Nintendo has lost its goddamn mind


You seem more butthurt than me though.

Sequels get repetitive and boring. This applies to all series. Great for you if you never get bored of playing the same thing again and again.

I think the difference is Nintendo can and do innovate when it comes to sequels even if it’s only minor to some people from the outside looking in. I consider BOTW-TOTK to be highly innovative compared to Zelda of old and even massively different when compared to each other.


Whenever someone says this everyone else instantly knows they never play the actual games. 😂

Then you have some like Digital Foundry say that some of the gameplay concepts they’ve come up with for a particular part are so good they could be a whole other game entirely. 🤷‍♂️
I have played more than enough to share an opinion. I still buy Nintendo consoles but close to zero first party games, precisely for this reason. My Switch library is third party games, with the exception of both Metroid games, one being a decent 2D game but not even a very good 2D Metroid, and the other being a 20 years old game. Still awesome, of course, but same game. And I did enjoy ARMS at launch, great game.

You can buy the hundredth entry in the Fire Emblem series, or try something new like Brigandine...
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You can buy the hundredth entry in the Fire Emblem series, or try something new like Brigandine...

Its not salt. Nintendo certainly could release more new IP and them being bangers in one go. They don't want to risk it and heavily rely on Mario & Co. I cant stand it. Its ridiculous that I play as the same fat guy at five years old and almost forty.

Its like AC/DC still releasing the same record over and over but are actually staying relevant in the music landscape XD


I liked their stuff when I was younger. And a weeb.

Im no longer young though, I can't connect to their characters or all of those jrpgs. It's good that their audience gets games they like, but going from there to saying they are the best over all is reaching. They are best at what they do though.

Which is weeb stuff. Which I'm also not anymore.

I would, however, love to see them try making a more obvious adult game.


Gold Member
Try playing Switch games in 4k 120FPS , especially Botw or Totk :messenger_winking:
Exactly. Dismiss that stuff all you want, but if you had it, you certainly wouldn't be downplaying it!

As for the best in the industry, I think that's relative. Sony's catalogue is more my thing (crazy since I was a Nintendo > SEGA fan as a child), but PlayStation adds flavors that Nintendo hasn't, which is gravy, but I cannot minimize that no matter how much my love remains for Nintendo. Still, as long as Nintendo exists, it doesn't matter which one of those two is better. Both brands are absolutely synonymous in gaming and that takes years of catering to what you customers actually want!

If anything, Xbox can go 3rd party, bring SEGA back into the mix, and let's watch the real exclusives do the talkin'! A man can dream, right? :nougat_rofl:


Gold Member
Decade old IPs in the OP. Don't know why enthusiasts should be happy about that.
Friendly reminder that God of War started in 2005 and Gran Turismo in 1997, to name a couple.
Then there’s that little IP called Final Fantasy that nobody ever complains about having on their favorite plastic box.

As any developer, they have their strong points and their weak points.
Everyday Beast, is that you?

I would, however, love to see them try making a more obvious adult game.
When a Naughty Dog MP game sinks: “Good, devs should stick to making what they make best!”
When Nintendo sticks to what they make best: “Plz boobs ‘n gore, k thanks.”

Also, what exactly is weeb about Mario or Metroid?

The sad thing is, I feel there’d be less salt flowing if Metascores didn’t exist. People could ignore Nintendo way more easily, like they did in the WiiU days.
BTW, yes, the “specialized” critics are biased, but not in the way people allege. They just love to jump on the winner’s bandwagon and kick the giants when they’re down. Remember those WiiU days? Remember “fucking Donkey Kong” and Tropical Freeze getting a 7 because it wasn’t “what the WiiU needs right now?” Where was this fabled Nintendo tax then?


You can argue Nintendo is a shit corporation like any other, that they rarely devalue their brand and games with sales, that they hate their fans more than anyone (that super smash brawl tournament fuck up is legendary), that they hardly create new IPs and keep recycling the same games and characters BUT DAMN GOD THEY KNOW HOW TO MAKE FUN GAMES.


Gold Member
Yeah it's nice that the Switch is ending with a bang (I mean assuming the rumours are true and there's a new one next year).

I really enjoyed Fire Emblem Engage too.
The story was a bit whatever and I still think the art direction is bad, but the gameplay was really enjoyable and going a bit more back to basic instead of focusing on relationships was awesome.

Alan Wake

Yeah, even though I prefer Xbox and PlayStation and have to hand it to Nintendo for keeping their standards high. It's like they never fail with their main franchises and that's both impressive and admiring.

Learn, Microsoft!


Truth Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Japanese Devs are absolutely back on track in recent years and Nintendo are Absolutely Gold standard.

I can't wait to see Xenoblade Zelda Mario etc on better hardware.
The funny thing is with "better hardware" I think the expectations would be higher and their scores would actually be lower
Yeah, they’ve been cooking! Fantastic output in both quality and quantity.

It’s also crazy to think we didn’t know about Super Mario Bros. Wonder at all 4 months ago. They’re just sitting on these 9/10 games.

I am really hoping with the Switch 2 (or whatever it ends up being called) we will get a new StarFox, I am with you on this, it is long overdue! Maybe even throw in a Pilotwings wouldn't hurt either!


Gold Member
The funny thing is with "better hardware" I think the expectations would be higher and their scores would actually be lower
Which is why I’ve been saying for years that if Nintendo went third party, their games would make much, much less of a splash.


Gold Member
It seems that Nintendo remembers how the best games of a console generation are released at the end of it. This isn't anything new, just old school.


Their games are always rated higher than they should be. TOTK is nowhere near a 9. It's the same game as BOTW with some minor changes. And most of their games have almost no or basic stories (Outside of Chronicles). Only Chronicles game I liked so far was Chronicles X with the Mechs.


Yeah, they’ve been cooking! Fantastic output in both quality and quantity.

It’s also crazy to think we didn’t know about Super Mario Bros. Wonder at all 4 months ago. They’re just sitting on these 9/10 games.

The StarFox IP is Nintendo's biggest failure and letdown.


You seem more butthurt than me though.

Sequels get repetitive and boring. This applies to all series. Great for you if you never get bored of playing the same thing again and again.
Are we talking Sony,the gows and horizons?
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This is all in the same year! A year where they also have another few high scoring games (Pikmin 4, Advance Wars, Fire Emblem are all 80s games), and they still have a couple of games coming up (a Mario RPG?)

Like, I can't think of any other publisher who put out four 90+ games in the same year. And this is the final year of the Switch's life (supposedly), this is Nintendo's support for it in its last year? I always thought Nintendo consoles died in their last year lol.

Never been a big fan of Nintendo before, but the Switch, and specifically 2023, have sold me on Nintendo completely. At a time when the rest of the industry keeps engaging in clown shoes nonsense like chasing live service games, cancellations and layoffs and acquisitions and buggy launches and chasing tech over gameplay, Nintendo just quietly puts out great games upon great games that are among the best on the market, and they do it on a console that is more than two generations outdated.

Just insanity.
One is just a remaster, one is an expansion, one should have been sold as an expansion, and I haven't played super Mario yet but its probably overrated cause it’s Nintendo.
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Yeah, they’ve been cooking! Fantastic output in both quality and quantity.

It’s also crazy to think we didn’t know about Super Mario Bros. Wonder at all 4 months ago. They’re just sitting on these 9/10 games.

Because they are the last group of people that have games that are fun to play, simple to understand, and feature more gameplay then cutscenes and other "story based garbage".


This is because Nintendo care about 1 thing- GAMEPLAY! Gameplay is KING. Fuck graphics. Fuck story. Gameplay is number 1 (and fun)! Nintendo have never forgotten that. It's the reason why I can still go back and play Super Mario World a million times and never tire of it, yet I played and beat Uncharted 2 once, and never returned.


Gold Member
There isn't an entertainment corporation in the world comparable to Nintendo. It's hit after hit and constant reinvention for decades. The new Disney and it's not close.


No offense to everyone in this thread, but Nintendo is not pushing any boundaries and their gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. Much like GTA there is plenty to do but not much entertainment value in it as every individual activity has a substitute game which specializes and excels in it.
Oh please. They've excelled at brilliant games and amazing gameplay innovations for around 40 years. You can THINK that but you would be completely wrong.
Oh please. They've excelled at brilliant games and amazing gameplay innovations for around 40 years. You can THINK that but you would be completely wrong.
Original innovators are often not those who realize the full potential of a design. I am not saying they are bad at making games. All I am saying is that if you only enjoy a fraction of what they provide you are more likely to see that fraction made whole in another title by another developer.
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Why do you think MS wants to buy Nintendo so much?

Because they want to lower those grades! They love sub 85 games.
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You are right. It's a 10.

Xeno X also barely has a story(and it's a mess) and is more about world building which I preferred.

Some games don't need a intricate story when the story is all in the world around you. Show. Don't tell.
100% this. Look at Elden Ring- it wasn't the story that captivated people... Gameplay is all that matter. You are meant to be PLAYING games!


No offense to everyone in this thread, but Nintendo is not pushing any boundaries and their gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. Much like GTA there is plenty to do but not much entertainment value in it as every individual activity has a substitute game which specializes and excels in it.
no offense to you, but your out of your fucking mind. Zelda alone disproves your point. The game pushed every boundary.
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