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Nintendo E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)


Okay, took me a while but I finally managed to catch up after work today.

Point #1 - no Mother 3 means that Nintendo is a complete failure at everything.

But, if I manage to move past that, there's a lot to like. I think Mario Galaxy has enormous potential. It looks like it could be a good compromise between the platform-intensive void levels and the freedom/exploration we've gotten used to since 64. And it looked really goofy - I'm sure I had a big grin on my face when I saw Mario running on the underside of one of those spheres.

Zelda will be good by the virtue of it being a Zelda game that they've spent a lot of time on, regardless of how good the control aspect is. Just as long as they have more than the 4-5 dungeons the recent games have been putting out. Zelda and Mario coming out right away is going to be really difficult for me to look away from. And if they have Metroid and Smash Bros coming up down the line this is going to get REALLY exciting.

Did not see a Fire Emblem game coming. Holy crap that's awesome.

Wii Sports should be a fun game. Those will all be fun game to pull out and goof around with on occasion even years down the road.

Excitetruck is just a big wtf. Hammer could be fun if it's just a mindless smash-fest. The Disaster game I'm note sure how to react to...it's been done before to pretty lukewarm responses IIRC. I'm excited about Sega's games. Monkey Ball with that controller could be really good, and hopefully the Sonic game is a straight platformer. And hopefully at least one game between DQ and FF:CC is pretty good.

Super Paper Mario....holy crap. I mean...Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ. Amazing.

DS is going to completely own my soul now. I've been excited enough to get it with the games already out there and then NSMB and FF3, but then they're going to give me a new Star Fox, Zelda, Mario v Donkey Kong, AND (omg omg omg) Yoshi's Island? I was actually really excited about Diddy Kong Racing too (which I always enjoyed more than Mario Kart), but it definitely looks like just a straight port.

I promised myself not to buy any next gen consoles for at least a few years after launch....but I think I can rationalize the Wii purchase by saying that it's too underpowered to count as "next gen" :)

In conclusion, I want Mother 3.
OmegaRed said:
I'm surprised no one is talking about Day of Crisis to a great extent. I mean, the game is being developed by the people that brought us F.E.A.R and Condemned. I think it has some great potential.

i don't think thats the same Monolith. There is a japanese company with the same name, and the artwork looks more eastern to me.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Graphics are not very important to me but why are many Wii games looking equal or worse than GC games. Very odd. GC produces one of the most beautiful games, RE4, and can't even match that for thier new improved (so be it if it's only 2x as powerful that still implies better) hardware. Again, very odd.


Yeah, Its wierd. I was atleast expecting most Wii games to be on par or greater than Resident Evil 4's visuals. Maybe most developers arent working with final dev kits and only EAD are? Cause Super Mario Galaxy looked amazing.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I want to play the new Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. but was an entire new system really necessary? I wish they could have release some sort of peripheral for the gamecube.


Hey guys what's up with that "Necro-Nesia" game by Spike , it seems like an horror game where you use a flashlight, is that a Wii exclusive?


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
What is with Nintendo repeated hinting there are more secrets to come? I don't think they're talking about the price of launch date either.


BorkBork said:
What is with Nintendo repeated hinting there are more secrets to come? I don't think they're talking about the price of launch date either.
Yeah when they were demoing Zelda the guy made a comment like that. Strange. I think there will be some cool online stuff that hasn't been released. It'll be interesting to see if any new online Red Steel info comes out.


After seeing that "running sprint" mini game in Wario Ware, I'm hoping for a full fledged, track and field game down the road on Wii.
I just saw video footage of Excitetruck and...and...I want it.

Not for the way it controls with the remote or anything, though the impressions sound pretty positive. It's just that I like fast arcade racers and I like racing big goofy vehicles. Plus that name is just completely ridiculous.

I feel dirty. :(
Also, I really want to see Pikmin on Wii, as well as some third party RTS games. There are already like 300 Wii games with swordfighting, and a healthy amount of FPS titles as well...let's move on to the next obvious idea.


OmegaRed said:
Yeah, Its wierd. I was atleast expecting most Wii games to be on par or greater than Resident Evil 4's visuals. Maybe most developers arent working with final dev kits and only EAD are? Cause Super Mario Galaxy looked amazing.
Well everything is still heavily in development, especially if the wii launches in the 4th quarter.



Wii: How are the games?
Our columnist gets some hands-on time with Nintendo's next generation titles.
Game Over is a weekly column by Chris Morris
May 9, 2006: 2:40 PM EDT

LOS ANGELES (CNNMoney.com) – Nintendo hopes its new controller will be intuitive for people who are new to gaming or returning after a long absence, but it takes a while to get used to it.

In advance of Tuesday's announcements, I was given the opportunity to play five Wii games that will likely be released around the same time the system is. This was my second time using the controller – and while my accuracy had improved somewhat, I still found myself occasionally waving wildly across the screen (though, in fairness, Nintendo will likely further optimize the Wii controller before the system launches at the end of this year).

The initial titles are a mix of familiar Nintendo franchises and gaming staples. Graphically, they're pretty much on par with the company's current generation GameCube, which can be disappointing after seeing the graphical power of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. But while graphics are important, it's ultimately how fun a game is that counts.

So how did the games fare?

"Wii Sports Tennis" – Mimicking a tennis swing and backhand is a pretty easy thing to do, so it didn't take long to get the hang of this game. The focus is solely on hitting the ball, not chasing it down since your onscreen character will automatically head to where the ball is going to land. But it's up to you to swing at the right time and with the right force. The harder you swing, the faster the ball goes. Visually this game wasn't too appealing, to be honest, but it was fun to play – and I'm happy to say I achieved a tie after two sets with a Nintendo representative.

"Wario Ware: Smooth Moves" – I've always enjoyed the "Wario Ware" collection of five-second mini-games, so it was good to see this in the launch lineup. If you're not familiar with the series, a brief three or four word description of what you're supposed to do flashes on screen, then it's up to you to do it. If you fail, don't worry. Another mini-game starts five seconds later. "Smooth Moves" lets you get used to using the Wii controller in several ways – holding it sideways, resting it on the palm of your hand, and holding it as you would a pen. It would, in fact, be a perfect game to bundle with the system, so people get an idea of what it can do. (Don't count on that to happen.) Graphics, again, are the failing point. The game, visually, looks awful – though the series has never been about looks.

"Excite Truck" – Imagine holding your TV remote control by its ends and pretending it's a steering wheel. Substitute the Wii controller and you've got an idea of how to control "Excite Truck". Driving's pretty easy. The real fun comes when you hit a hill and go sailing into the air. The object is to land with all four wheels on the ground. To do that you'll have to tilt the controller back and forth away from you to stabilize the truck. It's frenetic and fast-paced – and seemed to be everyone's favorite game. I agreed.

"The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" – This version of the game, which will be sold separately from the GameCube version, uses both the controller and the 'nunchuck' secondary controller and suffered the most from the controller's optimization problems. I tried two different parts of the game – fishing and fighting. Fishing was a fun affair. To cast Link's line, you press one of the controller's buttons, hold your arm up and then fling your arm as if you were casting an actual rod and reel. Shaking your hand lets the lure juke through the water, attracting the fish's attentions. To reel your line in, you can either press a button and have it done or wind the secondary controller as if you were reeling in a line. It's easy and rather calming, though all of my casts hooked right, even when I deliberately threw towards the left.

Combat was more complicated – and where the biggest flaws were apparent. For some reason, Nintendo chose not to allow you use the controller when you were fighting with swords. That's done with button pushing – which takes some of the fun out of it. You simply use the controller to launch a whirling attack. When using your bow and arrow, you do use the controller, but it takes a very steady hand. The first few times I tried, my point of view whipped around the screen so fast I got dizzy. Again, optimization should help this problem.

"Metroid Prime 3: Corruption" – Having played a revamped "Metroid Prime 2" in January , I knew my way around this game. Using a thumbstick on the secondary controller to walk, I used the primary controller to look and shoot. Targeting is easy once you get the hang of it, and I actually did better with the Wii controller than I ever did using the standard one. That could be because I play most shooter games on the PC and the Wii controller (on this game, at least) was akin to using a mouse.

What will the PlayStation 3 cost you? Start saving now.
Zilch said:
So if I'm playing Zelda: Twilight Princess on my Wii, how will I control the camera's movement? It was not explained during the gameplay demonstration during Nintendo's conference.


"Oh shit."


cvxfreak said:
Was Animal Crossing confirmed?

I'd imagine it'll be on there in the launch window but that'd be too many Nintendo titles! Iwata stated that the WiiConnect24 that keeps the Wii connected in standby mode would let you visit other Animal Crossing towns even when the other person's Wii is playing the game.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
wow ign is really kind of hammering on the wii, even saying zelda had some control issues - and they are all generally unimpressed with most of the games - save a few


Excite Truck, I think, will be a nice diversion until the big willies hit.

At first, I was like...why trucks? But, I realize Nintendo needs more new IP's. And this will only add to their treasure chest full of IP's.

If the dynamic of hills and mountains forming and deforming are akin to WaveRace wave's and it's physics, then this should be a favorite at launch. Hopefully, it's not a short game.


heavenly said:
Excite Truck, I think, will be a nice diversion until the big willies hit.

At first, I was like...why trucks? But, I realize Nintendo needs more new IP's. And this will only add to their treasure chest full of IP's.

If the dynamic of hills and mountains forming and deforming are akin to WaveRace wave's and it's physics, then this should be a favorite at launch. Hopefully, it's not a short game.
Yeah it looks like an attempt at the Burnout franchise.
GashPrex said:
matt c - sports titles looked kind of "assey"

ugh...tennis game on wheels :(

They looked like glorified tech demos. Rather lazy stuff imo. Sure it looked fun, but it also looked shallow. If I'm playing a tennis game, I want to control my own character thank you very much. I can understand that this game is aimed at more casual people, so I'm not totally disappointed. I'm sure Sega will step to the plate with a real tennis game (Top Spin plz). Same with baseball, which looked primitive.


to those wondering about zelda's camera..have you forgoten that the z- trigger will position the camera behind you? the game may not have the camera movement that WW had.
wait so the tennis game all you do is swing the wii-mote at the right time and thats it? Thats the extent of the gameplay? Wow even shallower than pong.
Perhaps someone else has mentioned this and I missed it among the mass today, but I just realized how much the simple Wii Sports people look like the ii part of the Wii logo. Even moreso for the orchestra demo, since those characters don't even have legs. I'm thinking it's not a coincidence. Will these be known as "Wii people"?

What other activities could be combined with the orchestra demo to create another pack similar to Wii Sports? Perhaps the drum game we've often seen players perform will be another part of Wii Music?

mug said:
I'd imagine it'll be on there in the launch window but that'd be too many Nintendo titles! Iwata stated that the WiiConnect24 that keeps the Wii connected in standby mode would let you visit other Animal Crossing towns even when the other person's Wii is playing the game.
Last we heard they were still mostly in the planning phase on that game. A release later this year would be only 1 year since Wild World. Animal Crossing just made a really good WiiConnect24 example.


What's up w/ the Elebits video? It looks nothing like the artwork that was revealed in the japanese magazine.

It looks similar Chi Robo or something.


Gruco said:
Okay, took me a while but I finally managed to catch up after work today.

Point #1 - no Mother 3 means that Nintendo is a complete failure at everything.

But, if I manage to move past that, there's a lot to like. I think Mario Galaxy has enormous potential. It looks like it could be a good compromise between the platform-intensive void levels and the freedom/exploration we've gotten used to since 64. And it looked really goofy - I'm sure I had a big grin on my face when I saw Mario running on the underside of one of those spheres.

Zelda will be good by the virtue of it being a Zelda game that they've spent a lot of time on, regardless of how good the control aspect is. Just as long as they have more than the 4-5 dungeons the recent games have been putting out. Zelda and Mario coming out right away is going to be really difficult for me to look away from. And if they have Metroid and Smash Bros coming up down the line this is going to get REALLY exciting.

Did not see a Fire Emblem game coming. Holy crap that's awesome.

Wii Sports should be a fun game. Those will all be fun game to pull out and goof around with on occasion even years down the road.

Excitetruck is just a big wtf. Hammer could be fun if it's just a mindless smash-fest. The Disaster game I'm note sure how to react to...it's been done before to pretty lukewarm responses IIRC. I'm excited about Sega's games. Monkey Ball with that controller could be really good, and hopefully the Sonic game is a straight platformer. And hopefully at least one game between DQ and FF:CC is pretty good.

Super Paper Mario....holy crap. I mean...Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ. Amazing.

DS is going to completely own my soul now. I've been excited enough to get it with the games already out there and then NSMB and FF3, but then they're going to give me a new Star Fox, Zelda, Mario v Donkey Kong, AND (omg omg omg) Yoshi's Island? I was actually really excited about Diddy Kong Racing too (which I always enjoyed more than Mario Kart), but it definitely looks like just a straight port.

I promised myself not to buy any next gen consoles for at least a few years after launch....but I think I can rationalize the Wii purchase by saying that it's too underpowered to count as "next gen" :)

In conclusion, I want Mother 3.

Years down the road!?




The funniest thing about that conference were the three new IPs.

"Remember ExciteBike?

Well here's Excite TRUCK!"


I feel like replacing things with "Truck" now.

Super Mario TRUCK.

The Legend of Zelda: TRUCK Princess

Sonic TRUCK Fire

Metal TRUCK Solid 4
I still hope we'll see Kid Icarus in the future. But instead of a platformer I think Nintendo should turn it into a cinematic RPG. They don't have a first party RPG series really (other than Mario... but he does everything). They could make Icarus an interesting world. Make it mature and deal with afterlife concepts and death.
AzureRonin said:
I still hope we'll see Kid Icarus in the future. But instead of a platformer I think Nintendo should turn it into a cinematic RPG. They don't have a first party RPG series really (other than Mario... but he does everything). They could make Icarus an interesting world. Make it mature and deal with afterlife concepts and death.

Jesus Christ we're remembering the same Kid Icarus, right? I mean, I'm all for new, mature RPGs made by Nintendo, but why do they have to be tied to a former game (which many people didn't even play, by the way)?
blame space said:
Jesus Christ we're remembering the same Kid Icarus, right? I mean, I'm all for new, mature RPGs made by Nintendo, but why do they have to be tied to a former game (which many people didn't even play, by the way)?

Well I just thought the whole angel theme would be a great backdrop for an RPG. It would be an interesting way to update an old franchise.
AzureRonin said:
I still hope we'll see Kid Icarus in the future. But instead of a platformer I think Nintendo should turn it into a cinematic RPG. They don't have a first party RPG series really (other than Mario... but he does everything). They could make Icarus an interesting world. Make it mature and deal with afterlife concepts and death.

I hope Nintendo takes Kid Icarus into the "urban action" genre. They could call it "Kid Blacarus."


I FINALLY finished the summary for the conference. I apologize it took so long, I was updating for THREE conferences and it was exhaustive. I will be done with MS soon. Some of this stuff wasn't shown IN the conference itself, but in related conferences or announcements.

If I missed anything important, please inform:

● Nintendo reveals the last secret for the wiimote - it has a speaker in it. Yeah, it makes sound effects. The square audio outlet is used to deliver "in-your-hand" aural immersion. Since the right-hand Wii-mote is used for direct interaction with objects in the games, Nintendo included the controller speaker to give players direct audio feedback pertaining to do those objects. (L)

Wii -

● Nintendo reveals Super Mario Galaxy for Wii. Not much is known at this point, except that Wiimote apparently allows moves never before possible in Mario titles. With freehand control of all-new moves, such as swinging your hand to bat away objects or grabbing onto stars with the pointer, Super Mario Galaxy looks to communicate perfectly the Wii's stress on delivering games that are "all about the feel." (L, I)
● The first video for Ubisoft's Red Steel is here. Graphically, eh. But it definitely looks interesting. Check it out for yourself. (V)
● Check out the hands-on impressions of Metroid Prime 3. Matt isn't entirely convinced on the control scheme, but it sounds very nice. (V, L, I)
● Nintendo reveals that Zelda: Twilight Princess will be released in TWO different SKUs. One is for Gamecube, that will play exactly like God always intended. The other is the "enhanced" frankenstein-esque creation that combines the Gamecube title with wiimote functionality - sword swinging, arrow shooting and more. Choose which one you want this Fall! (L)
● Namco Bandai announces SD Gundam G Breaker for Nintendo Wii. Looks like every system is getting SOME version of this niche anime/series. I'm not exactly sure what to think! (V)
● Nintendo shows off Fire Emblem for Wii. Woooooo. Not much is known about this strategy RPG from the phenomenal and popular japanese series, but you can watch the video. Be warned: It's just CG. (V)
● Final Furlong for Nintendo Wii is certainly interesting. *ahem*. I guess you could say that. (V)
● Another game revealed for Nintendo's "Wii", Project H.A.M.M.E.R. is not the most polished title on the list. Reggie said it's a game for people who "just like the bash things", which I guess is an appropriate description. (L, V)
● One of the games announced for Nintendo Wii today was Excite Truck. The name is supposedly a sort of homage to Excite bike, which as you all know is a NES classic. Players hold the Wii Remote like an NES controller to control the truck. The 2 button is the accelerator, the 1 button is the brake, the + Control Pad is the turbo. Tilt the Remote right and left like a steering wheel to steer. (L, V)
● Yet another game announcement among Nintendo's exhaustive list, Wii Sports contains a bunch of activities that utilize the Wiimote to maximum capacity. The showpiece was a tennis title, which although sported some "primitive" visuals had everyone very excited due to its functionality. It seemed pretty fun. (L, V)
● I doubt you'll be surprised at this next announcement. Nintendo announces Wario Ware: Smooth Moves for Wii. Yup. It's pretty much a perfect fit - you'll do all sorts of wiggling and waggling and whipping and whooping in a series of quick fire minigames that test your reflexes as well as anything else. As always, Wario Ware is awesome. (L, V)


● Nintendo announces Custom Robo DS. So the game was successful enough to warrant bringing to a portable... where is my Pikmin then? Get moving, Nintendo! (V)
● Konami shows off Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for DS. Looks absolutely excellent. Check out the video. (V)
● Oh yeah, this is one of my favorite announcements of the show so far. Nintendo announced Yoshi's Island 2 for the DS. Yeah, a sequel to one of the best platformers ever made. After New Super Mario Bros., who would have thought so much awesome could be contained under one system? But here we are! (V)
● Hotel Dusk: Room 215 looks like a very interesting concept for the Nintendo DS. I'm pretty fond of it myself... check out the latest media. (I)
● Nintendo formally announces Elite Beat Agent Storms DS, for those who wanted Osu! Tatakae! Oendan! for the US. It's not a localized version or a sequel, it's an original game based on that concept. An ex-CIA agent named Commander Kahn scans the world for cries of help. When he finds one, he dispatches the agents, who assist their targets by performing a song and dance. (I, L, V)
● Nintendo announces Starfox DS. You heard right! It's looking pretty tight too, more in line with the classics than the ridiculous abominations that have recently inhabited the franchise. DS is a quality gaming beast. (V, I)
● Nintendo reveals Mario Hoops 3 on 3. Developed by SquareEnix, this is definitely one of the nicer looking games for DS graphically. Hope the gameplay matches. (V)
● So yeah, there's another Pokemon game coming to the US. It's Pokemon Rangers, which I suppose any Pokefanatic would know from its JP release. If any of you are still hanging out to this series while waiting for Diamond/Pearl, give this game a look. (I)
● Nintendo announces a new Kirby game for NDS. There is no title attached, but you can still get a load of the screenshots. (I, I, I)
● Konami announces Death, Jr. and the Science Fair of Doom for DS. Very little is known on this game, but the media will have to do. (I)
● Nintendo reveals Donkey Kong: King of Swing DS. A sequel to the late GBA sleeper hit, In this DS version, Kong has brought along Diddy Kong for all new moves and techniques in the double-character system. A tutorial level has been included to help players understand the game better, and the DS's wireless features are used for up to four swingers to get together (no online play, sadly) and play either with standard wireless or DS Download Play. (L, I, V)
● IGN has some hands-on impressions of the highly anticipated remake of Final Fantasy III for DS. The only game that has yet to come to US shores, the remake abandons the nostalgia graphics and is updated in fully 3D for consumers. (L, I)
● Also hands-on is the US version of Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime from SquareEnix. The game's very action-focused - players hold down the A button and stretch Rocket in the direction they want to attack, and when the button's let go Rocket "snaps" at the enemy with a powerful whack. (I, L)
● Another little surprise for the portable-that-could, Mario vs. Donkey Kong DS has a very attractive look to it. Promising new puzzles that take advantage of the touch screen and many, many levels... this game is one to look for. (I)
● Another new game for the Nintendo DS, DS Air is a Top Gun-esque title with some decent visuals. (V, I)
● IGN has new media for the DS game Magical Vacation 2. The first was quite good to many people, so maybe you're anticipating this. Well, it certainly looks very vibrant and interesting conceptually. (I)

Gamecube -

● Nintendo announces Super Paper Mario for Gamecube. It's like a game that switches from 2D to 3D, to whatever other craziness... not really an RPG this time, but a action platformer. Sorta hard to explain! But it looks freakin' fantastic. You also get to play as Peach and Bowser. (V)
● Nintendo announces DK Bongo Blast for Gamecube. Well... at least they're still trying to support this ol' rusty system of mine. I appreciate it anyway! Check out the latest media. (V)
● Nintendo reveals that Zelda: Twilight Princess will be released in TWO different SKUs. One is for Gamecube, that will play exactly like God always intended. The other is the "enhanced" frankenstein-esque creation that combines the Gamecube title with wiimote functionality - sword swinging, arrow shooting and more. Choose which one you want this Fall! (L)
AniHawk said:
The funniest thing about that conference were the three new IPs.

"Remember ExciteBike?

Well here's Excite TRUCK!"


I feel like replacing things with "Truck" now.

Super Mario TRUCK.

The Legend of Zelda: TRUCK Princess

Sonic TRUCK Fire

Metal TRUCK Solid 4

Animal TRUCK! Crossing
wow nobody has mentioned elebits at all ever. it looked kind of lame, like a bad chibi robo or something... not even close to the promising artwork.


Amir0x, nice work but you left out one important detail.

- Nintendo, being an organization run entirely by retard-communist-crack-addicts, has not made any comment on the US status for Mother 3.
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