paths, blend of linear and nonlinear progression. Order of Ecclesia hinted at that, but was more staged based than open world.

This dream game still needs to be made. Perhaps we'll have to make it ourselves.


my predictions:

Pokemon x and y sequel (xy2 or z or something)
Smash bros 4 dlc mewtwo and a map pack
Mario kart dlc reminder
Wii vc: donkey kong, twilight princess, one of the pikmin
Splaotoon info
Yoshi footage
Club Nintendo plat prize announcement
Mentions the phone development

Maybe something amiibos
I'm expect them to mention the Zelda delay, still try to convince people FE x SMT is still a thing, Mewtwo DLC info, amiibo stuff and some Splatoon stuff.

On the 3DS some spot for Etrian Odyssey Mystery Dungeon, more Fire Emblem if stuff, some new indie 3DS game and a surprise game.

All and all, luck luster.

It's SMTxFE. Sorry for the late correction.

Übermatik;158288644 said:
Battalion Wars 3.

Advance Wars 5/3DS needs to happen first.


Early access to Splatoon multiplayer for CN Platinum April 3rd, Gold May 1st

And Hyrule Warrios expansion pack Holiday 2015 - New Adventure mode, new story mode, 10 new characters and new costumes


Does Street Fighter have 50+ characters that each new DLC fighter has to be balanced against? That seems to be what Sakurai's problem is with DLC characters. He explained it as each new character adding an exponential amount of work.

Let's not forget that every character interacts with thousands of items as well, and almost everyone have unique animations for trowing, using, reflecting, landing, getting hit by, etc.


Early access to Splatoon multiplayer for CN Platinum April 3rd, Gold May 1st

And Hyrule Warrios expansion pack Holiday 2015 - New Adventure mode, new story mode, 10 new characters and new costumes

A demo of Splatoon would be swell. 1 map available with limited guns to bring hype. They did it with Codename STEAM so...


Can we get another Paper Mario sometime? More like TTYD though.





Hell, I would be happy with Golden Sun The Lost Age being released in NA on Wii U. It is ridiculous that they released the first one and not the sequel.
To be honest, I want them to announce games that I actually want to get. Besides MH4U (Which I already have), I have no interest in anything else for 3DS this year.

I don't have a Wii U, but that's because I don't want more than 3 games for it so far (Mario 3D World, Smash [Although I already have it for 3DS], Xenoblade and Zelda).

Please announce a revival of Megaman Legends 3, a new IGAvania or something completely new, not sequels!


My Predictions:

-Splatoon final date and some info
-Smash Bros / Mario Kart DLC info
-Some 3DS localizations
-We'll find out what WiiU game is coming out in June. Either Mario Maker, Yoshi, or XCX
-Project Giant Robot, available to download right after the direct
-Treehouse game is their June game
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