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Nintendo Downloads - March 2015


Gives all the fucks
We're just talking about downloading Nintendo games.....

TO OUR PHONES. *sinister music, thunder & lightning*


Still kind of sifting through all the info, but I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion in this thread. I don't think I have time to read 500+ replies from GAFers in the main threads, so, what are y'all thinking about these developments?


I haven't really read over it/started to process it.

Basically what I'm getting from it, though, is that all the people who have been saying for the past 15 years, "Nintendo is going 3rd-Party/Nintendo is going to make games for mobile" are now saying "See! We were right all along!" ignoring the fact that they were wrong for the past 15 years. But, hey, feather in their cap now, as it were.


I have to say, that was a hell of a bit of news to wake up to. Haven't had that "what the... WHAT THE FUCK????" reaction since the 3DS price drop.


I haven't really read over it/started to process it.

Basically what I'm getting from it, though, is that all the people who have been saying for the past 15 years, "Nintendo is going 3rd-Party/Nintendo is going to make games for mobile" are now saying "See! We were right all along!" ignoring the fact that they were wrong for the past 15 years. But, hey, feather in their cap now, as it were.

Okay, well, question about that.

Nintendo will be making smart device games for PC/mobile/tablet, right? It's safe to assume though that any games playable on PC will only be just versions of the mobile/tablet games. I think? Just kinda speculating here. So, if that's the case, I think it's relatively safe to assume any/all of these games will be touchscreen games and not use a traditional controller. Is that everyone here's impression, too? If so, I'm curious to see what kind of games are planned.

If the account system + smartphone games will launch in Fall 2015-ish, is it safe to assume we'll get info by E3 at the latest?

Also, do y'all expect any mobile/tablet Nintendo games would also be made available on the 3DS/Wii U eShops? (Or would that defeat the purpose?)

One more question. Is everyone also assuming Nintendo's smartphone games will advertise their exclusive 3DS/Wii U SW/HW as well? I'd think that has to be part of the point of this.


Still kind of sifting through all the info, but I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion in this thread. I don't think I have time to read 500+ replies from GAFers in the main threads, so, what are y'all thinking about these developments?

I mean we knew for over year that Nintendo wanted to use smart devices to make people aware of Nintendo products. From my understanding they have now announced a partner with whom they want to do it though I haven't read all of it.

Until I know more I don't think I'll form an opinion until we know more. But I'm excited want might come be it good or bad.
Still kind of sifting through all the info, but I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion in this thread. I don't think I have time to read 500+ replies from GAFers in the main threads, so, what are y'all thinking about these developments?

Nintendo going to mobile?

Pokemon is going to produce them so much moolah. F2P Pokemon game?


I mean we knew for over year that Nintendo wanted to use smart devices to make people aware of Nintendo products. From my understanding they have now announced a partner with whom they want to do it though I haven't read all of it.

Until I know more I don't think I'll form an opinion until we know more. But I'm excited want might come be it good or bad.

The difference now is that they are officially making actual games and not just apps to raise awareness. I think. Right?

Nintendo going to mobile?

Pokemon is going to produce them so much moolah. F2P Pokemon game?




Please also note that, even if we use the same IP on our dedicated video game systems and smart devices, we will not port the titles for the former to the latter just as they are. There are significant differences in the controls, strengths and weaknesses between the controllers for dedicated game systems and the touchscreens of smart devices. We have no intention at all to port existing game titles for dedicated game platforms to smart devices because if we cannot provide our consumers with the best possible play experiences, it would just ruin the value of Nintendo’s IP.
And, if I can talk a bit further about our game development plan, we will continue doing our best to develop dedicated game titles for our dedicated game hardware platforms just as we have been doing. For smart devices, even in the case where we utilize the same IP, we will create completely new game software that will perfectly match the play styles of smart devices."

The best thing from this, is no ports it will be games build for mobile, so they are not gonna slap Mario Bros NES on a phone and add touch controls
I think so, yes. So think: F-Zero Mobile, F2P Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Nabbit's Grab 'Em and Run.

F-Zero with gyrometer+touch controls? I like this idea.

F2P Pokemon with option to pay full price to keep all captures? I like this idea.

Nabbit's Grab 'Em and Run? Hmm...
Stuff like phantom hourglass or Kirby DS might somewhat work but it is good to hear that it'll be all new games. I would imagine they would be available for mobile and whatever their new handheld is.



The best thing from this, is no ports it will be games build for mobile, so they are not gonna slap Mario Bros NES on a phone and add touch controls

That is good. I would like to know if the mobile games are coming to the 3DS/Wii U platforms, though, since those have touchscreens natively.


My New 3DS XL finally arrived!! =D


By now that's the only game I have! Soon I will be getting Pokemon X!


That is good. I would like to know if the mobile games are coming to the 3DS/Wii U platforms, though, since those have touchscreens natively.

That would make sense, everything will use the same architect and account service. Kinda like how Pokemon shuffle went to 3DS.
I'd say something but I'm slowly trying to go through the news and trying not to vomit.

Core titles will not go on mobile just yet. Dont worry. This might not be as bad as the CDi situation.

If this is what it takes for Nintendo to survive longer and not touch those cash reserves, so be it.


Core titles will not go on mobile just yet. Dont worry. This might not be as bad as the CDi situation.

If this is what it takes for Nintendo to survive longer and not touch those cash reserves, so be it.

Nintendo was always going to survive, they sell a good product to an interested consumer base at a fair price.

Everything announced today sounds OK with the possible exception of the loyalty program. Definitely Nintendo can do better than Club Nintendo, but if this is going to lead to a subscription situation like some are guessing, that's total bull.


So, it's games. That's the big difference I think vs. something like the MK TV app.

As far as I understand their plan was to release games for smartphones as appetiser for the console versions along with companion apps like the MK TV from the beginning.


In all honestly I thought the thread about Nintendo branching out into mobile would explode more.


So, after reading through things a bit more...

Oh boy, Nintendo's going to have more stuff to do now, which means even less time/attention for the WiiU and 3DS Virtual Consoles =(
With their replacement program for DDP and CN not coming until the end of the year at earliest...looks like I'll be saving a ton of money not buying anything until then.

I'm both happy and sad about this news....


That would make sense, everything will use the same architect and account service. Kinda like how Pokemon shuffle went to 3DS.

The only exception here is that if DeNA makes the games on their own SW/HW, they might not be easily port-able to Nintendo's HW. Nintendo might also feel like it's not a good idea offering their smaller mobile experiences on their core HW.

Nintendo was always going to survive, they sell a good product to an interested consumer base at a fair price.

Everything announced today sounds OK with the possible exception of the loyalty program. Definitely Nintendo can do better than Club Nintendo, but if this is going to lead to a subscription situation like some are guessing, that's total bull.

Have they said subscription anywhere? I haven't gotten to look at the news in depth yet. As for a subscription situation in general, what concerns you about it? I would not expect Nintendo will stop making their products available for regular retail prices.

As far as I understand their plan was to release games for smartphones as appetiser for the console versions along with companion apps like the MK TV from the beginning.

In all honestly I thought the thread about Nintendo branching out into mobile would explode more.

Oh. No, we can ask JoeM86 since I think he's something of an expert on this subject, but I'm pretty sure the original plan was companion apps only, and that the news today is actual Nintendo-branded and co-developed (?) games will be made for smartphones.

So, after reading through things a bit more...

Oh boy, Nintendo's going to have more stuff to do now, which means even less time/attention for the WiiU and 3DS Virtual Consoles =(

Not necessarily. I expect the bulk of game development will be done by DeNA. Also, I don't expect the people who bring games to VC are necessarily the same people who would develop these games.

With their replacement program for DDP and CN not coming until the end of the year at earliest...looks like I'll be saving a ton of money not buying anything until then.

I'm both happy and sad about this news....

Where did you see end of the year at the earliest? I thought it was maybe this Fall? No? :-/

Terrisus, you should realize that the US is spoiled when it comes to VC goods.


This is the club nintendo rewards for Europe.

Those CN rewards are way better, IMO. If I could trade CN points for discounted Wii Shop credit I would do it very gladly.


Terrisus, you should realize that the US is spoiled when it comes to VC goods.


This is the club nintendo rewards for Europe.

I didn't mean rewards, I meant the actual VC releases.

Not necessarily. I expect the bulk of game development will be done by DeNA.


Also, I don't expect the people who bring games to VC are necessarily the same people who would develop these games.

That doesn't mean they wouldn't use it as an excuse to space things out even more, though >.>


I didn't mean rewards, I meant the actual VC releases.


That doesn't mean they wouldn't use it as an excuse to space things out even more, though >.>

It wouldn't be much of one. I wouldn't be concerned about that at this point. I would be astonished if Nintendo released more than one major smartphone game per month at the height of their potential smartphone release schedule, so I don't think it would impact anything like VC significantly. Plus, we're potentially talking about very different audiences.


Guys, chill. This won't negatively impact anything in any dramatic ways. Fingers off the panic buttons.

*shrug* I don't see almost anybody (ITT at least) freaking out. jholmes seems a bit put off, but understandably concerned. I agree, though, I am hopeful this will only be good for the big N.
Okay, well, question about that.

If the account system + smartphone games will launch in Fall 2015-ish, is it safe to assume we'll get info by E3 at the latest?

Also, do y'all expect any mobile/tablet Nintendo games would also be made available on the 3DS/Wii U eShops? (Or would that defeat the purpose?)

One more question. Is everyone also assuming Nintendo's smartphone games will advertise their exclusive 3DS/Wii U SW/HW as well? I'd think that has to be part of the point of this.
I think they will talk about it at E3 just not a huge amount.

I would hope they would add the games on the eshop, but I'm kinda having a feeling they won't. I think they should since just opens up more people buying/using them.

Oh they defiantly will. I can see ads/video ads showing off their latest games while you wait for a turn or whatever for the mobile app game. I can also see banners and such on the high score charts all " Enjoy blah blah blah? see them in their latest Wii U/ 3DS game. If they seriously don't do that I think it's incredibly stupid.

I'm honestly more worried about the price of these games/apps. I haven't drop real money on any mobile game I played. I can't see all of these things being f2p either. It's harder to spend a "high" cost on the mobile ecosystem.


*shrug* I don't see almost anybody (ITT at least) freaking out. jholmes seems a bit put off, but understandably concerned. I agree, though, I am hopeful this will only be good for the big N.

The 'vomit' comment triggered my post. I've also seen a bunch of people freak out on twitter.

The mobile stuff isn't even the really interesting news there. The announcement of NX being the code name for the next system and that their Club Nintendo replacement would tie into all of this (and is co-developed with DeNA, too) is far more interesting to me. It's always fun to go back through earlier interviews/investor meetings after announcements like this have been made to see how when and how they alluded to these things already.
As long as Nintendo continues to create dedicated home consoles and handhelds, I'm completely fine. I'm hoping NX isn't a single system or even a hybrid, but rather a separate console and handheld that share similar architecture. The mobile stuff is just icing on the cake for me; it'll be fun to mess around with a simple Nintendo game on my phone for five minutes while waiting for a movie to start in the theater.


The best thing from this, is no ports it will be games build for mobile, so they are not gonna slap Mario Bros NES on a phone and add touch controls

There are sections in most Nintendo games that would work super well as a standalone mobile title. We've already seen part of that with the Kirby Triple Deluxe -> Kirby Fighters Z/King DeDeDe DX eShop offshoots. I'd imagine that they'll start with those kinds of titles/subsets of full games, as well.
As long as Nintendo continues to create dedicated home consoles and handhelds, I'm completely fine. I'm hoping NX isn't a single system or even a hybrid, but rather a separate console and handheld that share similar architecture. The mobile stuff is just icing on the cake for me; it'll be fun to mess around with a simple Nintendo game on my phone for five minutes while waiting for a movie to start in the theater.

If Nintendo nailed a console/handheld combo that nails both, that would become my favorite console of all time.

GC flirted with that idea. They're trying to do that again with WiiU/3DS, but if the next gen just nails it down, I'll jump into that ecosystem fairly early.


Nintendo is seeking out additional channels of revenue and from what we know so far, it won't be at the cost of what we've been used to expect from them (a) no ports to mobile b) NX announced as a statement and sign of confidence). It's natural to worry but if you're freaking out over this, I suggest you have another close read of the press release which should put all of your worries to rest.

This is obviously speculation on my part but if I just extrapolate what has been said so far, I expect small tie-in apps to promote the U/3DS games in some capacity, and furthermore, little to no actual involvement by Nintendo devs. The only thing up in the air at the moment is the online subscription system (which I would describe as Nintendo's spin on a well-established business practice) which is supposed to span mobile, PC and Nintendo devices - we'll have to see about that. Maybe said apps will appear on all those consoles, maybe it will be for account management tools and stuff like Miiverse and gamer profile with achievements for the mobile games. It's impossible to tell right now.

However, to reiterate what we do know: Nintendo is expanding into mobile, not "going" or "shifting to" mobile. I'm pretty excited to see where it goes and I wish them success with it.


The 'vomit' comment triggered my post. I've also seen a bunch of people freak out on twitter.

The mobile stuff isn't even the really interesting news there. The announcement of NX being the code name for the next system and that their Club Nintendo replacement would tie into all of this (and is co-developed with DeNA, too) is far more interesting to me. It's always fun to go back through earlier interviews/investor meetings after announcements like this have been made to see how when and how they alluded to these things already.

I'm sure that's true. I just feel like we've been pretty chill about it in general in here. Anyway, I am psyched for NX (Nintendo Xtreme?!) and the CN replacement. I'm eager to see what they're planning, in terms of specific games and thier account system.

As long as Nintendo continues to create dedicated home consoles and handhelds, I'm completely fine. I'm hoping NX isn't a single system or even a hybrid, but rather a separate console and handheld that share similar architecture. The mobile stuff is just icing on the cake for me; it'll be fun to mess around with a simple Nintendo game on my phone for five minutes while waiting for a movie to start in the theater.


I think they will talk about it at E3 just not a huge amount.

I'm honestly more worried about the price of these games/apps. I haven't drop real money on any mobile game I played. I can't see all of these things being f2p either. It's harder to spend a "high" cost on the mobile ecosystem.

Price-wise I'm expecting some F2P, and some $5 and under. It would be dangerous to charge more than that.


Have they said subscription anywhere? I haven't gotten to look at the news in depth yet. As for a subscription situation in general, what concerns you about it? I would not expect Nintendo will stop making their products available for regular retail prices.

They haven't said anything about subscriptions and the idea never even crossed my mind before someone else brought it up but I'm not inclined to spend $60 a year on what's free now. I think PS+ and XBLA Gold are the single worst things in the industry today.

The 'vomit' comment triggered my post. I've also seen a bunch of people freak out on twitter.

I'm not freaking out and I'm not panicking. But I'm allowed to think this is gross.


Guys, chill. This won't negatively impact anything in any dramatic ways. Fingers off the panic buttons.

Don't you see? This was foretold in the Mayan prophecies!

"And lo, in the year Two-Thousand and Fifteen, the Mario did become endless runner, the Pokemon, free to play, and the Kirby - 'Flappy'. The cash was lifted from the players' wallets, and the world was thrown into 1,000 years of darkness."

Want to end the apocalyse immediately? Remove the time limit now!
1 more year of light - 1 Jewel
5 more years of light - 3 Jewels
10 more years of light - 5 Jewels ( BEST DEAL! )
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