I would wait longer before buying. Things should tank even more until the next investor's meeting, whenever that is.
That would be the 30th of this month.
I would wait longer before buying. Things should tank even more until the next investor's meeting, whenever that is.
To be fair, these are only symptoms.
- Unnecessary Region Locking in this day and age while making stupid excuses when the competitors don't bother using it
- Lack of expected online features
- Games tied to console and not to account
- Lack of new franchises
- Censorship in this day and age
Read the rest of the sentence you picked a snippet from - it's more than just gross profits right now, and you are a bit delusional if you think Nintendo purposely killed their US market. Where do you people get this stuff? It's like mass delusion.
Just because Nintendo doesn't make games and target their consoles for 15 year old boys who want to shoot stuff doesn't mean they resent the "West" or something silly. They also don't put develop hentai games and target Otakus in Japan.
That's why they are considered "family friendly" - there is nothing hateful towards Americans or Europeans about it.
Just to be precise, the Corporate Management Policy Briefing will be held on the 30th of January. Includes a presentation and a Q&A, perhaps more.That would be the 30th of this month.
Tell that to Atari.
Is it time to buy shares?
Nintendo's my fave, so I only hope good for them, but I've always wanted to have the opportunity to invest too.. and that means their shares need to dive a bit. >__>
Is it time to buy shares?
Nintendo's my fave, so I only hope good for them, but I've always wanted to have the opportunity to invest too.. and that means their shares need to dive a bit. >__>
Personally, I am not sure what the answer would be besides focusing more on the dudebro or technophile demographic with less focus on being family-appropriate, but I'm not sure if I want another console/mindset similar to Sony and Microsoft.
You still have year or more of Wii U flopping to drive share prices down
You can profit by short selling if you expect the shares to decline, but it's a bit late now. In hindsight this was actually quite predictable to most salesagers, so the recent rise in Nintendo shares was actually a great opportunity to profit on the decline in the share price following the inevitable profit warning and missed forecasts (which nearly everyone could see coming).
The Gamepad is the best thing about the console.
How in the hell do you go from 9m to 2.8m? That's a huge decline. Who came up with 9m in the first place? Isnt that basically lying to stock holders?
Ah yes I noticed it's American over the counter pink sheets, though I have no clue why they are on there, when their actual stock I believe is traded on the Nikkei.
Tell that to Atari.
Is it time to buy shares?
Nintendo's my fave, so I only hope good for them, but I've always wanted to have the opportunity to invest too.. and that means their shares need to dive a bit. >__>
Then again if it was accompanied by Iwata resigning, it could well have led to a large increase.
At what point was Atari releasing quality games?
So good time to buy Nintendo shares?
There's no way to really lie in a forecast, because you don't know the future results yet. If you're wrong, it's not because you lied, it's because you guessed incorrectly. Nintendo's guess was really wrong, and I would argue it was wildly optimistic. You can be wildly, irrationally optimistic as long as you put one of these at the bottom:
Forecasts announced by Nintendo Co., Ltd. herein are prepared based on management's assumptions with information available at this time and therefore involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Please note such risks and uncertainties may cause the actual results to be materially different from the forecasts (earnings forecast, dividend forecast and other forecasts).
It's an ADR. Sony's shares on the NYSE(SNE) are actually also an ADR, but they are a higher level, which is why they can be listed on a US exchange.
Over the past 30 years, Nintendo has faced a grand total of two losses, both of which were under Iwata's reign. It's time for him to leave.
How in the hell do you go from 9m to 2.8m? That's a huge decline. Who came up with 9m in the first place? Isn't that basically lying to stock holders?
That is true to an extent, but the forecasts have to be based in some kind of reality. For an industry like the video game industry, where FYQ3 makes up such a large percentage of annual sales then there really has to be a compelling reason (massive price cut in FYQ4 etc ) not to issue revised guidance after becomes clear that they completely missed their forecasts up until that point in time.
They were releasing quality games in the arcades.
Holy Nintenbomba
Is it time to buy shares?
Nintendo's my fave, so I only hope good for them, but I've always wanted to have the opportunity to invest too.. and that means their shares need to dive a bit. >__>
Personally, I am not sure what the answer would be besides focusing more on the dudebro or technophile demographic with less focus on being family-appropriate, but I'm not sure if I want another console/mindset similar to Sony and Microsoft.
Doesn't need to be a law. The fact that they chose to not revise them after missing them so heavily is going to be their own punishment.
I actually got a Wii-U for Christmas (by choice); I did my part!
This might explain why the 1st party titles never go down in price on the Wii-U. Sorta like the vita memory cards.
Might be mistaken but I'm pretty sure both Sega and Atari were broke when they left the console business. Sega for sure, they couldn't afford to continue operating as they were, and if not for Sammy (or another company that may have picked them up) they might not exist at all today.
Is there an actual law that says you have to revise them when you know you're going to miss? It seems like there should be, but I don't know if there is. My understanding was that the safe harbor provision is really, really broad, but I'm not a securities lawyer (or any other kind of lawyer, for that matter).
I don't even know what possessed him to say 9 million in the first place. Nor do I understand why it took so long to revise that ridiculous number either.
Is it time to buy shares?
Nintendo's my fave, so I only hope good for them, but I've always wanted to have the opportunity to invest too.. and that means their shares need to dive a bit. >__>
Personally, I am not sure what the answer would be besides focusing more on the dudebro or technophile demographic with less focus on being family-appropriate, but I'm not sure if I want another console/mindset similar to Sony and Microsoft.
That's what's so bad about people defending this goat rodeo.
On "would Nintendo quality collapse if they went third-party", that's not really the risk nor is it what happened with Sega. Sega's quality didn't collapse. What happened was their scope. If you're not a first-party, you can't justify loss-leaders. You don't greenlight games in genres just to improve your ecosystem diversity. You stop greenlighting marginal stuff. Now, this doesn't mean there aren't outlets for smaller franchises--Microsoft released a Hydro Thunder game on XBLA, and then on WP7/8, and then W8--just that you don't release games just to have them out there without thinking about whether or not they'll recoup investment. Sega would not be likely to make another Bonanza Bros, just from an ROI perspective.
I would expect a third-party Nintendo to have fewer employees, release fewer games (I would expect a bunch of the Mario Sports titles to get dropped, for example), jettison a chunk of their lesser performing IPs, and publish fewer games from other companies in different regions. But I wouldn't expect the average quality of the games they did release to be reduced. And I don't think they'd lose their acumen just by no longer working on their own hardware.
On "would Nintendo quality collapse if they went third-party", that's not really the risk nor is it what happened with Sega. Sega's quality didn't collapse. What happened was their scope. If you're not a first-party, you can't justify loss-leaders. You don't greenlight games in genres just to improve your ecosystem diversity. You stop greenlighting marginal stuff. Now, this doesn't mean there aren't outlets for smaller franchises--Microsoft released a Hydro Thunder game on XBLA, and then on WP7/8, and then W8--just that you don't release games just to have them out there without thinking about whether or not they'll recoup investment. Sega would not be likely to make another Bonanza Bros, just from an ROI perspective.
I would expect a third-party Nintendo to have fewer employees, release fewer games (I would expect a bunch of the Mario Sports titles to get dropped, for example), jettison a chunk of their lesser performing IPs, and publish fewer games from other companies in different regions. But I wouldn't expect the average quality of the games they did release to be reduced. And I don't think they'd lose their acumen just by no longer working on their own hardware.
How deluded could they be to make those predictions in the first place.
Mario Sports are high performing IPs that are probably pretty cheap on the whole, why would they drop those? They'd drop Starfox, F-zero, Metroid, 3D Zelda, and any RPGs or things contracted through Platinum Games if that was the case because those cost a lot and don't do well enough to justify it. You'd get more Mario, more Wii * (and these would most definitely degrade as a result of hardware), fucking Donkey Kong, Kirby and anything else that's high ROI. It would also likely give more incentive to not create a healthy userbase but gouge the hell out of consumers of specific products like Pokemon and Animal Crossing (not that Iwata would, but a "good" gaming CEO certainly would). Certainly not a rosy outlook.