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Nintendo Downloads - December 2011


About the messaging app andriasang and Nintendo have some more info: http://andriasang.com/comzfq/3ds_diary/

3DS owners should connect to the e-Shop today for some free first party Nintendo content. Nintendo released Itsu no Ma ni Koukan Nikki (lit, "Spot Pass Exchange Diary") today (12/21). You can download it for free.

Spot Pass Diary is a communication tool for writing and exchanging journal entries with friends. You're free to use the program on its own just to write and store journal entries, or you can enable the system's Spot Pass and Street Pass wireless functionality to transfer entries to others.

The system uses your 3DS friend list to send out your journal entries. You can select to send to individual friends, or you can have the program do a mass send to all your friends.

Here's the app's nintendo site with a video:http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/eshop/jfrj/index.html


Parmesan et Romano
About the messaging app andriasang and Nintendo have some more info: http://andriasang.com/comzfq/3ds_diary/

Here's the app's nintendo site with a video:http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/eshop/jfrj/index.html


Just watched the video and uh, as robust as it is, it still kinda misses the point for me.
Good thing I had low expectations for this or I would have been pretty disappointed.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
So are do people anticipate making use of the letter box app? Full details haven't been revealed yet but at the moment it doesn't sound like a new pictochat and if more games have MK7-like online features I will probably never need a messaging app to set up a match. I could maybe see myself sending some cool screenshots to people but not much else.

You can send screenshots too?


Friendly challenges in games without online leaderboards incoming!
Mario3D Land speedruns challenges! :O



Just watched the video and uh, as robust as it is, it still kinda misses the point for me.
Good thing I had low expectations for this or I would have been pretty disappointed.

I'm actually okay with it. Its much more of a postcard/email system than a chat feature. The video does show how you can send "reactions" to letters and how they are organized. It looks solid for what it is. The only issue I have is that apparently you can't send a full screenshot, someone mentioned that images are cropped to fit half the space of a "postcard" instead of the full pic. We'll see.

At the moment I think it will be useful for some gloating or raging if say I have a mario kart race with a friend and clean up or get creamed. It can also still serve as a way to schedule some online matches with friends.

Edit:mad:Dash Kappei it looks like you can send pics taken with your 3ds to your friends although I'm not sure if you can send the full image or not. I said screenshots because Nintendogs lets you take screenshots. But its not a feature of the messaging app to capture screenshots, so 3d land speed run times aren't possible unless you want to jump through some hoops.


I really don't get why the Game Notes part of the OS doesn't let you save screenshots. I mean, it captures 'em for you, it lets you scrawl notes underneath them, why not let you save the whole thing?


Parmesan et Romano
At the moment I think it will be useful for some gloating or raging if say I have a mario kart race with a friend and clean up or get creamed. It can also still serve as a way to schedule some online matches with friends.

Yea, arranging quick matches is probably the most use i'll get out of it. Missed opportunity for sure but that's to be expected.


Yea, arranging quick matches is probably the most use i'll get out of it. Missed opportunity for sure but that's to be expected.

Were you hoping for more of a pictochat system? I don't know why there isn't one already built into the friends list. It makes so sense just like why Nintendo doesn't have a flipnote 3d out yet and also won't allow the dsi flipnote on the 3ds.

Edit:Here's a user video of swapnote/letterbox for anyone interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=K6ck2FtahZI

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I really don't get why the Game Notes part of the OS doesn't let you save screenshots. I mean, it captures 'em for you, it lets you scrawl notes underneath them, why not let you save the whole thing?

Oh wow, I'd never used the Game Note function. It taunts you even more by giving you the option to focus on the top screen, bottom screen or both together. How hard would it be to give the option to save the top screen as a 3d image file, the bottom screen as a png, or both together as a png (or insert favorite image type here)?

Edit: Or even better, just add a freaking screen capture button in the camera since you can access it from the home menu while a game is running too.


listen to the mad man
Oh wow, I'd never used the Game Note function. It taunts you even more by giving you the option to focus on the top screen, bottom screen or both together. How hard would it be to give the option to save the top screen as a 3d image file, the bottom screen as a png, or both together as a png (or insert favorite image type here)?

Edit: Or even better, just add a freaking screen capture button in the camera since you can access it from the home menu while a game is running too.

Or make it so that you don't even need to do that at all. iOS is a button combo, Vita is a button combo, Steam has an always-on button, PSP CFW has a button combo. No need for a UI at all :p

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Or make it so that you don't even need to do that at all. iOS is a button combo, Vita is a button combo, Steam has an always-on button, PSP CFW has a button combo. No need for a UI at all :p

Well it's different for the 3ds since it has 4 possible screenshot options: top screen 2-D, bottom screen, both screens, and top screen 3-D.


Well it's different for the 3ds since it has 4 possible screenshot options: top screen 2-D, bottom screen, both screens, and top screen 3-D.

Could still have a button combo to quickly bring up the four options though. Or it could let you set in the system settings what option the button combo uses.


listen to the mad man
Well it's different for the 3ds since it has 4 possible screenshot options: top screen 2-D, bottom screen, both screens, and top screen 3-D.

Given that Nintendo insists you can only see 3D content on the 3DS and only releases 2D screenshots and videos of its games outside the 3DS, why not just default to both screens, 2D PNG with the stupid watermark? Yeah, people will grumble about not being able to take 3D screens, and with good reason, but it'd still be an immeasurable improvement to nothing and users are more comfortable if there isn't a UI layer involved breaking up their gameplay.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Given that Nintendo insists you can only see 3D content on the 3DS and only releases 2D screenshots and videos of its games outside the 3DS, why not just default to both screens, 2D PNG with the stupid watermark? Yeah, people will grumble about not being able to take 3D screens, and with good reason, but it'd still be an immeasurable improvement to nothing and users are more comfortable if there isn't a UI layer involved breaking up their gameplay.

Not trying to contradict you, (genuinely curious now) but where did the screenshots from
come from then?


Or maybe Nintendo should focus on actually worthwhile features. Screenshots are close to the bottom of the bullshit bingo feature list.


listen to the mad man
Or maybe Nintendo should focus on actually worthwhile features. Screenshots are close to the bottom of the bullshit bingo feature list.

I don't find them to be useless at all. I take a lot of screen captures in Steam, on my CFW PSP, and on my iOS devices. They're handy for testing, handy for promotion initiated by users, handy for reviewers and journalists. The Vita screen thread was just started this week and it's pretty huge already, and I think it's absolutely serving the purpose of making people aware of what's out there.

It's also a very easy function to implement--presumably the hardware has an interrupt system for key presses (it needs to for the home key, but that's also how you'd implement regular inputs). That interrupt system checks for the key combo, push the program execution pointer onto the stack, jump to a routine, dump the screen pixels directly, pop the execution pointer back, continue on with no one the wiser.


Not trying to contradict you, (genuinely curious now) but where did the screenshots from
come from then?

I'm not sure, but some of these appear to be multiple 2d screenshots sewn together. I went to Beyond the Labyrinth and Bravely Default and both seemed like that. Maybe not. They don't seem to be official asset releases anyway. For the ones that are official, I'm assuming someone pulled them from Nintendo's content servers?


Or maybe Nintendo should focus on actually worthwhile features. Screenshots are close to the bottom of the bullshit bingo feature list.

They don't have to "focus" on anything - the ability to take screen captures is already right there, but they've made a deliberate decision to disallow regular 3DS owners from saving them to the SD card. This isn't an either-or situation, it's just Nintendo being Nintendo.

EDIT: "they're", what the hell. Ugh.


They don't have to "focus" on anything - the ability to take screen captures is already right they're, but they've made a deliberate decision to disallow regular 3DS owners from saving them to the SD card. This isn't an either-or situation, it's just Nintendo being Nintendo.
Pandas can take screenshots?

EDIT: Fooling around with the note feature for the first time, you're right. It already does take screengrabs. While I don't care for button combination hackjobs, the ability to use the currently captured screen as a background to write notes on would make that particular feature far more useful, and it would give people the option to export screens to SD card, so I agree: Implementing that can't be much work and the feature should be there.
Tetris Axis is awesome. It's way more than barebones Tetris like on GB. You get a regular Tetris, single card multiplayer, online multiplayer, Bombliss, and AR Tetris. And that's just the good stuff! There's a bunch of other crap in there too. :p And it has the stupid Russian music in it too.

Swapnote looks cool and I'm glad it's free 'cause I didn't want to read the crying here if it wasn't. :p

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Tetris Axis is awesome. It's way more than barebones Tetris like on GB. You get a regular Tetris, single card multiplayer, online multiplayer, Bombliss, and AR Tetris. And that's just the good stuff! There's a bunch of other crap in there too. :p And it has the stupid Russian music in it too.

Swapnote looks cool and I'm glad it's free 'cause I didn't want to read the crying here if it wasn't. :p

But as far as I've seen ALL the modern tetris versions have the annoying preview placement thingie that you can't turn off. So I will be getting the GB Tetris because it's free of it!
If I am wrong, please tell me which game doesn't have it!


But as far as I've seen ALL the modern tetris versions have the annoying preview placement thingie that you can't turn off. So I will be getting the GB Tetris because it's free of it!
If I am wrong, please tell me which game doesn't have it!

You can definitely turn it off in the DS games. I think Tetris Party lets you turn it off from the pause menu, even. Axis is based off Party, so I imagine you can do it in that game, too.

EDIT: Fooling around with the note feature for the first time, you're right. It already does take screengrabs. While I don't care for button combination hackjobs, the ability to use the currently captured screen as a background to write notes on would make that particular feature far more useful, and it would give people the option to export screens to SD card, so I agree: Implementing that can't be much work and the feature should be there.

We can only hope it's a feature they're withholding in order to couple it with a new firmware update, similar to what they did with video recording.


Can you send messages while in-game? Like going into the internet browser or friend list.

I don't like the look of the app at all. Would like something more similar to pictochat or WhatsApp. Also I can't understand why Nintendo uses such a different interface for each app and doesn't create something more standarized for tools that are going to be on everybody's 3DS.

Somebody should make a new thread for this message app.


I'll have to use it myself to understand...
All the info is in the pdf manual on the JP website that was posted. The video showed a quick use of drawing on the two layers, adding multiple pages, background, sound clips, and pictures, and replying to a received message.


anyone here tag a special mii yet? It's not possible to do so yet right?

I've been trying to figure out what that means. My best guess - and I stress it's a guess - is that they'll send Miis on special days... in which case, you may want to expect a Santa Mii through Spotpass on Dec 25th.


Parmesan et Romano
Can you send messages while in-game? Like going into the internet browser or friend list.


Were you hoping for more of a pictochat system? I don't know why there isn't one already built into the friends list. It makes so sense just like why Nintendo doesn't have a flipnote 3d out yet and also won't allow the dsi flipnote on the 3ds.

Edit:Here's a user video of swapnote/letterbox for anyone interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=K6ck2FtahZI
A Pictochat system integrated into the Friend List for messaging is what i was hoping would happen at some point in time, yea. Of course, this was way before the 3ds came out-- back when everyone saw the friends List icon and thought it was actually the same one used in the Pictochat logo.
What's a special mii?

Japan has over a hundred of them but they're region-locked. EU has some too. Special Miis are celebrity Miis or Miis of famous fictional characters.

Capcom released 4 Special Miis from Resident Evil: Revelations, which you can scan and DL here (not region locked): http://3ds.nintendolife.com/news/2011/09/get_your_special_resident_evil_miis_now

Once you get a special Mii, you can send them to your mii plaza by pressing Y while highlighting them.

Special Miis sparkle and have gold pants.

Thing is, though I can dl them and send them to the plaza, it still doesn't count as a tag. So where do you go about tagging one? Does that mean you have to tag a celebrity?



Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
We can only hope it's a feature they're withholding in order to couple it with a new firmware update, similar to what they did with video recording.
The funniest part currently is how you can export notes to the photo app, but the actual screen grab is stripped. It's like the screen grab is subject to some copyright or somesuch.
I'm not sure, but some of these appear to be multiple 2d screenshots sewn together. I went to Beyond the Labyrinth and Bravely Default and both seemed like that. Maybe not. They don't seem to be official asset releases anyway. For the ones that are official, I'm assuming someone pulled them from Nintendo's content servers?

The screenshots at 3ds-screenshot.com are all officially released MPOs by the game companies from various press releases etc. They're not artificially fanmade or culled from secret servers or anything.

For example this, or this.

Nintendo has no problem releasing MPOs occasionally.
The screenshots at 3ds-screenshot.com are all officially released MPOs by the game companies from various press releases etc. They're not artificially fanmade or culled from secret servers or anything.

For example this, or this.

Nintendo has no problem releasing MPOs occasionally.

Not all of them are. Some of them are fan made 2D to 3D conversions.

Most are official though.


Kind of odd, I just tried to launch the eshop and it told me a system update is available. I'm downloading right now. I am totally up to date with 3d video capture and everything. Looks like something new maybe!
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