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Nintendo Power Scores 12/07 (Fire Emblem Wii, Contra 4, GHIII, etc)


ninj4junpei said:
I'm not quite sure what that means. I'm still intending to get this though the review scores worry me. I might just get Zack & Wiki instead.

I'm not entirely sure what it means either, because you CAN target specific enemies. Maybe the full review explains a bit more as to what trey mean with that, but as it stands, I'm a but befuddled by that criticism.

The stuff about the game seeming archaic in some respects... that I can understand. It is absolutely a very retro experience. That still probably isn't the score I'd gave personally given the game, but I recognize it isn't for everyone.
ethelred said:
I'm not entirely sure what it means either, because you CAN target specific enemies. Maybe the full review explains a bit more as to what trey mean with that, but as it stands, I'm a but befuddled by that criticism.

The stuff about the game seeming archaic in some respects... that I can understand. It is absolutely a very retro experience. That still probably isn't the score I'd gave personally given the game, but I recognize it isn't for everyone.
Is it archaic compared to other Front Missions or SRPGs in general? My experience with Front Mission is very minor so I might not find it archaic.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
ThirstyFly said:
Nov 13th isn't an official date?

I heard it was pushed to 2008, they even pulled the date from Gamefaqs DS's release list.

Well, I'm glad then... I'm off to preorder it right now :D

Edit: Mhhhh...


Rancid Mildew said:
Would you please summarize what was said about the Brawl soundtrack? I know they say it's excellent but I'd love to know if the tracks are going to be orchestrated and impressions on tracks not on the Dojo.

- Each newly arranged track marks the triumphant return of a beloved melody (i.e. Kid Icarus tune redone, epic MGS4 theme, Ocarina of Time medley)

- The rest is the list of composers. Probably nothing new.

NSider said:
Can anyone post a summary of the Fire Emblem review? I love the series, but 9.5 is a bit much.

- Controls so simple that a monkey could navigate it (it's the Wii remote sideways, like a NES controller)
- Interface is elegant and simple.
- Strategy and emotional bonding with the characters is intense. Will be sad when you lose them.
- Doesn't go deep into plot details but states there are twists, heartaches, betrayals, and enough political commentary to makt he '08 prez campaign look like a run for class president.
- If you are not familiar with Fire Emblem but enjoy Advance Wars / Final Fantasy Tactics / Ogre Battle - you'll dig it.
- If you like using your noggin and dramatic plots - you'll dig it, too.
- If you're already an Emblem fan, prepare to be wowed.
- Excellent production values; 30 hour campaign.

Review by Scott P.

Johnas said:
I can't be the only person curious about the comments for Contra IV.

I mean 8.5 is a great score, but I was really expecting 9+.

- Captures the look and feel of the series perfectly.
- It's intense, fast-paced, and hard.
- No saving; everything is pattern-based - so practice.
- As long as you have the right mindset and patience, it's immensely satisfying.
- Rock-solid controls and great level design
- Game looks fantastic, meticulously detailed backgrounds
- Lively soundtrack (nice cues to classic Contra)
- Blind spot between screens leads to some frustrating deaths (says it is a major complaint). Especially during stages with lots of vertical movement.
- As long as you're open to it's old-school approach, it stands as one of the year's best pure action titles.

Review by Steve T.


Everything I know about Radiant Dawn (and I know a LOT, spoiled a bunch for myself in the process) indicates that it is quite likely the absolute best of the series so far. It's far, far longer than any other FE game, the plot is also the most epic in the entire series (
the final boss is God
), the presentation hits new respectable highs, and on the technical side you have more depth than ever before and also can promote TWICE. It takes everything from Path of Radiance and ups the ante considerably.

Good stuff.


vertopci said:
Never played the GC one...Should I before playing this one?
It's a very good idea to, yes. Radiant Dawn is a direct sequel and there's lots of references you won't properly appreciate without familiarity with Path of Radiance.


sk3tch said:
- Captures the look and feel of the series perfectly.
- It's intense, fast-paced, and hard.
- No saving; everything is pattern-based - so practice.
- As long as you have the right mindset and patience, it's immensely satisfying.
- Rock-solid controls and great level design
- Game looks fantastic, meticulously detailed backgrounds
- Lively soundtrack (nice cues to classic Contra)
- Blind spot between screens leads to some frustrating deaths (says it is a major complaint). Especially during stages with lots of vertical movement.
- As long as you're open to it's old-school approach, it stands as one of the year's best pure action titles.

Many thanks, sounds great. I'll have to see for myself about the gap, everything else sounds just like I hoped it would. Really hyped about the music.


Zeed said:
Everything I know about Radiant Dawn (and I know a LOT, spoiled a bunch for myself in the process) indicates that it is quite likely the absolute best of the series so far. It's far, far longer than any other FE game, the plot is also the most epic in the entire series (
the final boss is God
), the presentation hits new respectable highs, and on the technical side you have more depth than ever before and also can promote TWICE. It takes everything from Path of Radiance and ups the ante considerably.

Good stuff.
RPG GoTy confirmed.


Please help me with my bad english
sk3tch said:
- Captures the look and feel of the series perfectly.
- It's intense, fast-paced, and hard.
- No saving; everything is pattern-based - so practice.
- As long as you have the right mindset and patience, it's immensely satisfying.
- Rock-solid controls and great level design
- Game looks fantastic, meticulously detailed backgrounds
- Lively soundtrack (nice cues to classic Contra)
- Blind spot between screens leads to some frustrating deaths (says it is a major complaint). Especially during stages with lots of vertical movement.
- As long as you're open to it's old-school approach, it stands as one of the year's best pure action titles.

Review by Steve T.
fuck yeah


sk3tch said:
- Positive, positive, positive
- BAM! Ends with "Unfortunately, for all of its cool options and play modes, Power Pros fails to hit it out of the park because the on-field gameplay is disappointingly simplistic and suffers from lackluster controls. Maybe next year." Review by Steve T.

This is about as wrong as a reviewer could possibly be.

If PP is 6.5, then The Show is 5.5 and 2k7 is 2.5


Arde5643 said:
Crap, looks like I'll be replacing BWii with Fire Emblem - crap, why must it score so good in Nintendo Power?

Cuz it's Fire Emblem? :lol
I dunno, FE is the kind of series that just gets you wanting more, imo. No matter how many times you have to reset.


ninj4junpei said:
Is it archaic compared to other Front Missions or SRPGs in general? My experience with Front Mission is very minor so I might not find it archaic.

Well, it's an SNES game. It's very old. When playing through FFT: War of the Lions and reading through the official thread, I was surprised by how many people thought it was ancient compared to newer stuff like Jeanne d'Arc. Games age.

Arde5643 said:
Crap, looks like I'll be replacing BWii with Fire Emblem - crap, why must it score so good in Nintendo Power?

Someone should never buy shit like Battalion Wars over the awesomeness that is Fire Emblem.


GamerSoul said:
Cuz it's Fire Emblem? :lol
I dunno, FE is the kind of series that just gets you wanting more, imo. No matter how many times you have to reset.
I was looking forward to BWii for a hybrid RTS fix - especially since I haven't been having fun with the latest FE on portables.

But the new FE sounds too good to miss....


Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Wii) 9.5

Is the title a mistake ? Shouldn't it FE:Radiant Dawn ? FE:pOR is the GameCube game, right ? While FE:RD is the brand-new, Wii-only game ?

I remember that FE:RD (was know as FE: Goddes Dawn) is to be released November 07, and I have been waiting to play this game ever since the Japan release.


apujanata said:
Is the title a mistake ? Shouldn't it FE:Radiant Dawn ? FE:pOR is the GameCube game, right ? While FE:RD is the brand-new, Wii-only game ?

I remember that FE:RD (was know as FE: Goddes Dawn) is to be released November 07, and I have been waiting to play this game ever since the Japan release.

Looks like it is a typo in the magazine.

The review title is "Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance" - but in the first paragraph the reviewer (Scott P.) says: "...in the case of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Intelligent Systems made the right move for the tactical RPG by crafting a control scheme using the Wii remote held sideways like a NES controller."


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Testicular Sound Express said:
UPDATE 9: Some Upcoming Wii Games: Draglade from Atlus (it’s also for DS) and London Taxi: Rush Hour from Activision.

More shi-shovelware for Wii.


Tristam said:
What's Chris Slate's "letter from the editor" read like? I'd be interested since this is his first issue.

He says the Wii is a fad.

It's just a bunch of fan service stuff. Him being so happy to be at the helm of a magazine that he has subscribed to for so long. He thanks Scott Pelland and the rest of the team at Nintendo for their help. Says you'll see new faces along with familiar ones in the mag. Email address is pulse@futureus.com - SPAM away! ;)


sk3tch said:
He says the Wii is a fad.

It's just a bunch of fan service stuff. Him being so happy to be at the helm of a magazine that he has subscribed to for so long. He thanks Scott Pelland and the rest of the team at Nintendo for their help. Says you'll see new faces along with familiar ones in the mag. Email address is pulse@futureus.com - SPAM away! ;)

Cool, thanks! :p
TJ Spyke said:
Does anyone know if Contra 4 feels more like the original Contra game? I didn't like Contra III: The Alien Wars.

I haven't played it, but I've been following it pretty closely. From what I understand, it feels more like Contra & Super C than Contra III.

The level design definitely looks more like Super C than the other games in the series.


king zell said:
Sin and Punishment Wii sequel not out of the question
October 23rd, 2007

Coming from the latest issue of Nintendo Power…

NP: When we spoke a couple of years ago, you mentioned that you would like to do a sequel to Sin and Punishment. Has the team given any more thought to that? And don’t you think it would be a perfect fit for Wii?

Masato Maegawa, Treasure: When we were originally working on Sin and Punishment [for Virtual Console], there was some discussion utilizing Wii-like controls, and I think now that we’re working more with the Wii, it is something we’d very much like to try.



I really do think that Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is a strong contender for RPG GOTY. What else have we seen this year? Blue Dragon?


This is the first bad Power Pros review I've seen, it hasn't gotten anything lower than an 80% so far until that crappy review.


Master of the Google Search
Zeed said:
I really do think that Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is a strong contender for RPG GOTY. What else have we seen this year? Blue Dragon?
Eternal Sonata
Etrian Odyssey
Mass Effect
Persona 3
Odin Sphere
Jeanne d'Arc


Zeed said:
I really do think that Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is a strong contender for RPG GOTY. What else have we seen this year? Blue Dragon?
I'm dead serious when I proclaim this RPG of the year. Blue Dragon was terrible, and Eternal Sonata wasn't that good.

It's between this and Mass Effect.
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