I feel your pain... I have some friends who are like, console warriors in real life. It is kind of sad.
My friends are interesting when it comes to this. They all have Wii U's and are always talking about theirs collecting dust, but then they say that about their PS4's and Xbox One's as well. And when awesome Wii U games do drop, they love them but then go right back to complaining about how their Wii U's are "back to collecting dust."
"Mario 3D World was amazing but my Wii U is back to collecting dust."
"Wonderful 101 was awesome but my Wii U is back to collecting dust."
"Wind Waker HD was a good improvement but my Wii U is back to collecting dust."
"Pikmin 3 was fantastic but my Wii U is back to collecting dust."
"Bayonetta 2 is one of the best games I've ever played but now my Wii U is back to collecting dust."
"DKC Tropical Freeze is one of the best platformers of all time but my Wii U is back to collecting dust."
I think they may have memory problems.