Three years is indeed 'short' in terms of a console generation.If you consider outselling the PS3 and 360 for THREE consecutive calendar years "short", then I agree with you
Three years is indeed 'short' in terms of a console generation.If you consider outselling the PS3 and 360 for THREE consecutive calendar years "short", then I agree with you
Three years is indeed 'short' in terms of a console generation.
Question not pertaining to the quote
Who the fuck is Iwata? Probably some analyst who knows fuck all about anything like that Michael Patcher.
Nintendo is doing fine. 3DS is a beast, a powerhouse, it outsells the Vita 10 to 1. And Wii U was just recently released, we absolutely cannot call it a failure yet. It's too soon. We have to wait at least another 3 years. It just had its best sales in both Japan and US, lololol at anyone who thinks it is dead.
Shares down a whopping 16%!! Wowza
Yeah, they could very well miss that number as well. What are European and Australian sales at? Barely a blip on the radar?
Getting the Wii mini into China might be Nintendo's best bet in the coming year. At least they made it the right color.
I doubt the WiiU will sell 2.8 in that period, to be honest.
Shares down a whopping 16%!! Wowza
Who the fuck is Iwata? Probably some analyst who knows fuck all about anything like that Michael Patcher.
Nintendo is doing fine. 3DS is a beast, a powerhouse, it outsells the Vita 10 to 1. And Wii U was just recently released, we absolutely cannot call it a failure yet. It's too soon. We have to wait at least another 3 years. It just had its best sales in both Japan and US, lololol at anyone who thinks it is dead.
Please god let me wake up one day to a Nintendo has gone third party thread.
I feel it getting more and more real by the day.
Zelda on my PC, Mario on my Xbone, Pokemans on my iPhone. GOD DAMN.
How's sonic doing on all those devices?
Conventional wisdom is that panic mode Nintendo is the best Nintendo. Guess we'll get a chance to find out.
The only thing keeping stock up is Nintendo commenting that they may be changing business focus, and comments about mobile.
The mobile rumor has given Nintendo sporadic boosts for the last couple months.
Who the fuck is Iwata? Probably some analyst who knows fuck all about anything like that Michael Patcher.
Nintendo is doing fine. 3DS is a beast, a powerhouse, it outsells the Vita 10 to 1. And Wii U was just recently released, we absolutely cannot call it a failure yet. It's too soon. We have to wait at least another 3 years. It just had its best sales in both Japan and US, lololol at anyone who thinks it is dead.
29th, 6th and 23rd respectively.When are they (Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft) releasing last quarter results?
Straight up myth. The one time Nintendo went into panic mode, they gave us Mario Sunshine and an unfinished Zelda. I'll take unforthcoming, patient Nintendo anyday.
Who the fuck is Iwata? Probably some analyst who knows fuck all about anything like that Michael Patcher.
Nintendo is doing fine. 3DS is a beast, a powerhouse, it outsells the Vita 10 to 1. And Wii U was just recently released, we absolutely cannot call it a failure yet. It's too soon. We have to wait at least another 3 years. It just had its best sales in both Japan and US, lololol at anyone who thinks it is dead.
When was the last decent Sonic game? 1/3rd of Generations?
Thanks! Really curious to see them.29th, 6th and 23rd respectively.
Yep I worry what would happen to Nintendo's IPs if they went 3rd party. It's a possibility just not one I expect would have a great long-term outcome on the quality level of their software offerings
You seem to be implying that the console business for everyone is dying. Is that your take? I personally still see a market for high end machines delivering top experiences. I however do think it'd be hard for Nintendo to be a part of that because they would have to change their approach to gaming considerably, and they would be up against two big players.Guys - there is zero reason why Nintendo would partner with Samsung, and there is zero reason why Samsung would partner with Nintendo.
Nintendo isn't in need of hardware support - they need a fundamental shift in their product focus for an audience that doesn't want to own consoles or a handheld but could see themselves owning a tablet.
Home consoles are dying or dead for Nintendo, and handhelds are going extinct. The former is understandable - but the latter is the death nail. Nintendo needs to come up with something new that is contemporary and fits a particular pattern of ownership.
Nintendo is making telegraphs when their audience is using telephones. Working on Sony's telegraph or Microsoft's telegraph or Samsung's telegraph isn't going to help when their audience is using telephones.
My theory is that Road has been possessed by the ghost of gaghiddy...This is the most perfectly well-formed troll post I've ever seen. I'm in awe. You even used all the right buzz-words and typoed Pachter's name. It's so perfect. Like a 200 carat flawless diamond. If you just had, like, an X avatar or something you'd have 200 people falling for it right now.
I can't wait to pick up a WiiU in the landfill next to E.T.
Who the fuck is Iwata? Probably some analyst who knows fuck all about anything like that Michael Patcher.
Nintendo is doing fine. 3DS is a beast, a powerhouse, it outsells the Vita 10 to 1. And Wii U was just recently released, we absolutely cannot call it a failure yet. It's too soon. We have to wait at least another 3 years. It just had its best sales in both Japan and US, lololol at anyone who thinks it is dead.
I'm sadly expecting this to be the case come the full results/shareholder meeting.It's a glimmer of hope. At least it's better than "We are staying the course. Please understand." Shares would have plummeted with that kind of arrogance.
I feel so bad for Nintendo. They make the very best video games on the planet and no one wants to buy them. The direction of the entire industry pretty much sucks right now.
Quality going down because of moving to third party is a myth. Just because it happened to Sega doesn't mean it happens to all.
Sega's first couple of post-Dreamcast years were great. Then they turned to shit because they were reorganizing and killing their best dev houses, and changed focus to fledgling American studios. The same wouldn't happen to everyone, just companies being run by idiots. Like Sega
You seem to be implying that the console business for everyone is dying. Is that your take? I personally still see a market for high end machines delivering top experiences. I however do think it'd be hard for Nintendo to be a part of that because they would have to change their approach to gaming considerably, and they would be up against two big players.
It just feels like Nintendo has been slowly pushed out of that space since PS1 appeared. They did well with Wii and need something like that again to survive in that space at all. Your tablet idea could be that although I'm not so convinced. If parents are using iPhones and iPads, why would they buy a completely different system for their children? They couldn't share games, movies or music with them. It'd have to be throwaway pricing like a toy.
How in the hell do you go from 9m to 2.8m? That's a huge decline. Who came up with 9m in the first place? Isnt that basically lying to stock holders?
Do you honestly believe the leadership and ideologies that make Nintendo Nintendo would be exactly the same if they went 3rd Party? I worry they would adopt the same approach most major 3rd party developers/publishers have been adopting as of late and try to generalize their product to appeal to more gamers, try to update their products with more western development approaches. While Nintendo's approach to making games being unchanged going 3rd party is a possibility, I don't think it's a very likely one.
Brutal markdowns. Rapidly approaching "change, or else" territory, and their board is crammed with conservative old men.
Brutal markdowns. Rapidly approaching "change, or else" territory, and their board is crammed with conservative old men.
Tell that to Atari.Quality going down because of moving to third party is a myth. Just because it happened to Sega doesn't mean it happens to all.
Wow, shares are down 16% with a couple more hours to go...
That why when I heard Iwata saying all these things about a new "business structure" I find it hard to believe that with the same board that led Nintendo to this point, they will make the appropiate changes to turn the situation.
I don't think they have the vision to do so.
Shares down a whopping 16%!! Wowza
which one? Nikkei is only -2.7%. Though they probably announced it right before the stock market closed.
Maybe the plan is to sink the company's public worth so much that such a plan would actually work.![]()
Clearly their goal is to lower their worth as much as possible and buy everything.
which one? Nikkei is only -2.7%. Though they probably announced it right before the stock market closed.
Is it time to buy shares?
Nintendo's my fave, so I only hope good for them, but I've always wanted to have the opportunity to invest too.. and that means their shares need to dive a bit. >__>
Personally, I am not sure what the answer would be besides focusing more on the dudebro or technophile demographic with less focus on being family-appropriate, but I'm not sure if I want another console/mindset similar to Sony and Microsoft.
I would wait longer before buying. Things should tank even more until the next investor's meeting, whenever that is.Is it time to buy shares?
Nintendo's my fave, so I only hope good for them, but I've always wanted to have the opportunity to invest too.. and that means their shares need to dive a bit. >__>
Personally, I am not sure what the answer would be besides focusing more on the dudebro or technophile demographic with less focus on being family-appropriate, but I'm not sure if I want another console/mindset similar to Sony and Microsoft.