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Nintendo E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

yeah, i was expecting more stuff that LOOKED different. Not neccesarlily better, because i think none of use were expecting graphics that could compete with PS3/360, but at least something that would differentiate the Wii from them. Mario was fun looking, Zelda was Zelda and Sonic has some potential, but Metroid Prime looked exactly like the GC versions and the rest of the games looked like generic, run of the mill last generation stuff.


am I to take it there will two different versions of Zelda TP?

that would certainly make no sense but that seems to be what Reggie is saying.

game looks fucking incredible.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Yoshis Island 2 OMFG, Nintendo, you've got me right by the balls. So now DS is getting Peach, a Yoshi Jump&Run, Wario, New Super Mario Bros, it already has Sonic Rush. It's really perfect to me form a platformer fan's point of view.


i missed half of the tennis game, i hope it gets put up somewhere.

It sounded hilarious though as the 1up stream only had sound and a still picture. :(

What an Amazng showing by Nintendo, The DS line up this year is beyond kick ass and i must have that Zelda game.


Fuck any haters, that was awesome, Red Steel looks great, Wii Sports looks great, I want to play this thing.

:lol @ people still whinging about eye candy

Oh and STARFOX DS!!!!!!


hot damn, if only they ended it with live Mario i think cheers would have gone through the roof.
or smash bros for you who like that.

over all not a bad watch, although Adam West was boring as hell!


As someone who was ready to quit gaming, that tennis thing is like the best thing ever. It is a shame that the graphics aren't uber like Sony's. But it looks like we are just introduced to the next level of fun with the wii.


Soul4ger said:

No DS third-party outside FF: Crystal Chronicles
No Smash Brothers
No Metroid Dread
Still kinda left us hanging on how we're supposed to store downloads and stuff for Wii, when there's no goddamn hard drive
No price

Otherwise, my rikey.

? It has a 516MB SD Memory Card in it. Grant it, its not a 20GB harddrive, but it keeps the console cheap and small, and its also upgradable (and also it has SD slots to put in additional memory card.)

User 7575

and if wii is 250 or above, i'll have to wait for a pricedrop. paying 600 for a PS3 would be less painful than paying 299 for a Wii. Makes me want some MGS.

edit: iwata or somebody confirmed a while back that external HDDs could be used through the Wii's 2 USB ports. we've discussed this before, it should be common knowledge.


Lol everything started crashing or slowing to a stop once that damn conference started. On the conference itself, they still haven't shown EVERYTHING like we were hoping for. However i'd imagine they'll all be released soon once they are finalized. But this kinda disappoints me because it reveals that the console is still quite incomplete, taking away my hopes of a late summer launch :(
The way Red Steel controls really killed my buzz. You have to pull your gun all the way to the side of the screen just to turn? That certainly didn't look more precise than a mouse or even dual analog.


The DS lineup is totally awesome but the Wii was pretty underwhelming. They didn't talk about Mario that much, which leads me to believe it'll miss launch.

No talk about online strategy

No talk about virtual console

Not very many quality 3rd party offerings.

I'm not that impressed at all.


I am more or less disappointed. I was expecting more games to be shown but I suppose that was unrealistic for a 1 hour confrenece. They also probably wanted people to see less of it and actually play the games so the following days should be a blast. Games like Tennis don't look like much, but I'm sure are much more fun to actually play. Regardless, great confrence!


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Pretty good conferance for Nintendo. Destroys Sony's conferance.

Highlights for me..

Super Mario Galaxy
Fire Emblem
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
Yoshi's Island 2 (woot!)
I want a DS lite NOW.

I wanted...
Online browser demo
Controller shell

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I can't get over how good that was. How the fuck can be people be disappointed? Okay the graphics, sure. But if you're over that, there was so much good stuff!

Mario Galaxy, Zelda TP, Metroid Corruption (these 3 alone should be enough), a traditional looking 3D Sonic, Fire Emblem, brand new IPs, cool looking racer in...was it called ExciteTruck?, WarioWare, a composing game, Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Red Steel, Zelda PH, Yoshi's Island 2 (!), Starfox DS, Diddy Kong Racing...oh man...I'm bound to be missing some but that lot alone is an overload of awesomeness.



Wii looks like a blast to play.
DS has amazing games coming out for it.

Nintendo has their act together.
man I really enjoyed this stream the most out of all E3s

Looking forward for Wii

I'm sure Smash Bros and many others are behind closed doors :(

It creeps me out how silent they are about Smash Bros.

Mario Gallexy has to show me much more

and my pants awaits Zelda Direct Feeds OMG :D

Awesome show Nintendo


Fuck, missed the very ending when GameSpot cut the stream, AND I forgot to drink the beer I bought to have something when watching the conference...!

Anyway, awesome conference all around. Wii will be mine!!!!


The physical form of blasphemy
Well...Metroid looks like it will still suck...except now, no one will be able to say...Well...such and such isn't better than MP since its not a FPS! Should have kept it away from the FPS title, now...we can see how it will stack up to Half Life 2 , Halo, and F.E.A.R..

I am dissapointed that they didn't show Smash Bros, and I can't say that I am exactly comfortable in dropping whatever for Wii.

Mario, Sonic, and Zelda all have my attention, but so far....I am not that impressed with the game lineup. Hopefully, they will show some stuff on the floor. I don't want this to be a GC redone.

As for Red steel...It needs work, and some adult content. I know how that sounds, but still.

Got to say, the DS kicks all sorts of ass. DSlite, Diddy Kong Racing, Quendan, YOSHI!!!!!!!!!, Mario, Starfox, Zelda and Mario vs Dk looks like a shitload of fun.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Holy shit, Nintendo's press site has a new layout! It also has a shitload of art assets up!

[ >> Upcoming Wii Game List ]
Disaster: Day of Crisis™ >> Fact Sheet >> Artwork
Excite Truck™ >> Fact Sheet >> Artwork
The Legend of Zelda®: Twilight Princess >> Fact Sheet >> Artwork
Metroid® Prime 3: Corruption >> Fact Sheet >> Artwork
Project H.A.M.M.E.R. >> Fact Sheet >> Artwork
Super Mario® Galaxy (temporary name) >> Fact Sheet >> Artwork
WarioWare™: Smooth Moves >> Fact Sheet >> Artwork
Wii Sports >> Fact Sheet


I was also expecting some more info on virtual console, but oh well.

And yeah, thumbs up to NeoGAF for not crashing. How many people were online just now?


maxmars said:
First impressions: this is going to be fun. As in reaaally fun. The tennis match alone was pure comedy to watch, can't wait to play with wife + kids! :lol

That demonstration was the perfect way to get the point across. Looked like good fun.

Pretty great show all around.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Hero said:
Fire Emblem looks hot.
Wait...That actually was Fire Emblem??? My video got choppy right at that point (only time it got choppy) and couldn't see what it was. I didn't dare hope for Fire Emblem!!!
So ...

New Mario
New Zelda
New Metroid
New Fire Emblem
New Wario Ware
New Star Fox (DS)
Another New Zelda (DS)
New Yoshi's Island (DS)

How much more franchise goodness can you handle? :lol

That Natural Disaster game looks interesting.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I expected more crazy games from Nintendo than those shown. The new franchises just look meh, put there to satisfy a western audience. But they don't look like Nintendo. Where is Waverace though? Starfiix?

The Wii is still looking totally cool. Sport Games, Wario Ware, Mario, Zelda, Pilotwings and Metroïds will so be mine.


great conference! though i wouldn't go as far to call it BEST EVER.

the wii looks like the ultimate fun machine. as iwata described it, a machine that can unite gamers and non-gamers. this will definitely be my #2 console at home.
good show, but kind of underwhelming

the way Reggie kept emphasising the word "feel" i thought for sure they'd reveal some sort of tactile feedback feature in the wiimote


If Kojima is working on a wii title, shouldn't that have been front and center? I mean wtf

Seriously though, Zelda TP looks like the greatest game of all time.
Aurora said:
This conference was very good, but I wonder why they didn't reveal more of their aces? If they closed it off with a showing of Smash Brothers = ultra megat0n.

I dunno. The whole price thing after what Sony announced was "definitely something is up". Wonder if Nintendo is going to hold another conference later? :D


I thought Nintendo was batshit crazy insane, but I'm starting to get it.

Price this reasonably, and they'll do well. Though the jury's still out on whether Wii will dramatically expand the market, I think its focus on fun (and hopefully, affordability) give it a good shot.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
What gives, guys? I thought it was pretty underwhelming, and I'm as big a Nintendo fan as possible. Zelda's great, as is Mario, but third party support was pretty bad. The DS is looking good, really good. I want more brain games.
Very good conference. Not OMGWTF worthy, but very good. I am surprised Nintendo didn't announce the price and launch date. That obviously has something to do with Sony.

I am very disappointed that Smash Bros. was not shown. But I am

WOW at 27 Wii games on the show floor.

That's quite a bit. Mario looks like it will be super super fun, and Twilight looks great as well.

I like what I see from Metroid although I'm surprised there wasn't a more in-depth demonstration.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Overall I was impressed

1. Zelda and SMG look great but the control is intriguing
2. Control across the board looks like a lot of fun
3. I was pleased with the 2D graphics for yoshi’s island 2 ds
4. New super Mario bros looks senstational

I am pleased with what Nintendo has achieved on the DS and will definitely pick up a wii even if just for a small selection of must have games to compliment my 360.

My most anticipated games


Yoshi’s Island 2
Zelda PH


Zelda: TP
Super Mario Galaxy


No Metroid Dread
Poor graphics on several of the wii games (which I am sure will improve, every console has mediocre looking launch games)
No smash bros
No pricing/date info


maxmars said:
Gamespot did not die on me luckily. Go Linux! :D

First impressions: this is going to be fun. As in reaaally fun. The tennis match alone was pure comedy to watch, can't wait to play with wife + kids! :lol

Oh and the footage shown was pretty decent.. That disaster game looks promising (see that giant Tsunami wave.. Wow!), T
Great great great conference.. :D

dude.DISASTER WAS A CGI,get over it


Yep... yet again the only Nintendo games I'm remotely excited about are the sequels to major franchises. Oh well.
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