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Nintendo is deleting what it deems inappropriate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate stages


Letting the loonies that give trans folks a bad name control the narrative by filling every possible avenue with propaganda? No ta.

Honk Honk!
I think the bigger question here is 'why are Smash players putting Trans propaganda in a videogame for children?'
Because Nintendo allowed it to happen by adding a Stage Builder - especially with no security nor censorship.

A lot of people in here want to be like "oh please think of the children", yet they are praising Nintendo for dealing with a problem that shouldn't have occurred in the first place.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Tt reminded me of this when it comes to muricans just throwing politics and social commentary everywhere:

I assume it's cherry-picked and overblown but still leave a sour taste in mouth.

PS. PickleRick is right.
Pickle Rick is awesome.

Also, have no idea what Tombo said, but it's Robocop, and Robocop is always right.


OK, here's come an unpopular opinion, but: I don't like any type of censorship, it's harmful for all.

Are there people which buy Smash, and they can only think in talking about political trash? Go ahead.

Are there people which buy Smash, and only wants to slam dicks in their faces, or in Palutenas crotch? Go ahead too, dude!

The only thing Nintendo needs to do is to give us, the community, ways to block, silence, dodge... What we don't want to see in our feeds.

If someone buy a game to spread some political agenda, is because they feel so oppressed in their victimismo that need to push it to the rest of the world. Let them be, and we will find them bored of it.
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OK, here's come an unpopular opinion, but: I don't like any type of censorship, it's harmful for all.

Are there people which buy Smash, and they can only think in talking about political trash? Go ahead.

Are there people which buy Smash, and only wants to slam dicks in their faces, or in Palutenas crotch? Go ahead too, dude!

The only thing Nintendo needs to do is to give us, the community, ways to block, silence, dodge... What we don't want to see in our feeds.

If someone buy a game to spread some political agenda, is because they feel so oppressed in their victimismo that need to push it to the rest of the world. Let them be, and we will find them bored of it.
This is actually a pretty good alternative as well.


OK, here's come an unpopular opinion, but: I don't like any type of censorship, it's harmful for all.

Are there people which buy Smash, and they can only think in talking about political trash? Go ahead.

Are there people which buy Smash, and only wants to slam dicks in their faces, or in Palutenas crotch? Go ahead too, dude!

The only thing Nintendo needs to do is to give us, the community, ways to block, silence, dodge... What we don't want to see in our feeds.

If someone buy a game to spread some political agenda, is because they feel so oppressed in their victimismo that need to push it to the rest of the world. Let them be, and we will find them bored of it.

Anything goes huh? A game played mostly by children. Let's allow political agenda pushing, pornographic imaging, Nazi or KKK hate speech, messaging glorifying suicide for children/young teens.

Down with all censorship. Even that done from anonymous people with bad intentions.


Anything goes huh? A game played mostly by children. Let's allow political agenda pushing, pornographic imaging, Nazi or KKK hate speech, messaging glorifying suicide for children/young teens.

Down with all censorship. Even that done from anonymous people with bad intentions.

Give. Tools. To filter the content.

I thought I made it clear.

If you have kids playing online games, and you have the adequate tools, you have the ability, and the responsability, to control the content that's showing to kids.

But ey, I can be wrong too.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Nintendo is deleting what it deems inappropriate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate stages

As row over removal of a trans rights level intensifies.

As expected, Nintendo is moving to delete what it deems inappropriate user-generated Super Smash Bros. Ultimate levels after the stage creator feature went live earlier this week.

This article includes content not safe for work.

Most of the content currently being hauled offline is as you'd expect - soon after the stage creator feature went live, many stages featuring Swastikas and other racist and offensive imagery were uploaded.

There were also many, many penis stages, some of which ended up on the front page of the official Nintendo Switch app, as Eurogamer reported.

For that story, Eurogamer social media whizz Paul Watson commandeered the Nintendo Switch belonging to Gamer Network tech supremo Thomas Marchant to create a stage inspired by the "Double Dick Dude" from reddit.


Now, Marchant has seen the level pulled from the game, and he received a strongly-worded email from Nintendo warning against the use of "obscene and/or sexual expressions".


But some of Nintendo's moderation decisions have courted a good deal of controversy. It appears stages either titled "Trans Rights" or featuring the trans flag run the risk of deletion - and in some cases their creators were issued short-term bans.

Twitter user Warm Safflina received an email from Nintendo notifying her that her trans rights stage had been pulled offline for "inappropriate and/or harmful content".


She said a Nintendo customer support rep later explained the level was removed because it was considered a "political statement", and revealed her account was suspended for nine hours.

Nintendo has come under fire for this takedown, with many pointing out the "trans rights" message should not be considered a political statement, although based on the company's stubborn protectiveness of its family-friendly brand, perhaps this takedown shouldn't come as much of a surprise.

But Nintendo's moderation policy appears to be scattershot at best. While Warm Safflina's stage was deleted, many other stages featuring the trans flag remain available to download and play. Marchant has had a look at Super Smash Bros. Ultimate this morning, and reports a search for "trans" returns between 70 and 80 trans rights stages still online.


Meanwhile, Nintendo's cleanup of the created stages available to download for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate may be a battle it can never win.

"I searched 'dick' and there are some but it looks like they've been removing them," Marchant added, "but I could still see the one tied to my account and was able to re-download it. Didn't find any for Nazi/Swastika type stuff. There was one of two people having sex on the main screen. I went back to the home screen and found a Ugandan Knuckles and Pepe as well. There's more appearing all the time it seems, and they're not all new or anything."


Perhaps Nintendo is struggling to keep up with the mammoth moderation task it faces with the hugely popular Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? Or, perhaps Nintendo hasn't yet issued its moderators a clear policy on trans rights levels, so we're getting decisions that seem out of place.

For now, what we do know is uploading Super Smash Bros. Ultimate stages with obviously offensive content could get you in trouble with Nintendo. You have been warned.

Source: Eurogamer

Code of Conduct? Check... Users barred from posting content which could be discomforting to others(what does discomfort means in this case? Bah...)? Check...
I wonder how Sony is managing to censor games they do not even own...


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Because Nintendo allowed it to happen by adding a Stage Builder - especially with no security nor censorship.

A lot of people in here want to be like "oh please think of the children", yet they are praising Nintendo for dealing with a problem that shouldn't have occurred in the first place.

The funny thing is that some of these people will scream at the top of their lungs that they are done with arrogant Sony and their arrogant censorship... 🙄...

Codes 208

Code of Conduct? Check... Users barred from posting content which could be discomforting to others(what does discomfort means in this case? Bah...)? Check...
I wonder how Sony is managing to censor games they do not even own...
I was checking maps earlier today. I found shitposts as literal as lucario’s asshole, a map that just says nigger, a swastika, some more dumb hentai crap and even a burning Notre Dame.

This isn’t Nintendo silencing their fans voices or even unneccesary censorship. this is just taking out the trash a la reporting emblems in CoD games.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
I was checking maps earlier today. I found shitposts as literal as lucario’s asshole, a map that just says nigger, a swastika, some more dumb hentai crap and even a burning Notre Dame.

This isn’t Nintendo silencing their fans voices, this is just taking out the trash a la reporting emblems in CoD games.

One could argue that Sony is doing the same and user generated content is not much different than developers generated content and the platform holder preferring not to opt on optional filters and have to bear the blunt of the blame for people not being protected, etc... “think of the children and all that”... Nintendo is censoring their fans creation...

Do they have the rights? If you believe so, you may need to rethink your stance on Sony’s alleged “shift”... if you disagree with Sony then you may have to concede to parallels here... the third choice of sticking your finger in the ears and shouting “lalalaalala” is also valid and believe me understandable from a cognitive dissonance point of view (which can happen to anyone), no offence meant really.

Edit: I am not sure it is impossible to find people that would find a burning Notre Dame more offensive than some of the imaginary that Sony is supposed to have censored... (not that I agree, but that is not the point).
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One could argue that Sony is doing the same and user generated content is not much different than developers generated content and the platform holder preferring not to opt on optional filters and have to bear the blunt of the blame for people not being protected, etc... “think of the children and all that”... Nintendo is censoring their fans creation...

Do they have the rights? If you believe so, you may need to rethink your stance on Sony’s alleged “shift”... if you disagree with Sony then you may have to concede to parallels here... the third choice of sticking your finger in the ears and shouting “lalalaalala” is also valid and believe me understandable from a cognitive dissonance point of view (which can happen to anyone), no offence meant really.

Edit: I am not sure it is impossible to find people that would find a burning Notre Dame more offensive than some of the imaginary that Sony is supposed to have censored... (not that I agree, but that is not the point).
Huge difference between Sony censoring sexual things in M/T rated games and Nintendo removing levels for saying nigger, having hentai or nazi imagery in a fucking KIDS GAME. How much of a Sony fanboy do you have to be to act like this shit is even remotely the same? Fuck Sony and their censorship. Owned PS1, 3, PRO, PSP and will not buy a PS5.

Codes 208

One could argue that Sony is doing the same and user generated content is not much different than developers generated content and the platform holder preferring not to opt on optional filters and have to bear the blunt of the blame for people not being protected, etc... “think of the children and all that”... Nintendo is censoring their fans creation...

Do they have the rights? If you believe so, you may need to rethink your stance on Sony’s alleged “shift”... if you disagree with Sony then you may have to concede to parallels here... the third choice of sticking your finger in the ears and shouting “lalalaalala” is also valid and believe me understandable from a cognitive dissonance point of view (which can happen to anyone), no offence meant really.

Edit: I am not sure it is impossible to find people that would find a burning Notre Dame more offensive than some of the imaginary that Sony is supposed to have censored... (not that I agree, but that is not the point).
Actually there is a difference, developers typically try to take a neutral stance to not offend either party to maximize profits. As for things like this or CoD’s Emblem creator: As long anonymity exists, people will abuse creator content.

I’ll bitch at Sony for unneccesary censorship of things that other platform holders don’t (like the initial launch of DMC5) which, btw is a night day difference when compared to Nintendo censoring a map that’s offensive just for the sake of it (like the nigger map) but it’s not like I won’t chew out Nintendo for the same shit. I’ve said multiple times I bitched at Nintendo and Bandai for replacing swords with sticks in dragon ball fusions.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Actually there is a difference, developers typically try to take a neutral stance to not offend either party to maximize profits. As for things like this or CoD’s Emblem creator: As long anonymity exists, people will abuse creator content.

I’ll bitch at Sony for unneccesary censorship of things that other platform holders don’t (like the initial launch of DMC5) which, btw is a night day difference when compared to Nintendo censoring a map that’s offensive just for the sake of it (like the nigger map) but it’s not like I won’t chew out Nintendo for the same shit. I’ve said multiple times I bitched at Nintendo and Bandai for replacing swords with sticks in dragon ball fusions.

There is no difference really... take the LGTBQ flag stage... stating your views knowing that some people may be offended and being ban worthy is similar to saying 3D Mario games are much worse than 2D ones... some people, you know it, will be offended by that (again disagree with the premise lol) ...

We are splitting hairs clinging onto the nastiest things we can imagine or the things we think are objectively offensive, but that is a slippery slope to the same “what is offence and how do you regulate it? Vs. Free speech, what does it mean? What limits can be imposed?”. Is this like shouting fire in a crowded theatre?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Huge difference between Sony censoring sexual things in M/T rated games and Nintendo removing levels for saying nigger, having hentai or nazi imagery in a fucking KIDS GAME. How much of a Sony fanboy do you have to be to act like this shit is even remotely the same? Fuck Sony and their censorship. Owned PS1, 3, PRO, PSP and will not buy a PS5.

See this anger/aggressiveness? This is cognitive dissonance at work. Do not buy PS5, do you think I lose sleep over that? Vote with your wallet, glad you can do that and actually follow your convictions.

You cling to examples and Nazi imaginary and hentai and frame it under a “kids” environment... Sony, not saying they are right, allegedly frame it against the backdrop of “all titles on our platform are for a family environment... you can have more mature titles and more kids friendly titles, but it is still family content so we will curb what we find excessive in any title”.

Again, I think the censoring alleged to Sony (even when it is not Sony’s mandated) was idiotic and sign of an overprotective attitude that seems to think that if we are not exposed to improper umpire things we are not going to have improper umpire thoughts... freedom of expression has value and cost... we do not see to appreciate either...
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I was checking maps earlier today. I found shitposts as literal as lucario’s asshole, a map that just says nigger, a swastika, some more dumb hentai crap and even a burning Notre Dame.

This isn’t Nintendo silencing their fans voices or even unneccesary censorship. this is just taking out the trash a la reporting emblems in CoD games.

And people wonder why Nintendo isn't a fan of voice chat in games haha.
OK, here's come an unpopular opinion, but: I don't like any type of censorship, it's harmful for all.

Are there people which buy Smash, and they can only think in talking about political trash? Go ahead.

Are there people which buy Smash, and only wants to slam dicks in their faces, or in Palutenas crotch? Go ahead too, dude!

The only thing Nintendo needs to do is to give us, the community, ways to block, silence, dodge... What we don't want to see in our feeds.

If someone buy a game to spread some political agenda, is because they feel so oppressed in their victimismo that need to push it to the rest of the world. Let them be, and we will find them bored of it.

I would not call this censorship. I know it's difficult to draw the line between censorship and "not complying to the rules of the creation tool" but it needs to be clarified so we don't mix up two different topics.

If you create a game for which you want a certain mood and target audience you cannot allow content that opposes to that. If we were talking about this tool on a GTA game, that would be different. It would be censorship in that case, because on a place where adult topics are permitted they would be banning particular ones that don't match with their personal vision or ideology. But we are talking about Smash, a game which target is : family, kids, hardcore Nintendo fans. Sexual or political content is absolutely pointless in this environment.

It's like going dressed to a nude beach. They are not censoring you, it's just that you have to respect the minimum rules of participation.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I would not call this censorship. I know it's difficult to draw the line between censorship and "not complying to the rules of the creation tool" but it needs to be clarified so we don't mix up two different topics.

If you create a game for which you want a certain mood and target audience you cannot allow content that opposes to that. If we were talking about this tool on a GTA game, that would be different. It would be censorship in that case, because on a place where adult topics are permitted they would be banning particular ones that don't match with their personal vision or ideology. But we are talking about Smash, a game which target is : family, kids, hardcore Nintendo fans. Sexual or political content is absolutely pointless in this environment.

It's like going dressed to a nude beach. They are not censoring you, it's just that you have to respect the minimum rules of participation.

What if you have an online store and a platform where you want to limit the extreme content your target audience is exposed to? What if that extreme content for you is anything you deem extremely sexual and/or potentially objectifying?

Nintendo is deciding the target audience and the rule of their software and they happen to match with what we expect / tolerate... other companies may make determinations for their platform and/or online services. Much flaunted freedom of expression has costs and limits: the cost may be that having user filters for people that do not want to be exposed to that content (the filters may be on by default) and accepting that some people may disable them and be offended by what they see.

Nintendo’s wording in that first response is kind of similar to the referred “hated SJW get woke go broke” speeches by other entities...

Once you agree with that then it is really either committing to using only standard bodies like ESRB and/or CERO or risking that with time as the people inside these companies change (MS will change too in a few years as the new policies announced by Nadella will shape hiring practices, promotions, and genera career development: https://qz.com/work/1595743/microsoft-is-overhauling-how-it-investigates-hr-investigations/).

I think the complaints with Sony are too broad and overblown, but essentially you are reacting not to the policing itself but how it is done... that is the tricky and slippery slope part of it which does rob people who complain of the moral superiority standing point a bit IMHO.
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What if you have an online store and a platform where you want to limit the extreme content your target audience is exposed to? What if that extreme content for you is anything you deem extremely sexual and/or potentially objectifying?

Once you agree with that then it is really either committing to using only standard bodies like ESRB and/or CERO or risking that with time as the people inside these companies change (MS will change too in a few years as the new policies announced by Nadella will shape hiring practices, promotions, and genera career development: https://qz.com/work/1595743/microsoft-is-overhauling-how-it-investigates-hr-investigations/).

I think the complaints with Sony are too broad and overblown, but essentially you are reacting not to the policing itself but how it is done... that is the tricky and slippery slope part of it which does rob people who complain of the moral superiority standing point a bit IMHO.

Where were you when Nintendo HAD to censor a feather pixel from Mr. Game and Watch and a revealing attire from a character in this game because the usual suspects threw a fit?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Where were you when Nintendo HAD to censor a feather pixel from Mr. Game and Watch and a revealing attire from a character in this game because the usual suspects threw a fit?

? I am not saying I would agree with them (I do not think Nintendo should have censored it), but see Nintendo “had to censors” vs “SJW nutter Sony censors...”.
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? I am not saying I would agree with them, but see Nintendo “had to censors” vs “SJW nutter Sony censors...”.

Yes, had because Nintendo had both the outfit and the feather pixel in the game for release and then patched them out because some snowflaked complained.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Yes, had because Nintendo had both the outfit and the feather pixel in the game for release and then patched them out because some snowflaked complained.

No, that was not my point. It is the “poor company forced to censor against their will” in one case vs. “evil SJW trigger happy snowflakes enjoying their censorship crusade” vibe I was referring to.
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What if you have an online store and a platform where you want to limit the extreme content your target audience is exposed to? What if that extreme content for you is anything you deem extremely sexual and/or potentially objectifying?

Once you agree with that then it is really either committing to using only standard bodies like ESRB and/or CERO or risking that with time as the people inside these companies change (MS will change too in a few years as the new policies announced by Nadella will shape hiring practices, promotions, and genera career development: https://qz.com/work/1595743/microsoft-is-overhauling-how-it-investigates-hr-investigations/).

I think the complaints with Sony are too broad and overblown, but essentially you are reacting not to the policing itself but how it is done... that is the tricky and slippery slope part of it which does rob people who complain of the moral superiority standing point a bit IMHO.

I agree the complaints with Sony are exaggerated by the fact of being Sony and they don't take into account something that is crucial: Sony is the one console manufacturer with more unique / diversed japanese games, games you only see on PC, sexual or not. So, what these harsh critics on Sony don't say is that neither Nintendo nor Microsoft are getting a ton of japanese games that Sony does and in a way that is censorship too, far worse than putting some rays on a chick's ass.

Anyway, censorship has to do with political movements in the western countries so it's not a Sony thing either. If people had not given that much power to some groups now we wouldnt be discussing censorship on games, mangas, animes, etc. But thats a bigger discussion than this about Smash or Sony.

Replying to your question: Yes, I think that if you have an online store where you let EVERY DEVELOPER sell their games, you are censoring if you remove some of the games based on ideological or political reasons. However, it's not the same if you create a game (that is YOUR vision) and then some users within the community fuck up the purpose of the game. You are entitled to defend not only your product but the other users that want to enjoy the game as it was intended.


I'm curious though where Nintendo draws the line. I mean, a poster mentioned Splatoon 2, but even further back with Splatoon 1 I swear like 70-80% of players in the lobby had the phrase "the only thing better than Splatoon is Communism" above them. " Sure, it's a meme/joke, but if Nntendo's got a zero tolerance policy towards politics why was that seemingly ignored? I mean, maybe there were responding to it but it didn't seem to be doing much good from what I saw.

companies usually just draw gudelines and it's up to the individual employee to decide what stays in line and what's over

that at least until someone screws up royally and then the higher ups intervene

the feature just came out so it's under the microscope,so right now the higher ups said to go with the zero tolerance solution


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I agree the complaints with Sony are exaggerated by the fact of being Sony and they don't take into account something that is crucial: Sony is the one console manufacturer with more unique / diversed japanese games, games you only see on PC, sexual or not. So, what these harsh critics on Sony don't say is that neither Nintendo nor Microsoft are getting a ton of japanese games that Sony does and in a way that is censorship too, far worse than putting some rays on a chick's ass.

Anyway, censorship has to do with political movements in the western countries so it's not a Sony thing either. If people had not given that much power to some groups now we wouldnt be discussing censorship on games, mangas, animes, etc. But thats a bigger discussion than this about Smash or Sony.

Replying to your question: Yes, I think that if you have an online store where you let EVERY DEVELOPER sell their games, you are censoring if you remove some of the games based on ideological or political reasons. However, it's not the same if you create a game (that is YOUR vision) and then some users within the community fuck up the purpose of the game. You are entitled to defend not only your product but the other users that want to enjoy the game as it was intended.

Very fair and balanced response, greatly appreciated!

I think Sony and other people in the Sam position might take an issue with the “let every developer publish” especially the “every”. They are not, unless you remove all and any content approval / code of conduct / TRC guidelines / etc... you are already policing the marketplace and some people may see what you say as censorship simply applying the same policing and defending your product (the console, its store, and its services) as well as your targeted user base and how you expect people to address it.

Hence why I think the two cases are more similar than dissimilar.
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Kagey K

I wish more companies had the balls to do it.

It feels wierd that I have to praise Nintendo for taking a stand, when they used to be the company least likely to do it.

They have earned my respect,


Unconfirmed Member
Good. This kind of shit is why we can't have nice things.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
Wouldn't even be shocked if youtubers made these stages just to make outrage video's about it and cash in on it.
I could totally see someone like Kotaku’s Laura Kate Dale creating one of these, reporting it to Nintendo, then writing an outrage-bait article about it when it gets taken down.


I get why having silly levels is funny - in theory. HAHA dicks and stuff, I get why its funny.

It's not funny when you have children playing. Stop ruining everything that is good in the world, there are other places to spread negative energy.

...because children never draw dicks.

I agree with you here and have gotten GAF guff for reporting people in Splatoon 2 and Smash, but I'm starting to suspect it's mostly children perpetrating this kind of stuff and I'm not in the same relation to it as I thought I was.


From what I understand, Sony simply does not allow games with certain rating to not even be included in their store. This caused developers to become angst about their project, aggressively flitering potentially offensive content to mitigate their rating - recent example is the butt light in DMCV. Well, after the backlash, everything was back to normal thankfully.

The thing is, other stores such as eShop and especially Steam (I don’t know about Xbox Store sorry) simply allowed games to prosper regardless of rating. Physical copies can be sold without the fear of being rejected. They just had to show their ratings to customers. Simple.

I mean that’s the point of rating system isn’t it?


it's their game, if its nsfw it probably shouldnt be on there. I do disagree with forced censorship outside of the the rating board especially in third party games. same for political movements and such if you really want to do that go start a subreddit or something it probably doesn't belong in a smash bros fighting game.


I'd be damned, I had no idea such things are not allowed on other platforms.......I thought it was only Sony doing censoring......So where are all the anti-censor guys who were so loud in the other thread.......Even XBOX is banning people from using certain imagery and memes which denote underhanded messaging of the toxic variety......So it seems, all manufacturers will soon look to curtail the type of content allowed on their platforms.....The pressure is on to address this everywhere from every manufacturer....

OTOH, I'm also seeing certain persons referring to the Nintendo console as a children friendly platform? How is that not something that you can say for other platforms too......Is the recommended age for a Nintendo console lower than that for a PS4 or XB1? In the other censorship threads I've been hearing that Nintendo does not censor as Sony does with the anime games, so how is it more kid friendly in that vein and if we also look at violence.......MK is on Switch and so is Wolfenstein and some other violent games....So this platform is no longer all about " Wii Wii, hey it's a me Mario"..........Still it's looking like it just the current climate we're under, everybody is trying to post anything in the name of free-speech and a liberated world with no consequence of how it affects others.......It looks to be people trying to force a point or an idea for wider acceptance of that idea as opposed to really lobbying for free speech.

They should ban people making this shitty stuff on a family-friendly platform. it's pretty disgusting, actually. On the other hand, it's depressing how many idiots are in the world.

I hope Dreams is not widely hampered by this kind of stuff.
Sony is unto that in Dreams, but it's easy because with created content, there must be moderation....It's easy because people will easily report what they think and know to be offensive.......
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