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Nintendo Downloads - March 2015


In this case, Orgen wants to express wanting to play some games.

I'm more intrigued by Orgen's spoiler text.
Wasn't Orgen the one who mentioned that Pokemon Black/White would be getting a direct sequel instead of a third game, nobody believed him, and then we got Pokemon Black 2/White 2?


Found these. Want Theatrhythm Nintendo even more now.

Woah the 3D in the Phoenix Wright Trilogy is really good!

I encouraged my bro to buy it as they're great games that he really should own... (...but more importantly so I could test drive them haha) and I'm really impressed.

I'll pick it up myself tonight :)
I only played the first Phoenix Wright, I enjoyed it but I'm just not a fan of the genre.

I'm vaguely interested in jumping back into it though.
Mighty Switch Force is really really good.
Good music, good puzzles, good art. A bit short sadly, but still a steal at the sale price.


I really want the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney trilogy but can't afford it. :( Even at the reduced price.

In other news I'm currently playing Shinobi III little by little and it really is awesome. Especially in 3D.


People should complain, just not here, since doesn't do much good. Tell SE directly/etc.

You wouldn't want to become a cliche of a member and have 1 post ever week asking why no Mario Kart SNES and never post anything else. There are others that occasionally just do something similar. It gets irritating if all that comes out of their mouth is the same thing week after week. Esp since it's directed to us, and not Nintendo/SE/etc directly.

Ultimately, I think there is no harm in "being irritating" by griping, unless that is the only thing you ever post, which is definitely not true in Orgen's case. I understand it doesn't accomplish anything, per se, but it can be healthy and cathartic to complain to your peers and I don't think the complaints are "directed at us," just regular, normal venting about a subject someone feels strongly about. I dunno. I get that it can be annoying, but I also think life's too short to get annoyed by people's relatively harmless complaints about video games they want to play not being readily available.

In this case, Orgen wants to express wanting to play some games. He knows we can't do anything about it, and it's not like it's the only thing he ever posts. So I don't see the harm, really, especially since it doesn't tend to dominate discussion in here in general these days.

I was going to answer to Gulatica but damn! Max you rocked the answer, thank you! <3

Every Monday I go to work and at 10:00 and I check this thread to bring some optimism here and for me to start the week (and SE brings me down every time hahaha). But it's one thread on Mondays and I don't derail anything with it (and it's not my intention).

I could say that I have more VC & eshop games than half the people posting in this thread even if I don't post too often here but if I'm remembered by "this guy that only wants Terranigma" then so be it :p

I'm more intrigued by Orgen's spoiler text.
Wasn't Orgen the one who mentioned that Pokemon Black/White would be getting a direct sequel instead of a third game, nobody believed him, and then we got Pokemon Black 2/White 2?

Yes, it was me
:eek: hahaha

As I said in the Game Freak thread (the elephant game) I don't have my source anymore and I don't know if Terranigma VC will be released (very low chances) but I know for sure that despite being much more than "dumping a ROM and voilà!", Nintendo is sitting on a pile of VC games waiting to be released (blame Adelman).

Now, my optimist (and crazy) side thinks that maybe there's SE titles within that pile. Is it true? I don't know but I won't lose that optimism so I'll make a thread (just one I swear) every morning at 10:00 asking for SE titles :D


Just to be clear, I'm only talking about those that do nothing but complain, and often at that too. Those that say the same thing each week. Not those that casually voice their concerns, those people are fine. :)


I was wondering if you need an NNID linked to your 3DS before downloading free DLC (as free apps and demos require one)?
I'm thinking of picking up the upcoming two DLC tracks offered for Theatrhythm.


Each week I said I felt lucky about Metroid Zero Mission being in the PR, and them BOOM, after a while it happened!

Proof that Nintendo read this thread.


Each week I said I felt lucky about Metroid Zero Mission being in the PR, and them BOOM, after a while it happened!

Proof that Nintendo read this thread.

if only someone from the US had done it, too...then they would've gotten it as well ;)


Nintendo is surely sitting on VC games. If some of those games were S-E games, though, you'd have thought we'd see a few of them here or there. Wasn't Final Fantasy I & II GBA released by Nintendo? Maybe that one will be coming, at least.

As someone who's never played the Phoenix Wright series, it is a very weird game.

First time I played it, was thinking we'd have to know legal trickery (or learn it) and do battle in a real court of law. Show how much I knew! :lol


Junior Member
Just a heads up that Atlus games have gone on sale today in NA once again.

[3DS] Code of Princess - $14.99 thru 3/30 (was $29.99)
[3DS] Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars - $17.99 thru 3/30 (was $39.99)
[3DS] Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan - $14.99 thru 3/30 (was $29.99)
[3DS] Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers - $14.99 thru 3/30 (was $29.99)
[3DS] Shin Megami Tensei IV - $14.99 thru 3/23 (was $29.99)

I had to refer to Nintendo.com for the prices since the eShop itself is currently down. It doesn't look as if Devil Survivor Overclocked or Etrian Odyssey Untold are a part of this sale, although the latter just got a permanent price drop last week.


People should complain, just not here, since doesn't do much good. Tell SE directly/etc.

You wouldn't want to become a cliche of a member and have 1 post ever week asking why no Mario Kart SNES and never post anything else. There are others that occasionally just do something similar. It gets irritating if all that comes out of their mouth is the same thing week after week. Esp since it's directed to us, and not Nintendo/SE/etc directly.

Indeed. As I said earlier in this thread, this isn't even hypothetical as you can complain to Square-Enix directly right now.

Found these. Want Theatrhythm Nintendo even more now.


Why do you do this to me?


I'm missing seven cents to get Ace Attorney Dual Destinies. Is there any workaround or do I need to get another $10 eShop card?


I'm missing seven cents to get Ace Attorney Dual Destinies. Is there any workaround or do I need to get another $10 eShop card?

if that includes tax, then you could change your region to somewhere that charges less tax

or just use a credit card...


Decided to go with another $10 eShop card. I'll save the money left for another future sale or release.

Do you live in Brazil?

are those eShop credit overpriced for you?
I can probably get some from my local store for you.

@SmokeMaxX over at BST is a good guy too - I usually buy eShop credit from him when there's a sale (either from Target or BestBuy)


are those eShop credit overpriced for you?
I can probably get some from my local store for you.

Local currency is extremely weak compared to the american dollar right now, getting even weaker by the day. At one point, it won't be worth it and I'll have to just stop for some time.
I bought £15 eShop credit from GAME and I'm loading up the shop on my 3DS whilst the transaction is processing to get ready to pop the code in.

'Your delivery will be with you in 2-3 working days'

Damn, they're actually sending the little physical ticket thing instead of a code :(


Just a heads up that Atlus games have gone on sale today in NA once again.


I find this really funny, for some reason. Did they forget to submit the sale price paperwork for a week or something?

Atlus 1: "Hey, did you submit the sales paperwork to Nintendo this week?"
Atlus 2: "No, I thought you did."
Atlus 1: "Oh, no, our games are regular priced this week! Do something!"


Media Create Maven
pls no. I'm disappointed enough that these freaky voodoo creatures are showing up again in Theatrhythm DQ.

Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks that. Also, while Link & Lyn look alright like that, ZSS looks like an egg xD.

Also any thoughts from people here about Runbow? Looks like it could be a blast based on the trailers I've seen.
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