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Nintendo lawsuits aided by fans


Guns N' Poops said:
They wouldn't care if Nintendo was not involved in this. But now it's getting "personal", huh? The Mother Brain is getting hurted, oh noes...

No, they wouldn't. But other people probably do similar things in other cases.

Hopping hermaphrodites on hobos, this is a 10 second email or phone-call reporting a kiosk, not giving up their life to fight the good fight for Nintendo.


So when Halo 2 was leaked, why was everyone going on about it hurting Bungie and how fucking wrong it was. Why were people reporting websites that had the torrent? Why were people forwarding email addys for people who were distributing it?

But, it's different with Nintendo, I guess.


Junior Member
There are two kiosks in my mall and the other day I was bored of following my wife around with her shopping bags so I stoped at a kiosk and started playing some Contra. This guy, who sounds like he just got of the ship from pakistan, asks me, "You like?" I nodded and he getts all in my face as trys to sell it to me. He is sporting some of the worst BO ever so I tell him, "Nah, I have this on my Nintendo but you know they are arresting people at other malls for selling these pirated games." He grabs the controler from my hand and he starts yelling at me, "You go! I call scurty!." I stood there and told him to go ahead and call them. He gets on his cell and with out pressing any buttons he pretends he is calling. My wife then comes to tell me she is ready to go(about time) so I just walk off. On the way out was the second kiosk that was run by two hicks sporting heavy mullets and grease stained shirts. As I passed by I mentioned to one of them that, "The guy at the other kiosk said not to buy your (whatever they are called) becuase they are used and greasy." They both quickly look in the direction of the other kiosk and one spouts off, "That fuckin sand nigger, ima gunna kill heum." My wife punched me in the ribbs and it was all I had to keep from bursting out into laughter.


Spike said:
So when Halo 2 was leaked, why was everyone going on about it hurting Bungie and how fucking wrong it was. Why were people reporting websites that had the torrent? Why were people forwarding email addys for people who were distributing it?

But, it's different with Nintendo, I guess.
I just wanted to quote this because it would probably have been magically 'overlooked'.


olimario said:
If you saw somebody steal a jacket from a store, set up a booth just outside of that store, and try to sell that jacket for half price, would you tell the polics officer standing 2 feet away? Or would you demand that he first buy you a smoothie and suck your cock?

what kind of jacket? i'd probably buy it.


Of course it's different for Nintendo. People are just looking for more things to troll Nintendo fans for. I think that Halo 2 incident is an excellent example of the hypocrisy. Also, let's not forget how disappointed and pissed people were about the Half Life 2 leak last year. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the trolls did the same thing in the case of the next Zelda being leaked.
I work in the industry and would always appreciate the support of fans if I were being ripped off. The rest of you people who just sit idly by saying "what's in it for me?" while getting full entertainment value out of the game(s) I worked really hard on, make me fucking sick to my stomach.

Selfish and self-centered. The world doesn't revolve around you nor Nintendo. It's about doing what's right and THAT'S THAT!

And, no I didn't complain to Nintendo but fully understand why others would.


I don't think I'm going to pay for games, anymore. Obviously, game developers are so generous and giving that they don't need to be paid. They're making the games solely to entertain me, not because there's anything like money involved.
snapty00 said:
I don't think I'm going to pay for games, anymore. Obviously, game developers are so generous and giving that they don't need to be paid. They're making the games solely to entertain me, not because there's anything like money involved.
No one ever said it wasn't about money. This industry isn't about all of the overpaid executives swimming in cash with their mansions and yachts and their luxury cars. It's about the thousands of hard working talented people (and their families) that work their ass off to provide you, YES YOU, entertainment. Working in the video game industry isn't easy. You do pay for your games but somehow you choose to use that as the excuse of your apathy towards those that put in the hard work. "Fuck them. They can lose their jobs for all I care. I just want cheap games."
I reported the kiosk in my mall back in December of last year. E-mailed Piracyscene@noa.com and told em every piece of information I had about the guys. What they were doing was just plain wrong and they knew it. And they were so brazen with their kiosk right in the middle of the mall! This wasn't the back of a pickup at the local flea market. I even saw them on QVC!

Yes, I'm a Nintendo fan, but I own all consoles and would have done the same for any of the companies because it's the right thing to do. Some people will never understand that. Let them do whatever they want.


Console Market Analyst
I work in the industry and would always appreciate the support of fans if I were being ripped off. The rest of you people who just sit idly by saying "what's in it for me?" while getting full entertainment value out of the game(s) I worked really hard on, make me fucking sick to my stomach.

Yes, developers deserve enough respect that they should be compensated for their efforts. But that's where my appreciation ends. I've bought/rented your game; I've put food on your table. And in return, you've delivered what I hope is a fun gameplay experience.

I refuse to go beyond that out of "loyalty" or for the "greater good".

I've seen so many questionable Used Game offerings, Kiosks, Auctions, and Torrent links, that it would be a part time job reporting them all.

As for the "selfishness" of gamers, please. They're simply asking for the same respect shown you. Compensate them for their efforts. It doesn't have to be some grand reward. If game companies offered some kind of minor incentive for this type of reporting, say Club Nintendo Points, I think you would see more participation.
Goreomedy said:
Yes, developers deserve enough respect that they should be compensated for their efforts. But that's where my appreciation ends. I've bought/rented your game; I've put food on your table. And in return, you've delivered what I hope is a fun gameplay experience.

I refuse to go beyond that out of "loyalty" or for the "greater good".

I've seen so many questionable Used Game offerings, Kiosks, Auctions, and Torrent links, that it would be a part time job reporting them all.

As for the "selfishness" of gamers, please. They're simply asking for the same respect shown you. Compensate them for their efforts. It doesn't have to be some grand reward. If game companies offered some kind of minor incentive for this type of reporting, say Club Nintendo Points, I think you would see more participation.

Maybe that karma will come back and have your livelyhood raped while you watch?
Goreomedy said:
Yes, developers deserve enough respect that they should be compensated for their efforts. But that's where my appreciation ends. I've bought/rented your game; I've put food on your table. And in return, you've delivered what I hope is a fun gameplay experience.

I refuse to go beyond that out of "loyalty" or for the "greater good".
It has nothing to do with "loyalty" but if you don't want to do what's right by reporting illegal activity then that's your perogative. Just don't go crying if someone doesn't report someone stealing your car or breaking into your house. It's the principle.

I've seen so many questionable Used Game offerings, Kiosks, Auctions, and Torrent links, that it would be a part time job reporting them all.

As for the "selfishness" of gamers, please. They're simply asking for the same respect shown you. Compensate them for their efforts. It doesn't have to be some grand reward. If game companies offered some kind of minor incentive for this type of reporting, say Club Nintendo Points, I think you would see more participation.
No one is suggesting for anyone to start up a personal crusade against piracy in general. Some people can't let others do what they feel is right (for whatever reason) and feel the need to belittle them or just flat out be assholes to them for no justifiable reason. Again, you are stating that the gamers need to get something for their actions so it is about being selfish. Reporting these kiosks are a voluntary action by people who care. Suggesting Nintendo needing to offer an 'incentive' for people to do what's right is fucking ridiculous. It's not about respect, IT'S ABOUT DOING WHAT'S RIGHT!

What goes around comes around so when your house gets broken into and your personal belongings destroyed and/or stolen, don't blame the potential witnesses that won't come forth simply because "there's nothing in it for them".


Console Market Analyst
Spare me the pity party.

I'm in the film industry. I do consider piracy a problem, but I don't think those who legally watched a film I've worked on should be guilted into reporting the latest Suprnova-linked torrent or Flea Market bin. Recognizing that they probably have better things to do with their time than be my informant shows them a hell of a lot more respect than what's coming out of the likes of MrFurious.

Incentive programs, harsher and wider ranging punishments, more convenient delivery systems, competitive prices to shut down the used market, there's so much more both industries can do to battle this type of crime.

Why ask our fans to be pro-active, when we fail at it?
Goreomedy said:
Spare me the pity party.

I'm in the film industry. I do consider piracy a problem, but I don't think those who legally watched a film I've worked on should be guilted into reporting the latest Suprnova-linked torrent or Flea Market bin. Recognizing that they probably have better things to do with their time than be my informant shows them a hell of a lot more respect than what's coming out of the likes of MrFurious.

Incentive programs, harsher and wider ranging punishments, more convenient delivery systems, competitive prices to shut down the used market, there's so much more both industries can do to battle this type of crime.

Why ask our fans to be pro-active, when we fail at it?

Its amazing the lengths some people will go to to avoid just doing what's right.


Console Market Analyst
krypt0nian said:
Its amazing the lengths some people will go to to avoid just doing what's right.

Gee, another single-sentence dismissal that refutes none of my points.

If you have the ability to construct a paragraph, krpyt, perhaps explain how my disdain for the "fans are obligated to do our job" attitude is a thumbs up to piracy?
Goreomedy said:
Gee, another single-sentence dismissal that refutes none of my points.

If you have the ability to construct a paragraph, krpyt, perhaps explain how my disdain for the "fans are obligated to do our job" attitude is a thumbs up to piracy?

No one is obligated to do the right thing? Were you raised by wolves? Seriously. How can you debate this?

Why the hell would I need more than one sentence? Why should you even need to be told this?

No wonder the world is fucked.
Goreomedy said:
Spare me the pity party.

I'm in the film industry. I do consider piracy a problem, but I don't think those who legally watched a film I've worked on should be guilted into reporting the latest Suprnova-linked torrent or Flea Market bin. Recognizing that they probably have better things to do with their time than be my informant shows them a hell of a lot more respect than what's coming out of the likes of MrFurious.

Incentive programs, harsher and wider ranging punishments, more convenient delivery systems, competitive prices to shut down the used market, there's so much more both industries can do to battle this type of crime.

Why ask our fans to be pro-active, when we fail at it?
No one's being guilted into doing anything. You're simply making things to be much more than they really are. Some Nintendo fans and just generally concerned gamers/consumers decided to voluntarily, notify Nintendo about these kiosks. What's the big fucking deal? Why come into this thread and treat people like shit for doing what they think is right? I respect many things in this world but piracy isn't one of them. I'd figure since you work in the movie business you'd be more sympathetic but obviously you're not. Maybe it's because you indulge in piracy yourself? I don't know and it doesn't matter but if you walked into a mall and saw a kiosk of pirated movies that you worked on, or that your company owned the rights to, maybe you'd feel different. But then again, probably not. Doing what's right shows character and earns more respect than someone who sits idly by doing nothing because there's no incentive for them. Respect is earned through one's actions yet you see fit to give respect to those that do absolutely nothing. Go figure.


Goreomedy said:
Why ask our fans to be pro-active, when we fail at it?

I don't see anyone asking. All I see is people doing something, and then being belittled for doing it for no reward.


snapty00 said:
:lol The fact that you even compare this to charity exemplifies exactly what I'm talking about.

:lol I don't know what these people get out of reporting people like that. They're just trying to make a living aswell, probably got family and shit. Does it make them feel good to report piracy to a mulit-BILLION dollar company? And having some joe-blow trying to make ends meet go to jail? I don't necessarily agree with what they do, but I sure is hell am not gonna be reporting them like some bitch.


MrparisSM said:
:lol I don't know what these people get out of reporting people like that. They're just trying to make a living aswell, probably got family and shit. Does it make them feel good to report piracy to a mulit-BILLION dollar company? And having some joe-blow trying to make ends meet go to jail? I don't necessarily agree with what they do, but I sure is hell am not gonna be reporting them like some bitch.



Console Market Analyst
Mr_Furious said:
No one's being guilted into doing anything. You're simply making things to be much more than they really are. Some Nintendo fans and just generally concerned gamers/consumers decided to voluntarily, notify Nintendo about these kiosks. What's the big fucking deal? Why come into this thread and treat people like shit for doing what they think is right? I respect many things in this world but piracy isn't one of them. I'd figure since you work in the movie business you'd be more sympathetic but obviously you're not. Maybe it's because you indulge in piracy yourself? I don't know and it doesn't matter but if you walked into a mall and saw a kiosk of pirated movies that you worked on, or that your company owned the rights to, maybe you'd feel different. But then again, probably not. Doing what's right shows character and earns more respect than someone who sits idly by doing nothing because there's no incentive for them. Respect is earned through one's actions yet you see fit to give respect to those that do absolutely nothing. Go figure.

I'm not applauding people who are shitting on good samaritans(my ribbing of Olimario comes from his own pirating of a game). And no, I don't pirate anything.

I just don't believe it is out of line for someone to ask for something in return, considering our own stubbornness. There's an ocean of pirated software and films out there, and with the Industry's current stance of "We won't change, we'll just suggest to the public that THEY change," isn't going to work.

I think it's great if someone feels compelled to help out someone else in need, no matter who it is, but I won't fault others for being cynical and apathetic when we can't turn to ourselves and protect our own IPs through the methods I suggested.
Goreomedy said:
I'm not applauding people who are shitting on good samaritans(my ribbing of Olimario comes from his own pirating of a game). And no, I don't pirate anything.

I just don't believe it is out of line for someone to ask for something in return, considering our own stubbornness. There's an ocean of pirated software and films out there, and with the Industry's current stance of "We won't change, we'll just suggest to the public that THEY change," isn't going to work.

I think it's great if someone feels compelled to help out someone else in need, no matter who it is, but I won't fault others for being cynical and apathetic when we can't turn to ourselves and protect our own IPs through the methods I suggested.
Asking is different than requiring. Sure Nintendo could offer up some program to reward those that contributed but those people did it anyways without any thought of compensation and I applaud them. I can't speak for either industry as a whole accept that both are against piracy (obviously). Efforts vary from company to company but it's probably more to do with time, money and man power but that's just my guess. Piracy is a rampant problem in the entertainment industy that requires more than just the efforts of the companies being affected. If you want the companies to "fight their own fight" then expect them to spend millions of dollars doing so which'll mean higher prices for the things we purchase to entertain ourselves like movies, games and music. Either that or the reallocation of resources (funds) which could result in job loss. Neither of us pirate so we're doing our little part to fight the cause, I suppose ;)

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
/me wonders how many people poking fun at the Nintendo fans turning pirates in, were the same people bitching that the French pirated a copy of halo 2....


Console Market Analyst
I'm a bit more optimistic when it comes to the gains to be had by investing in the future. :D

The way you beat piracy is by taking away the excuses. Apple knows this. The rest will catch up eventually. But for our sake, yes, I hope it is sooner rather than later.
this is an interesting thread. about three weeks ago, i saw these very machines at a kiosk in one of my local malls. and, like the guy above me, i ended up playing some contra. while leaving, i considered calling the fbi on these people. it's easy to say, "it's not my problem..." or something to that extent, but the truth is that if it was a company i owned that these people were stealing from i'd care a lot. i never ended up contacting the authorities, but i say "well done" to all those in this thread that did. i suppose it comes down to perspective...
I wonder how many of those complaining in this thread about people reporting these kiosks have a modded Xbox with thousands of stolen NES and SNES roms.


Goreomedy said:
The way you beat piracy is by taking away the excuses. Apple knows this. The rest will catch up eventually.
No, I think you have to remove the availability as well as the excuses. If something as ubiquitous, easy and straightforward as Napster were still going, I don't think that iTunes would be as big. Copyright holders may never kill newsgroups or IRC FTPs, but that stuff is way to technical for the majority of users. If they can get rid of Torrents and the easier p2p programs, the battle is won (more or less).

At the very least, you have to strike fear into "casual" pirates (with the threat of lawsuits and whatnot). If they can't see any consequences to stealing others' IPs, then I doubt that they will stop.


Junior Member
MrparisSM said:
:lol I don't know what these people get out of reporting people like that. They're just trying to make a living aswell, probably got family and shit. Does it make them feel good to report piracy to a mulit-BILLION dollar company? And having some joe-blow trying to make ends meet go to jail? I don't necessarily agree with what they do, but I sure is hell am not gonna be reporting them like some bitch.

Holy shit, you must support prostitutes and drug dealers too.


Gek54 said:
Holy shit, you must support prostitutes and drug dealers too.
Don't forget the shoplifters! They need to make money too!

Damn, we could almost start a "Save the Criminals" campaign...


Queen of Denmark
I would report a kiosk like this just as I would report a shoplifter. It has nothing to do with Nintendo. And even if it did, who the fuck cares? So people like a company enough that they don't want to see its IP stolen. It's no skin off your ass.
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